
  1. 月末SALE開催中:今だから予約できるお得なプラン【楽天トラベル】【楽天トラベル|月末SALE】12/2(月)9:59まで!高級宿・温泉宿・ビジネスホテルのランキング満載!国内宿泊/国内ツアーのご予約は楽天トラベルで!travel.rakuten.co.jpプチプラ便利アイテム【楽天1位&7冠】ピコタン専用 【スタンダード&防水軽量 バッグインバッグ】ピコタンpm mm 18 22 バッグインバッグ バックインバック 防水 軽量 インナーバッグ おしゃれ ブランド バッグピロー エルメス バッグ picotin ぽのん ギフト エルメス用 シルク ピコタン風楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}DGAZ Hermes ヘルメス ピコタン Picotin バッグインバッグ インナーバッグ バッグピロー 高級シルク サテン トートバッグ用 ブランドバッグ保護 収納 整理整頓 ギフト 贈り物 自立 形崩れない baginbag バッグオーガナイザー ピコタン18/22/26 ピコタンカーゴ18/26楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}【発送までご入金確認後2日から5日】【Ashiya Hearty(芦屋ハーティ)】2点セットハンドルカバー/エルメスバッグ用ハンドルカバーバーキン25/30用ボリード31/35/37用ピコタンPM/MM用インザループ18/手汗/ハンドクリームの油分からハンドルを保護/楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}【2024.3〜改良版】 エルメス バッグ 底鋲カバー シリコン 底鋲 バーキン ケリー ピコタンロック ケリー 各種 ミニケリー ケリーミニ など 傷防止 汚れ防止 擦れ防止 スレ防止 シリコンカバー ピコタンPM ピコタンMM ピコタン楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}コンスタンススリム ルリスリム ケリーウォレット ケリーロング コンスタンスロング コンスタンスウォレット 本革 トゥーゴー ショルダーストラップ 牛革 チェーンストラップ シェーヌダンクル 風 ゴールド シルバー 財布 長財布 折り財布 ss楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}【長さ調節可能】 ブリッドアブラック ストラップ セット アタッチメント ショルダーストラップ バスポーチ バッグ バッグ小物 シルバー 金具 パーツ エルメス楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}【1000円OFFで¥3980ポッキリ期間限定価格】人気 5タイプ展開【ワイヤーバッグ対応 バッグインバッグ】ワイヤーバッグ アンテプリマ 社製品ではなくPONONオリジナルの バッグインバッグ インナーバッグ ミニアトゥーラ バックインバック シルバーゴールド ワイヤーバック楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}フェイラー公式/FEILER サンタズカミング! ハンカチ楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}昨日ついにエルメスオンラインに登場した新作ピコタン  ※以下画像はエルメス公式参照あれっこんなに高かった⁈お値段なんと90万台…  通常のポケット付きピコタンのトワル生地がフェルトに変わって⇔マークが追加されただけなのですがこんなにお高くなるのねちなみに同時に出ていたノーマルの方だと60万台これもノーマルレザーピコタンと比べると高いけれど作りが複雑だから仕方ないのかな~今回の新作が人気出るのかは分からないけれどやっぱりあのお値段だと躊躇しそう通常バージョンのポケット付きピコタンは自立して くたっとしないし外ポケットも便利で愛用されてる方も多いんですけどねけどこの新作ピコタンも来年の価格改定で3ケタ万円突入かなぁ『未使用、新古品エルメスでも要注意?』得旅キャンペーン 最大ポイント15倍(国内旅行) 【楽天トラベル】ホテルや旅館の予約なら日本最大の宿泊予約サイト「楽天トラベル」の「ポイント最大15倍キャン…ameblo.jp『ブランド専門店へ⁕エルメスも見応えありの品揃え!』【楽天1位】\SS限定87%OFFで2,030円!/【ケーブルの持ち運び不要】モバイルバッテリー 22000mAh 軽量 防災ライト 4台同時充電海外JAL…ameblo.jp【未使用品】エルメス リンディ MINI ローズ サクラ シルバー金具 スイフト B刻印【未使用】 エルメス HERMES リンディ ミニ ヴェルソ フランボワーズ/ルージュセリエ/パラジウム金具 ヴォースイフト U刻印エルメス HERMES リンディ ミニ W刻印 ブラック シルバー金具 トリヨンクレマンス 未使用【新古品】エルメス HERMES リンディ ミニ 20 エトゥープ ゴールド金具 トリヨンクレマンス Z刻印エルメス ポシェットケリー スイフト マグノリア シルバー金具 U刻印 新品エルメス HERMES ガーデンパーティ TPM ブラック ネゴンダ B刻印 シルバー金具 新品HERMES エルメス ガーデンパーティ 30 TPM エトゥープ ネゴンダ シルバー金具 W刻印 新品【未使用品】エルメス コンスタンス3 MINI ブラック ローズゴールド金具 エプソン W刻印エルメス コンスタンス3 ミニ18 新型ミラー付 エトゥープ ローズゴールド金具 エプソン W刻印 新品

  2. ♡こんにちは♡金融機関窓口OLです♡先日、仕事に持って行ったおやつのアンパンがカバンの中で潰れていました‥​あんこは、はみ出してなかった2日間くらい忘れていたので、見たら賞味期限が1日過ぎていました美味しくいただきましたぺこー♡♡今日は私は寝る天才なのだ❣️眠れない人はコレ☝️について書きたいです♡⚪︎眠れない人というのは!交感神経が優位になってますそれはなぜ???なぜかというと‥‥‥寝る前まで、ひたすら考え事をしている筈です日中に強いストレスを受け、緊張している筈です悩み事?会社でのストレス?人間関係??かな??嫌な事を忘れてしまうスキル。もしくは相手を瞬間秒殺が出来ない人は、ずーっとイライラしたり不安になったりして、交感神経が優位になり、リラックスできてないんですポイントは、家に入る前に仕事の事は忘れてしまう絶対に。これが、最高なんですが‥それが、難しい人はせめて布団に入るときだけは、何も考えない事!♡寝る時ルーティン♡を作ってしまうのもいいかも♡アロマオイルや、ルームスプレーで毎日同じ香りにする。♡寝る時用の音楽を流す。♡穏やかになる見てから布団に入る。昼間の嫌な記憶を再生しない事!!♡次にお出かけしたい場所を考えるのもいいですね夜の感情って昼間よりも、【強い】と聞きます。♡会社帰りに、ジムに行ったり夜ウォーキングに出るのもオススメ♡身体が疲労すると寝つきも良くなります私、嫌な事があっても眠れます『くっそー!』とか思いながら寝落ちしてます・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+何故かはわかりませんが‥‥布団に入ったら安心します♡布団って、24時間体制で私を包み込んでくれるーぅ🥹❤️ありがとう〜ありがとう〜眠れないと、身体を壊しますよ【食事よりも睡眠が大切】意識的に頭空っぽにして、リラックスする事が大切です♡睡眠をあなどるなかれ〜!睡眠中に、すべてが回復します。身体も♡記憶も♡脳みそさんも♡今日も良い1日をお過ごし下さい♡#銀行窓口OL #金融機関窓口OL #貯金#節約 #美容 #美容大好き #ダイエット#筋トレ #ゆるゆる #ワクワク #睡眠#シナプス #海馬 #体調不良 #睡眠不足#人生楽しく #楽に生きる #簡単に生きる#人生楽しんだもん勝ち #アンチエイジング


  3. 昨日のショックなんてどこへやら。もっと大きなショックが待っていました。本日、新幹線が大幅な遅延。Endless SHOCK開演の1時間以上前に着く新幹線だったのに…このままじゃ間に合わない!!!!!乗る前に、なんとか少しでも早い新幹線に変えられないか、EX予約と戦うことに。こういう時に限ってモバイルバッテリーは持ってない!だって、日帰りだもん×が並ぶ画面と睨めっこ。戦うこと20分以上。スマホ、充電したい。そもそもチケット表示できなかったら終わりじゃん。と思っていた頃に…出た、▲座席なんて選べなくて良いから、東京駅に連れていってくれー!と必死に、猛スピードで操作。元々乗る予定の新幹線より40分早い新幹線に。それでも、乗る前の時点で100分遅れ。到着時110分遅れという絶妙な遅延で払い戻しの対象にはなりません。いや、そんなことどうでも良くて、間に合うか間に合わないか…それが問題だ。結論から言うと、演奏が始まってから滑り込みました.˚‧º·(´ฅωฅ`)‧º·˚.こんなに走ったの、何年振り!?申し訳ないけど人混みかき分けて進みました。やはり遅れてくる方も多数。悲しいよね、辛いよね…必死でここまで辿り着いたんだなよね。皆さんお疲れ様物凄い疲労感。。。でもね、元々乗るはずだった新幹線から、13時45分頃に東京駅着だったの。115分の遅延で。←これまた払い戻されないギリギリのラインかつ開演に間に合わないどころか、着く頃には1時間は経過してる。あの時変更できなかったら、と思うと…。自由席も長蛇の列で、ホームが危険な状態になっていて、自由席待ち列も階段まで続いていて、いつ乗れるのか分からなかったし、座れた上に滑り込めたんだから感謝!!物凄く疲れたけど、もう何もかも良い方向に転んだと考えることにしますコレ食べたので、帰ります♪帰りは何時になるんだろう。まだ遅延中。。。

  4. おはようございます!人にもお金にも愛されて豊かになるラグジュアリーマインド®︎レッスン主宰青木香緒里です。昨日は珍しく・・・前日、家で飲んで二日酔い、笑残念すぎる1日を過ごしました、泣ほぼ、何もしてない、笑時間があってよかったです!!!数日前の元気な日の朝、笑週末の時間術レッスンでもお伝えしましたが時間をものすごく上手に使えたらいいけどそれだけだと、ちょっと息苦しそう。あれもこれもできて1日めいっぱい使い切れたら最高!って話でもない。ゆっくりしたりぼーっとしたりするのも大切な時間。体調の悪い時だってあるし二日酔いの時だってある!笑頭痛いなー気持ち悪いなーやる気も出ないなー疲れてるなーカラダ、動かない何にもできない。。。具合が悪い中でもちゃんと嫌な気持ちを感じてムリに回復させようとせず・・・ありがたくゴロゴロしてました。ゴロゴロできて幸せでした♡合掌ちょっと残念な気もするけどだからこそ、今度は〜〇〇する!!!とかしない!!とか決められる。残念な日も、悪いものでもないなーって思う。怖がらず、ドーンと残念な日を過ごしてみるのもオススメ♡どんなススメだwということで一昨日から始まった小田桐あさぎさんラストセミナー!!!みなさん、見てるかな?リアタイ、初日も4500名を超えてたしDay2も3500名を変えてましたね〜ほんっと、すごい!!!私たちの欲望が叶うのは、本音だけ!!だからこそ、自分のリアルな本音を知ること♡大事。私たちは自由に選べているようで何ひとつ自由なんて選んでいなくて世の中の正解っぽいことがある中で選んでいる、そんな感じ。私たちって、誰もがこんなもんじゃない!!なんだってできるし何者にでもなれるのだ♡それを思い出そう〜そして、いよいよ今夜はDay3だよーもうね働く女性にはあさぎさんに頭の中考え方を知って欲しい〜!!!そんなあさぎさんが2016年からからずーっと主催し続けている魅力覚醒講座20時続く講座も今期が最後の募集のようです!!!それに伴い今夜21時から3日間の無料セミナーをさ欲望を全て叶える方法私は魅力覚醒講座2期を受講して前期の20期も受講してます。あさぎさん本人が1番体現してるっ!!!そして、9年前、出会った時から言っていることは変わらず目指す世界も変わっていない。先日、離婚発表したけど、変わってない。見るだけでも絶対に楽しいしあなたの枠が外れるはずっ!!!視聴方法はこちらぜひ見てみて!3Daysライブの最後には魅力覚醒講座21期のご案内があります。もし、入ろう!という方は紹介欄に下記を書いてもらえると嬉しいです。+.ーーーーーー.+紹介者ID jU09u6hF名前 青木香緒里+.ーーーーーー.+後から書くことはできないのでお申込みの際に書いてね!面識がない方でも大丈夫!逆に、繋がれる時が来るかも〜♪欲望を全て叶える方法♡私のまま今いる場所で!世界が優しいところに変わる♡ラクに簡単に幸せになれる考え方をインストール♪「ラクに簡単に幸せになれる7日間のメール講座」ご登録はこちらから♡注)iCloud、yahoo、携帯キャリアメールとの相性が良くないようなので、その他のアドレスでお願いします!楽しく・軽やかに・稼ぐ私になるメルマガ登録はこちら♡カオリのInstagramよかったらフォローミー(Blogではアップしない写真も載せてるよ)2100名が登録中!公式LINE♡登録はこちらリンクから飛べない場合は、@abt4039bでID検索をお願いします♡《2022年美人百科♡4月号に掲載されました!》お金とキャリアの不安を解消


  5. こんにちは妊糖再検査の連絡がまだ来ません!クリアしていたら電話連絡なし、引っかかっていたらどんなに遅くとも明日(11/28)までにお電話しますと言われています。前回の初回検査で引っかかった時は検査日から4日目の朝に電話が来ましたが、今日は再検査から5日目のお昼です。そして電話はなし。これは…クリアしたと期待していいのだろうか?明日電話来なかったら確実にクリアだけど。もうそわそわしちゃうから今日の夕方電話で確認しちゃおうかな🙄笑妊糖疑惑が浮上してから食事には気を遣い始めて、まずお菓子断ちをしました。小腹が空いたらバナナヨーグルトをつまむか蜂蜜入りのホットミルクを飲み、お米を玄米に戻しました。(新米が送られてきてから、白米ばかり食べていました)でもたまには外食したーい!ということで、土日どちらかはKちゃんと外ランチ🍴行きつけの近所のおしゃれイタリアンでクリームパスタをいただきました。このお店とっても美味しくて、妊娠前からよく通っています。👶🏼産まれたらなかなかこういうお店も行けなくなるなあ。。外食&飲み歩き大好き夫婦なので、子どもがいることで行動が制限されることにやっぱりまだ少し未練があります😂お互いの両親も近くにいないから、預けるという選択肢もないしね。。でもたまには夫婦の時間も欲しいから子どもを預けらる状態になったら、短時間のシッター制度とかを積極的に使う予定でいます別に毎日使うわけじゃないしたまーにならいいよね🙌✨あ…今👶🏼しゃっくりしてる!妊娠後期入ってから、ほぼ毎日胎動の中にしゃっくりを感じます。多い時は1日に2回、3回しゃっくりする日も💡👶🏼のしゃっくりは、一定のリズムでトクトクと胎動を感じるのですぐに分かります。しゃっくり運動は横隔膜を鍛えて、出生後の肺呼吸に備えるために必要な行動のようです。お外に出てきたら大きな声で泣いてくれるといいな〜☺️👶🏼🎀の声を聞く日が楽しみです。さて先日はKちゃんとUNIQLO感謝デー的なものに行きました。そこでこちらのリブパンツを追加購入!ユニクロ公式 | ウォッシャブルニットリブパンツユニクロのウォッシャブルニットリブパンツ(レディース)。購入者のレビュー、ユーザーのコーデは必見。店舗在庫もこちらから。www.uniqlo.comマタ垢界隈でも必須アイテムとして有名なリブニットパンツ。妊婦さんみんな1着は持ってるのでは?💡お腹の締め付け全くなし!楽すぎて毎日こればっかり履いてます♡私はたまたま妊娠前から持ってましたが、妊娠後期でも楽に過ごせる優秀アイテムです。洗濯すると若干縮むのでワンサイズ大きめを買うことをお勧めします✨私は色違いで3着も持ってます甘えん坊のエルさん🐶💓私の膝に顎乗せしてじぃ〜っと見つめてくるので🥺ソファーに乗る?おいで♡って声かけたら、飛び乗ってきてコレ↑です💓甘えたかったのね☺️可愛いよ💕💕💕💕💕そして私の腕太くなったなぁ🙄笑それでは。

  6. 英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY12」11月19日(火)Surprising newsThat’s a great topic for small talk.Now, I’ll say something in Japanese and you’ll express it in English.Did you hear the news about the election?*This is another great question for small talk.Did you hear the news about … ?Especially for surprising news, you can use that.I was surprised by the news. How do you say, 友達みんな All of my friendsAll of my friends were shocked. Election resultsWere you surprised by the election results?Most people were surprised. *Did you remember how to say ほとんどの人? Most peopleThe next one is a review from a few months back. Here is it. まだ実感がありません。 It hasn’t sunk in yet.*sink inI didn’t expect Jenny to win.*予想する is expect.So, if you’re talking about surprising news, I didn’t expect something…You can also use it to complement something.I didn’t expect such a wonderful meel.Here’s one more phrase with expect.Everyone expected Steve to win.I hope she does well.*期待する is usually not expect. You can say it with, I hope.I’m happy for her.Don't just practice listeing or understanding. Practice speaking and you'll get better day by day.英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY11」11月18日(月)And here’s your conversation partner.Hi everyone, it’s Nora. I’m just a little sad. Because this Friday, we will have our final conversation together. But we’ll enjoy one of Iceland’s famous hot springs.See you then.Thanks Nora. Yeah, it will be your final conversation with Nora.*FollowHave you been following the news lately?Following is a good way to express watching, reading or checking your phone and talking about the news.I haven’t been following the news lately. The U.S president The American presidentEveryone has been following the news about the new U.S president.みんな注目していますThe news about…Again, we use following. Everyone has been following the news about something.Have you been following the news about the Nobel Peace Prize?I don’t really follow the news.I don’t follow sports at all.Do you follow European soccer?I’m a big fun of Italian soccer.What’s in the news today?This is a good phrase you can use every day, What’s in the news today?Jenny is all over the news today.のニュースで持ちきりIn Japanese 持ちきり used for 話題 or news. And the way to say it in English is something is all over the news.英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY10」11月15日(金)And here’s your conversation partner around the Atlantic.Hi everyone. I’m Nora Kennedy. Just try to complete the conversation with me today, in your own words.How did you do? Did you try to reply each time?--Here’s entrance to ice cave. Are you ready?-Yeah, let’s go in.-Okay, here we go! This ice cave is unbelievable. Beautiful, isn’t it?-Yeah, it really is.-Do you know what the nickname of Iceland is?-No, I have no idea. What is it?-The land of ice and fire. Maybe fire is for volcanoes and Iceland has lots of ice and snow. We might see Santa. Do people in Japan celebrate Christmas?-Yeah, a lot of stores have Christmas decorations up now.-How do people in Japan celebrate Christmas?-Actually, Christmas day is not a national holiday in Japan. If Christmas day on a weekday, people usually go to work.-I see. What the big news story in Japan these days?-Well, the economy is one big news story now. Things are not too stable.-What do people in Japan say about the new U.S president?-Some people are happy, but some people are worried. Everyone is asking will the president be good or bad for Japan.-There’s a lot news about the U.S president these days. Well, tell me about your family? Where do your parents live?-Japan. My parents live in a small town called Taiwaoka. I live near Tokyo now.Did you understand our conversation?So, Nora. Let’s have some small talk about Christmas.Let’s.You’ve celebrated Christmas in Japan and Ireland.Yeah, that’s right.Have you celebrated in other countries around the world?Yes, for example, I’ve celebrated Christmas in Italy.In Italy?And Spain.How was it?Well, it was really interesting because Italy and Spain, they have the main celebration on the 24th of December.Oh, on Christmas eve?Christmas eve. But in Ireland and England, we have the main celebration on Christmas day.That’s right.Right. The 25th of December.Christmas day you spend with your family?Sure. It’s big celebration. We have turkey and all the trimmings and yeah, it’s a really big event.たまたま昨日見たCNN10でIcelandのニュースを取り上げてました。Iceland is one of the only countries in the world that has bothglaciersand volcanoes.-> The land of ice and fire.『CNN10 November 14, 2024』CNN10November 14, 2024- YouTubeYouTube でお気に入りの動画や音楽を楽しみ、オリジナルのコンテンツをアップロードして友だ…ameblo.jp英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY9」11月14日(木)How’s everyone in your family doing?-Good. How’s everyone in your family doing?My parents live in a place called Higashi-machi.What’s the big news story in Iceland now?-The big news story in Iceland is the Nobel Peace Prize.In Japan, Christmas decorations start pretty early.-But some people don’t care about Christmas.--Tell me about …Tell me about your new car.Tell me about your new job.How’s everyone in … doing?How’s everyone in your cooking class doing?How’s everyone in the English circle doing?Most people …for Christmas.Most people have a turkey dinner for Christmas.Most people in Japan have a cake for Christmas.*have <> eathave-> 食べる習慣がある というニュアンスWhere do your parents live?-Japan. My parents live in a small town called Taiwaoka. I live near Tokyo now.-Actually, my parents passed away.-My parents live in a city near Tokyo.Do people in Japan celebrate Christmas?-Yeah, Christmas celebration start early in Japan. Most big stored have Christmas decorations in early November.-Yes, I think so. I saw a news report showing people celebrating Christmas in a temple.What’s the big news story in Japan these days?-The election is one big story now.-There is a big story about…-The big news story in Japan is about Seven & i Holdings.Iceland has so much of beauty. You’re going to an ice cave.英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY8」11月13日(水)Celebrate New year’sIn Iceland, how do people celebrate New year’s?Most people watch New year’s TV shows.It’s the same in Japan. Bonfire たき火 => make a bonfireIn Iceland, a lot of people make a bonfire New year’s Eve.Celebrate ChristmasIn Iceland, how do people celebrate Christmas?A lot of people celebrate Christmas Eve.Most people have dinner with their families for Christmas. Decorations 飾り付けIn Japan, Christmas decorations start pretty early.Christmas decorations start in early November.But some people don’t really care about Christmas.英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY7」11月12日(火)*popular -> bigBig news--What’s the big news story in Iceland now?=> the big news storyThe big news story in Iceland is the Nobel Peace Prize.ElectionThe big news story in Japan is the election. tournament 退会Is this tournament a big news story in Europe?That’s a big news story in Japan, too.It’s not really a big news story in Japan.->Not really : Not really acold. / Not really a big news storyIs J-pop big/popular in Iceland?->Is this Japanese food big in Iceland?->be big in…This band is so big in Japan.Their song was used in a car commercial.--英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY6」11月11日(月)It’s a new week and a new conversation with me, Nora.Have you ever heard of an ice cave? It’s one more thing to explore in Iceland together with me. See you on Friday!-An ice came? That sounds fun.--Tell me about you.Tell me a little something about yourself.Tell me about your family.Where do your parents live?My parents live in a place called Higashi-machi. My sister and her husband 妹夫婦My sister and her husband live with my parents.How’s everyone in your family doing?Good. How’s everyone in your family doing?How’s everyone in your office doing?Same as usual. How’s everyone in your office doing?英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY5」11月8日(金)Hi everyone. I’m Nora Kennedy. Let’s go to Iceland!It’s our last stop around the Atlantic together.We’ll have some good conversations there.When you or when European think of Iceland, what do you think of?-It’s a small country with a lot of volcanoes.-Yes, of course.-And the other thing about Iceland is that it has a really small population.-That’s true.--Imagine this…You and I are going to see the magical Northern Lights in Iceland.As we are waiting, we’ll chat about the news. One bis news story is the US presidential election. And if we’re lucky, we might be able to see the Northern Lights.Did you picture the situation?--So try to have a seven-turn conversation as we chat together under the skies of Iceland.* under the skies of複数形の「skies」は、より広大で、様々な場所の空を包括的に表すニュアンス--Oh, hello. Chilly tonight, isn’t it?-Yeah, it really is chilly. But it’s not that bad.-Looks like good weather to catch the Northern Lights.-Yeah, I’m glad we have clear skies tonight. I hope it holds.-By the way, we’re getting the US presidential election results soon. Who do you hope will win?-Looks like Esther Pearl will win. But I hope Sean Parrish wins.-Well, politics is a sensitive subject, isn’t it?-Yeah, it’s too bad people are so divided.-Oh, look a news alert. The U.S. presidential election has been decided. Guess, who won.-Did Sean Parrish win?-Right. I hope the new president does well. Oh, looks like we have company.-Okay. No more politics. Let’s chat something less sensitive.-Look, the Northern Lights.-Wow, there are beautiful. We’re so lucky to see them. I tried to see them so many times before. It was worth the wait.--Did you reply to each one?-Speaking of the news, where do you get the news?-Well, that’s the great question. I listen to lots of news podcasts and I have lots of news apps on my phone.-I see. How about you guys? Where do you get the news?Steve will show you one way to reply. Here we go!--英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY4」11月7日(木)Nice sunrise, isn’t it?Yeah, it really is a nice sunrise.Looks like good weather for the ceremony today.Yeah, I’m glad it’s sunny.She’s the right person for the job.I don’t know much about the politics.Looks like good weather for …Looks like good weather for a hike.Looks like good weather for a walk.Too bad + sentenceToo bad you have to work this weekend.Too bad it’s raining today.I hope +I hope you can make it to the concert tonight.I hope it’s a nice weather tomorrow.We are going to go to see the Northern lights.Chilly tonight, isn’t it?-Yeah, it really is chilly, but it’s not that bad.-Yeah, I should have brought a jacket.Who do you hope will win the U.S presidential election?-Looks like Esther Pearl will win. But I hope Sean Parrish wins.-Looks like neck and neck. I don’t mind which will win if things are getting better.Luckly, we could see the Northern Lights.Look, the Northern Lights. Wow.-We’re so lucky. I tried to see the Northern Lights so many times before.-I can’t believe we are able to see the Northern Lights finally!-I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights, and now I have.英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY3」11月6日(水)*I hope + 現在形I hope it’s sunny tomorrow. I hope だといいなI hope it doesn’t rain today.I hope Steve wins. Get reelected 再選されるI hope Jenny gets reelected. うってつけの人物 The right personShe is the right person for the job. Prime MinisterI hope the new Prime Minister does well.*期待するExpect 予測するHope 期待する PoliticsPolitics is a sensitive subject.I don’t know much about politics.I don’t know much about the US election. No politics  政治の話はNGNo politics at the dinner table.At the dinner table 食卓で英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY2」11月5日(火)のようです ~> (It + ) looks like--Retiring 退職する(It +) Looks like Professor Smith is retiring.Principal 校長Looks like Principal Jones is getting married.*get married => be getting married / will get marriedLooks like the president is in trouble.Be in trouble 困ったことになっているThe Nobel Prizewin the Nobel PrizeLooks like Jenny will win the Nobel Prize this year.Looks like Stive won’t win the prize this year.Good weather for …Looks like good weather for walk today.Looks like it’s good weather for a walk today.Looks like we have good weather for a walk today.Looks like good weather for the ceremony today.*ceremonyYeah, I’m glad it’s sunny.=> I’m glad that it’s sunny. = I’m glad it’s sunny.Yeah, I’m glad it won’t be cold today.英会話タイムトライアル「11月DAY1」11月4日(月)This month, we’re going to Iceland.Hi, everyone. It’s Nora here. Iceland is a beautiful country.On Friday we might see some natural beauty, the Northern lights. Until then, bye for now!the Northern lightsオーロラ--Smart small talk in Iceland.--Thick fog, isn’t it? Fog 霧 -> thick fogYeah, it really is thick fog.Yeah, it really is… / they really are…Too bad, we can’t see the mountains.Nice sunrise, isn’t it?Yea, it really is a nice sunrise.Too bad, it’s so windy though.The Northern lights are magical, aren’t they?-Yeah, they really are magical.Too bad Nora couldn’t join us.英会話タイムトライアル「10月DAY15」11月1日(金)10月18日(金)Hi I’m Nora Kennedy. Let’s have a conversation in Ireland.Alright, we’ll finish our month with this… Taiwa-Karaoke around the Atrantic.Today, you and I are going to have breakfast at a nice restaurant in Dublin. It’s the capital of Ireland. It’s not an easy restaurant to find. It’s not in most guidebooks. But the food is terrific and the atmosphere is lovely.This morning, we are having something very Irish. A full Irish breakfast.This you picture the situation?So, try to have a seven-turn conversation. We’ll enjoy a full Irish breakfast.You made it to the restaurant. Was it hard to find?-Not really. Sorry if I kept you waiting.-It’s great to see you. Have a seat. How do you like this restaurant?-This Irish restaurant is charming.-To start, would you like something to drink?-I’ll just have some water for now.-Okay, here’s a menu. How hungry are you?-I’m pretty hungry, but I usually don’t eat that much.-We can order a la carte, but I like the full Irish breakfast here.-We’re in Ireland so we might as well try a full Irish breakfast.-The full Irish breakfast comes with black pudding, baked beans, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes and eggs. How would you like your eggs?-May I have my eggs sunny side up?-Alright. I’m getting hungry.-Me too. I’m so excited to try those dishes.* Today, we talked about a full Irish breakfast.Yes, you absolutely have to have a full Irish breakfast when you go to Ireland. And it’s pretty much the same everywhere, but there are some regional variations.-How about your hometown? Can you have full Irish breakfast in your hometown?-Sure. We would have a full Irish breakfast with black pudding and while pudding.-I see. By the way, you said your hometown is Dew Mullet?-No Bell Mullet.-My apologies.-No problem.-Your hometown is Bell Mullet. What kind of food is your hometown famous for?-Well, because it’s by the sea, there’s lots of delicious seafood like oysters or lobsters. But also, because the lambs in the spring when they’re born, they eat grass by the seaside, which has a kind of salty flavor.-The grass has salt in it because it’s by the sea.-the seaside, right? So, this kind of lambs is called salt marsh lamb and it has a lovely naturally salty taste.-That’s a wonderful story. So, there’s a natural salty seasoning to the lamb.*marsh沼地, 湿地Did you enjoy our journey around Ireland?I enjoyed learning about Ireland from you. Thanks Nora.My pleasure, Steve.We’re going to Ireland!You’ll really improve your conversation skills there.英会話タイムトライアル「10月DAY14」10月31日(木)10月17日(木)This Irish restaurant is charming.Our table is over there.I like the music and the atmosphere.Let’s have a seat.Today’s specials are written on that board.How hungry are you?I’m pretty hungry.---To start, would you like …?*You can imagine you're at a restaurant or your entertaining someone at home.To start, would you like an appetizer?To start, would you like wine or champagne?-> Would you like a glass of wine or champagne to start?To start, I’ll have…*Now, you're ordering.To start, I’ll have the cheese platter.*platter 盛り合わせ*盛り合わせ、in English is often platter. For example, cheese platter, Jenny said to start, I'll have a cheese platter.Alright, use your imagination and order something with this phrase, to start, I'll have...To start, I’ll have a salad. I’ve heard that it’s beneficial to have fiber at the beginning of a meal.This dish comes with ..This dish comes with a dessert.This dish comes with homemade breads.*Next, we'll practice something important. You'll reply in English to some questions. Just use your own words. Here's the first one.You made it to the restaurant. Was it hard to find?-Not really. Sorry if I kept you waiting.-No. It was easy to find this place.To start, would you like something to drink?-I’ll just have some water for now.-I’ll have a glass of beer, please.- Do you have a drink menu?- What kind of drinks do you have?How hungry are you?-I’m pretty hungry, but I usually don’t eat that much.-I’m not so hungry right now. I could eat a little something. How about you?*You must be hungry because we've been talking about food. Right, Jenny?-Yeah, actually, I’m getting hungry, too. -Me too.Alright. You’re ready for tomorrow’s conversation. It’s taiwa karaoke.-You’re going to a charming restaurant in Ireland.-And you’ll have a full Irish breakfast. -Sounds like a fun one.英会話タイムトライアル「10月DAY13」10月30日(水)10月16日(水) might as well 「~した方が良いかもしれない」 他に良い選択肢がないので、~するのが無難だ どうせやるなら、~した方が良い=>せっかくなので ~しても損はない メニューをどうぞ Here’s the menu.*menuToday’s specialsToday’s specials are written on that board.*board おすすめです I like ... / I recommend ...I like this Irish breakfast.*You can also use, I recommend …But sometimes, I like is useful.I like to order a la carte.*a la carte せっかくですから Might as well I / We + might as well …*might as well, but to make a sentence, you need a subject I or We might as well something.I might as well try this Irish dish.How would you like your eggs? 目玉焼き sunny side upMay I have my eggs sunny side up? Extra plate 取り皿May I have an extra plate?This dish comes with a drink.*~がついている At a restaurant, it’s usually something comes with something.I’ll have a coffee after the meal.We might as well order dessert.*dessert<> desart英会話タイムトライアル「10月DAY12」10月29日(火)10月15日(火) 注文時に ~にします。 I’ll have … 最初に To start…To start, would you like some…?To start, would you like something to drink?To start, I’ll have some orange juice.*some + drink name (some + orange juice)How hungry are you?I’m not that hungry.I’ll just have a salad. 前菜 (an) AppetizerI’ll just have an appetizer.I’m pretty hungry. わりとおなかがすいている Pretty 2,3 品 Two or three dishesShall we order two or three dishes and share?Excuse me, we’d like to order.*You wait for someone to come near your table, or you make eye contact and then say this, Excuse me, we’d like to order.I’ll have this dish.*Sometimes on a menu, the name of the dish is very difficult to pronounce. Even for native speakers like me. In that case, I point to the menu and say, I’ll have this dish.I’m so excited to try that dish.*To say 楽しみ, there are three phrases. I’ll looking forward to… I’m so excited to I can’t wait toAll are fine. But for ものすごく楽しみ, for that, instead of looking forward to, I suggest I’m so excited to plus a verb. I’m so excited to try that dish.Those are some great phrases for ordering at a restaurant.You’ll use those a lot when you travel.英会話タイムトライアル「10月DAY11」10月28日(月) 10月14日(月)We are in Ireland.Here’s your conversation partner from Ireland.Welcome to week 3. Nora here. I have a special treat for you. Let’s have a full Irish breakfast. It’s one of the most famous things to do in Ireland. We’ll go to a nice little restaurant in Dublin on Friday. See you then.Let’s have some fun and practice some new phrased together. You’ll feel like you’re going to a restaurant with us.--味がある= CharmingIn English, it can be charming. Charming is not just かわいらしい, 愛嬌がある.If it used to describe a restaurant, it would be味がある・こじんまりした. This Irish restaurant is charming.It’s not very well known, but the food is good.You could also say it’s not very famous, but the food is good.For おいしい, good. For とってもおいしい, deliciousThere is always a long queue / long line outside the restaurant.In America, it’s line, in other countries, they use the word queue. There’s always a long queue outside of the restaurant. Either one is fine.20待ちA 20-minute waitThere is a 20 -minute wait.You can also say there is a 20-minute wait for a table.AtmosphereAmbienceI like the music and atmosphere.For a place, we use atmosphere. Mood is usually a personal feeling. So I like the music and atmosphere.席 = tableOur table is over there.In Japanese, when you talk about a restaurant, 席, but in English, it’s table.This is a good table.Let’s have a seat.You can also say let’s sit down, but instead of sit down, have a seat is a little softer way of saying 席に着きましょう.Was the restaurant hard to find?Was it hard to find this restaurant?Did you have any trouble finding the restaurant?------------------------------------------------------------------------英会話タイムトライアル「10月DAY10」10月25日(金) 10月11日(金)And here is your conversation partner round the Atlantic.Hi everyone. I’m Nora Kenedy. Just try to complete the conversation with me today in you own words.Here we go!And you remember our theme… ?Cuisine together in Ireland.So, let’s check out today’s scene. Imagine this..We go to the Rolling Hills of Ireland for a picknick with friends.It’s a potluck. So, everyone brings one dish.Just tell us about what you brought. Is it something Japanese?Did you picture the situation?--Oh, you made it. Say hi to everyone.-Hi, everyone. I’m Steve. Gia Gutch.-Gia Gutch. Well, help yourselves to some Irish food. Shepherd’s pie, soda bread or Irish stew here. Are you a meat eater?-Yes. I have meat all the time.-Okay, start with this. Oh, I see you brought a dish for us. What dish did you bring?-I brought stir-fried noodles. This dish is called yakisoba.-It sounds good. So, what’s in it?-It has vegetables, pork and noodles in it. And you can put some nori on it if you like.-Oh, I think I know of that dish. It’s not very spicy, right?-Right. But you can add this seasoning called shichimi. It has a mix of seven spices in it.-Let’s pass around paper plates.And for your dish, should we use a serving fork or serving chopsticks?-I usually use chopsticks, but a serving fork might be easier for everyone.-Okay. Everyone, enjoy. And would you like to try Irish soda bread?-Oh, I’ve never had soda bread. What’s in it?--So, what do people say in Japan when you tell them you’re from Ireland?-Well, they always say, oh, you’re from Ireland. It must be so cold.-Oh, it’s not cold in Ireland?-No, actually, even though Ireland is more Northerly than Hokaido. It’s actually quite mild and it never snows.-Really?Next week, we’re going to a nice restaurant in the capital of Ireland, Dublin.英会話タイムトライアル「10月DAY9」10月24日(木) 10月10日(木)What dish did you bring?I brought Yakisoba.The plates are here.Here’re the serving chopsticks.You can add this seasoning if you like.Does this have sugar in it?My daughter is a picky eater.Help yourself to …Help yourself to some coffee.Help yourselves to these snacks.Help your self to some cookies.It has .. in it.It has cheese, tomatoes and basil in it.-It’s one of my favorite salads.It has sweet red beans paste in it.basil[ˈbæzəl]It has secret spices in it.This dish doesn’t have any … in it.This dish doesn’t have any meat in it.This dish doesn’t have any fat in it.This dish doen't have anyfood additive in it.Are you a meat eater?-Yes. I have meat all the time.-Yes, I eat meat intentionally for my health.- I make a conscious effort to eat meat for its health benefits.What dish did you bring?-I brought stir-fried noodles. This dish is called yakisoba.-I brought chirashizushi. It's a non-nigiri suhi.What’s in it?-It has vegetables, pork and noodles in it and you can put some nori on it if you like.-I t has vinegar in it, so it's a bit sour. It also has sweet-cooked shiitake mushrooms in it. And the sweet pink one is made from fish. It’s called denbu.英会話タイムトライアル「10月DAY8」10月23日(水)10月9日(水) Eater好き嫌いが激しいPicky eaterPick oneMy daughter is a picky eater.I am not a picky eater.Healthy eaterMy mom is a very healthy eater.食べ方が汚いMessy eaterMy son is a messy eater.Meat eaterAre you a meat eater?Do you eat meat?I ‘m a big meat eater.<> I’m not a big meat eater.… drinkerI’m not a big drinker.I don’t drink.I’m a coffee drinker.I’m a coffee person.Is regular milk okay?*Alternative milkAlternative[ɔlˈtɜrnətɪv]豆乳Soy milkI’ll have soy milk.I have a sweet tooth.英会話タイムトライアル「10月DAY7」10月22日(火)10月8日(火) in itWhat dish did you bring?-I brought yakisoba.-This is good. / It tastes good. / This tastes good.->This tastes delicious. This is delicious.delicious =>とてもおいしい*yakisoba -> stir-fried noodleWhat’s in it? What does it have in it?It has vegetables. pork and noodles in it.This dish doesn’t have any nuts in it.Does it have sugar in it?Does it have any sure in it?VinegarIt has a little vinegar in it.You can add this seasoning if you like.お好みで~を使ってください*If you like お好みで~This is called shichimi.SpiceSeven spicesIt has seven spices in it.It’s just a little spicy. ピリッとします英会話タイムトライアル「10月DAY6」10月21日(月)10月7日(月)Hi everyone. It’s Nora. Your conversation parataner around Lreland. I’m Irish and one of my favorite foods is Irish stew. Let’s enjoy a picnic on Friday. See you then!Thanks, Nora.A picnic in Ireland, sounds fun.ご自由にお取りくださいHelp yourselfHelp yourselvesHelp yourself to…--I made stir-fried vegetables. Help yourself.*stir-fried vegetables / stir-fried riceDinner is ready, everyone. Help yourselves.Plate / platesThe plates are here.Help yourself to this Irish food/dish.Help yourself to thisJapanese seasoning.l Seasoningl SpiceThis seasoning goes well with this dish.*go well with 取り分け用のフォークServing folkServing spoonDo you have a serving folk?取り箸Serving chopsticksShould we use serving chopsticks?Here’re the serving chopsticks.

  7. ボキャブライダー(1334)11月26日(火)【推し活】favorite, merchandise, meet-and-greet, stanfavorite[ˈfeɪvərɪt]一番好きな・一番好きなものWho’s your favorite vocab rider?One of my favorite …,merchandise[ˈmɜrʧənˌdaɪz]商品・グッズExclusive merchandise sells out fast.->merchLeather goods,Meet and greet[mit][ænd][ɡrit]ファンミーティングI can’t wait for the vocab rider meet and greet this Saturday.stan[stæn]熱狂的に押す・熱狂定期なファンEverybody stans for Max, but Hiyori is my favorite vocab rider.A Hiyori stan (noun)This afternoon, I’m going to a BTS meet and greet.It is totally. Beer, tequila, showchoo. I can’t pick my favorite one. They’re all so awesome.ボキャブライダー(1333)11月25日(月)【AI】data, algorithm, learn, autonomousdata[ˈdeɪtə]データ << datumI think Ai could help us analyze data more effectively.The data is …Data on …algorithm[ˈælɡəˌrɪðəm]Every streaming service has algorithms for recommending content to users.learn[lɜrn]学習・習得するAI programs can develop biases depending on the data they learn from AI program.My sister learned to read kanji. 読めるようになったautonomous[ɔˈtɑnəməs]自立性の・自主的なAutonomous vehicles use AI to analyze data from sensors.Autonomous + vehicle(s / robot / regionボキャブライダー(1333)11月25日(月)【AI】data, algorithm, learn, autonomousdata[ˈdeɪtə],,algorithm[ˈælɡəˌrɪðəm],,learn[lɜrn],,autonomous[ɔˈtɑnəməs]ボキャブライダー(1112)11月22日(金)【通貨】trade, appreciate, counterfeit, cryptocurrency---Somethingseems offabout this money. I think it might be counterfeit.appreciate[əˈpriʃiˌeɪt]値段・相場が上がるWhenthe yen appreciates, prices in Japan go down.appreciate in valueI have no ideahowcryptocurrencyworks.---trade[treɪd]交換する・取引するMy dad trades currencies. So he's always checkingexchange rates.trade A for BI traded dollars for yen.appreciate[əˈpriʃiˌeɪt]値段・相場が上がる<- 評価する・感謝するWhenthe yen appreciates, prices in Japan go down.appreciate in value,counterfeit[ˈkaʊntərˌfɪt]偽造の、偽造するSomethingseems offabout this money. I think it might be counterfeit.cryptocurrency[ˈkrɪptoʊ][ˈkɜrənsi]仮想通貨・暗号資産I have no ideahowcryptocurrencyworks.ボキャブライダー(1332)11月21日(木)【からっぽ】hole, clear out, void, empty nesthole[hoʊl]穴・欠点All of a sudden, a giant hole opened up in the road.Your theory is full of holes.Hole in the wall 場末の・目立たない店Clear out[klɪr][aʊt]中身を空にする・さっさと出て行くLet’s clear out the closet and sell what we don’t need anymore.After clearing out the room, 部屋を出た後,void[vɔɪd]が全くない・無効にする・空虚Bob’s face was void of expression.Be void of =>>avoidEmpty nest[ˈɛmpti][nɛst]からの巣Empty nest syndrome hit my mom hard when I moved out.ボキャブライダー(1331)11月20日(水)【働く】worker, task, employ, downsizeworker[ˈwɜrkər]働く人・労働者Jim is one of the most skilled workers on the manufacturing floor.,task[tæsk]やらなければならない仕事・課された勤め/ 仕事を課すOne of my tasks at work is to water the office plants.,employ[ɛmˈplɔɪ]雇用する・用いるAt one time, Vocab Inc, employed 300 workers.I employ several unusual methods.,downsize[ˈdaʊnˌsaɪz]削減・縮小するThe economic slump is forcing many companies to downsize.I’ve been waiting a long time for this Hiyorina. Today’s the day that I finally…They’ve downsized the Hirorina task force, you see. So, we can’t employ anybody else. It’s just me now.ボキャブライダー(1330)11月19日(火)【理由】reason, since, why, attributereason[ˈrizən]理由・動機・理論的に考えるThere’s a reason that Vocab Rider on Ice is always sold out.since[sɪns]~だからSince you’re here in Okinawa, you should try some local Awamori.why[waɪ]なぜ・何のためにWhy did you decide to major in history?Why not?,attribute[ˈætrəˌbjut]~によるものと考えるI attribute my success to my teachers in high school.Attribute … to…Salt? Why do you add salt? What’s the reason for seasoning the noodles?Why is it good to match the flavor?ボキャブライダー(1329)11月18日(月)【革命】revolution, lead, industrial, underwayrevolution[ˌrɛvəˈluʃən]革命・大改革Class inequality could spark a revolution.,lead[lid]導く・主導するGeorge Washington was one of the people who led the American Revolution.Lead on … (人)をけしかける・をだます・その気にさせる-> Are you leading on me? からかっている,industrial[ɪnˈdʌstriəl]産業の・工業のIn the industrial revolution, factories replaced traditional workshops.underway[ˌʌndərˈweɪ]進行中でYou can’t prevent the AI revolution. It’s already underway.Be under way 進行中Get under way 始まるボキャブライダー(1110)11月15日(金)【関係修復】make up, truce, relationship, mendMake up[meɪk][ʌp]仲直りするIt’s time to make up with Iko. You two are such good friends.Make up with…truce[trus]停戦・休戦・口論などの休止Let’s call a truce. Calm down and talk like adults.Call a truceMake a trucerelationship[riˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp]関係If the relationship is important to you, you should make up with him.mend[mɛnd]修繕・修復するMending a relationship takes time.I can’t get it to open. Well, my relationship with the door’s AI is in bad shape. He won’t make up with me.ボキャブライダー(1328)11月14日(木)【感謝祭】thanks, harvest, turkey, gravythanks[θæŋks]感謝・ありがとうLet us give thanks for this delicious food.harvest[ˈhɑrvəst]収穫・収穫するFarmers are expecting a good harvest this year.turkey[ˈtɜrki]七面鳥・七面鳥の肉Who’s hungry for some turkey?gravy[ˈɡreɪvi]グレイビーソース・肉汁・ぼろもうけAn American Thanksgiving dinner features turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy over everything.*gravy over everything 全体にかけるgravyWhat’s up Hiyori? How’re you doing?We are having some turkey at my place for Thanksgiving. What do you say? Wanna come?You gotta com. It’s a turkey party, wow!ボキャブライダー(1327)11月13日(水)【imが付く単語】impossible, immature, imbalance, impatientlyimpossible[ɪmˈpɑsəbəl]不可能な・あり得ないI give up. This puzzle is impossible.immature[ˌɪməˈtjʊr]子供っぽい・未熟な・大人げないYou’re being immature, Roger. Just let her win. She’s only four.imbalance[ɪmˈbæləns]不均衡・アンバランス -> unbalance 不均衡・不安定にするWhat’s the best way to fix the gender imbalance in politics.impatiently[ɪmˈpeɪʃəntli]我慢できずに・イライラしてMax waited impatiently for the bartender to take his order.ボキャブライダー(1325)11月11日(月)【政治的価値観】political, liberal, conservative, ideologypolitical[pəˈlɪtəkəl]政治の・政治的なWhat are the main differences between the political parties in the U.S?liberal[ˈlɪbərəl]自由主義の・進歩的な・リベラル派の人In my traditional town, there are not many people with liberal beliefs.conservative[kənˈsɜrvətɪv]保守主義の・保守的な・保守派の人My parents are very traditional and they always vote for conservative politicians.Liberal <> conservativeideology[ˌaɪdiˈɑləʤi]イデオロギー・価値や信念などの背景I don’t think I believe in one specific political ideologyある集団が「世の中はこうあるべきだ」と考える考え方や、物事に対する考え方全体ボキャブライダー(1107)11月8日(金)【ネガティブな気持ち】frustrated, discouraging, rough patch, stewfrustrated[ˈfrʌˌstreɪtəd]イライラした・欲求不満のHe’s frustrated that he can’t throw a baseball well.discouraging[dɪˈskɜrəʤɪŋ]落胆させるような・やる気をそぐようなIt’s really discouraging that my English test score isn’t improving.Rough patch[rʌf][pæʧ]難しい局面・倦怠期I’m going through a rough patch right now. Have a rough patch Hit a rough patchstew[stu]くよくよ思い悩む・やきもきするMy dad has been stewing since the Tigers lost to the giant’s last night.Everybody makes mistakes on the job once in a while. Don’t stew over it.Oh, it’s a little discouraging that you’re frustrated about that.ボキャブライダー(1324)11月7日(木)【期限】by, due, deadline, indefinitelyby[baɪ]迄に (未来の~まで)Could you finish the report by next Monday?<>ある期間続けて=> untildue[du]の期日がきて・~が期待されて(義務がある・当然するべきである)The assignment is due by Friday.deadline[ˈdɛˌdlaɪn]期日・締め切り・期限I take pride in never missing a deadline.Miss a deadlineindefinitely[ɪnˈdɛfənətli]無期限でThe zoo decided to postpone its opening indefinitely.<> definitelyMiss Sakurada, you’re way past the deadline. We can’t wait indefinitely, you know.Oh, come on. I brought these taiyaki for you. Finish the book!ボキャブライダー(1323)11月6日(水)【いくつ】several, number, nearly, overseveral[ˈsɛvrəl]いくつかの・数個のI’ve been to the UK several times, but I’ve never been to the US.*A few < several < manynumber[ˈnʌmbər]Verb:数量が~に達する・数Applicants for the job numbered in the hundreds.に達するNumber in the hundredsNumber in the thousandsNumber in the millionsnearly[ˈnɪrli]ほぼ・もう少しでNearly seven million people joined hands across the United States on May 25th.Almost / nearly もう少しで近いover[ˈoʊvər]超えて・上回ってSo far, vocab rider has featured over 5,000 words.Over 100Over the age of 100 百歳以上ボキャブライダー(1322)11月5日(火)【生き物の世界】predator, prey, natural, nocturnalpredator[ˈprɛdətər]肉食動物・捕食者・容赦なく搾取する人Some animals stay completely still when a predator is nearby.prey[preɪ]獲物・被食者・捕食するNot all predators are gigger than their prey.Prey <> predatorPrey verb : prey on … を捕食するnatural[ˈnæʧərəl]自然の・天然の・当然のThey say the Siberian tiger has no natural predator.,nocturnal[nɑkˈtɜrnəl]夜行性の・夜間のMany nocturnal predators have excellent eyesight.Noc -> 夜狸? Making its natural home in Tokyo?The chances of that are so low and tanukis are nocturnal anyway.You turned into a 狸.---ボキャブライダー(1321)11月4日(月)【ばらす】reveal, spoiler, unveil, tipreveal[rɪˈvil]明らかにする・暴露するGood magicians never reveal their secrets.Show <> reveal 隠されていたものを見せるspoiler[ˈspɔɪlər]ネタバレSpoiler alert. The villain is actually the hero’s farther.Spoiler alertNo spoilersunveil[ənˈveɪl]初公開する・明かすVocab Motors unveiled its brand new driverless car last week.Unveil <> revealtip[tɪp]内密な情報・有益なヒントThe police are looking for tips to help identify the suspect.Tip チップ(ちょっとした特別なもの)ボキャブライダー(1105)11月1日(金)10月25日(金)【区別がつきにくい単語】objective, subjective, personal, personnel【区別かつきにくい単語】objective[əbˈʤɛktɪv]客観的なIt’s hard to be completely objective about important decisions.subjective[səbˈʤɛktɪv]主観的なEvery review online is a subjective opinion.personal[ˈpɜrsɪnɪl]個人的な・個人の <> publicCan I ask you a personal question?Personal questionpersonnel[ˌpɜrsəˈnɛl]社員・職員・人事のWe don’t have enough personnel to meet our production needs.Meet … needsボキャブライダー(1320)10月31日(木)10月24日(木)【ことわざ:千里の道も一歩から】journey, thousand, mile, singleA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.journey[ˈʤɜrni]旅・旅行 (距離の長い・大変な)Millions of immigrants made the journey to the United States.Make the journeyMake a journeyHe journeyed around the world.thousand[ˈθaʊzənd]千・ものすごい数The candidate addressed thousands of supporters at the rally.A thousand eggs or one thousand eggsTwo thousand eggsThousands of … 何千もの~mile[maɪl]マイル 1.6 kilometersThe next gas station is 34 miles ahead.Go the extra milesingle[ˈsɪŋɡəl]ただ一つのGreg knocked out his opponent with a single punch.A single … たった一つの~Not a single … 一つの~もないNot a single person came to the event.ボキャブライダー(1319)10月30日(水)10月23日(水)【ハロウィーンに関する単語】dress up, costume, ghost, spookyDress up[drɛs][ʌp]特別な服装をする・仮想する・おしゃれするWhat are you going to dress up as for Halloween.Dress up as .. の格好をするcostume[kɑˈstum]コスチューム・衣装Zombie costumes always sell out fast.ghost[ɡoʊst]幽霊・亡霊・過去に起きた悪いことの名残I didn’t buy a costume, so I’ll just put on a sheet and be a ghost for Halloween.She ghosted me after our first date.*突然連絡を絶つspooky[ˈspuki]不気味な・幽霊の出そうなThe full moon and heavy fog made everything feel spooky.Well, look at you. What are you dressed up as?A thief, huh? Oh, I see. It’s a Lupin costume, huh?ボキャブライダー(1318)10月29日(火)10月22日(火)【c-l-iが付く単語】recline, incline, clinic, clientCli => 傾く・傾けるrecline[rɪˈklaɪn]座席などを後ろに倒す・倒れる・もたれかかるIs it okay if I recline my seat?incline[ɪnˈklaɪn]気にさせる・傾向を持たせる [ˈɪnklaɪn] 斜面・傾斜I’m inclined to think that people in the past ware smarter than people now.Be inclined to …clinic[ˈklɪnɪk]クリニック・個人病院・診療所There’s a pharmacy near almost every clinic.client[ˈklaɪənt]依頼人・得意先Lawyers don’t always believe their clients are innocent.ボキャブライダー(1317)10月28日(月)10月21日(月)【傷】wound, painful, heal, scarwound[wund]傷・傷つける・心の傷Put the pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding.受動態 傷つくHe was badly wounded in the arm.painful[ˈpeɪnfəl]痛みを伴う・痛い・苦痛なFor months, after I hurt my back, it was painful to walk.もの + is painfulheal[hil]直す・治る <-完全なものにする・(かなりつらい苦痛について)Time heals all wounds.scar[skɑr]傷跡・心の傷・傷跡を残すSome wounds leave scars.Wound 傷そのものScar 傷跡Since I’m an AI robot, no wound is ever painful for me in any way.I feel absolutely nothing. Ouch, that wounded me.

  8. ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-7)11月22日(金)5月24日(金)亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏Lekh Raj Juneja再放送でもやはり全然聞き取れず(__;)---What do you need to learn a language?- You need a desire or will.---Okay, my final question, based on your experience learning English and Japanese as foreign languages,could you offer some advice to our listeners?-You know, language is so important. I learned why it'sso important when I came to Japan .. and you know.. You can't doanything without language. You have to have desire and will to learn the language. I have sent many employees overseas, you know. Some come back with so good.You know, They learnand they have zeal,they workthere and come back to speak and some just do not because they decided not to speak. So important thing that when you learn language, even if I'm not good, I make mistakes, it's okay. I'm not native, you know. So, the problem with, you know, Japanese culture is unless you are perfect, you're not speaking. This English is not only just English people, or American people. There are so many people speak different type of English. So, I always tell my staff you speak something, say something. ..you know. Don't afraid. You're not native. Don't afraid. Be bold. Be bold to speak.-That's exactly what I want to convey to the listeners of this program.-Okay, WhenI speak Japanese,whenI give lectures, when I have managed my board meeting, even if I do mistake, they say, oh, Dr. Juneja, it's okay. You're not Japanese. andthey'llexcuse me, I'm not native. So, I'm not scared of. I'm not afraid. But you need to be careful when you say something, when you say "Be quiet.", not "shut up." something like that. So, you need to be little careful when you speak the words so that you don't hurt people. But speak, say something. Be bold. That's in everything, you know, not only language.-I hope our listeners are encouraged by your comments. Well, thank you very much for joining us today. It was a pleasure talking to you. I look forward to your next endeavor.-Thank you very much…-Thank you inviting me to your studio and I appreciate the invitation and thank you again.-Thank you.---willDetermination, desire and wishes. You may have heard the phrase, Where there's a will, there's a way.This means that if you have the desire and determination to do something, you can find a way.Dr. Juneja said that people need a desire or will to learn a foreign language. Meaning that they have to really want it and be committed to their goals.zealStrong passion, energy, eagerness. Devotion or enthusiasm for something.Zeal is a noun and the adjective form is zealous. For example, the lawyer zealously defended her client. Thatzeal won the case.boldIn this case, bold means having courage and confidence. Taking a risk if you believe it's right.Fearless or free. An example would be, She made the bold decision to move across the country to become an actress. In the end, her courage was rewarded and she became famous.---open doors toLearning a new language opens doors to different cultures and perspectives.face challengesPatience is key when facing challenges in foreign language acquisition.without fear of...It's crucial tospeak without fear of making mistakes.celebrate a small victory*celebrateCelebrating small victories, such as mastering a new phrase, boosts motivation in language learning.Cultural sensitivityCultural sensitivity is an essential part of mastering a foreign language.不可欠essential / integral---Be bold. That's in everything and not only language.ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(28)11月21日(木)5月23日(木)Point to check_無理を言って申し訳ない。---Subject: Entertainments forABC's president.Hi Rie,Thank you for making arrangements for Dominic Dubo, ABC's president. Actually, his secretary mentioned that he'd like to purchase traditional Japanese tableware during his visit. It seems that he's been given a shopping list by his wife. I know the schedule is quite tight but do you know of any stores in Tokyo where he could stop by?Many thanks.Pierre---Do you know of any stores in Tokyo where he could stop by?* know of ...--- We'll push back the dinner start time by an hour. * push back... by .... 時間を遅らせる => delay <> bring forward / move up * dinner start time We'll delay the dinner start time by an hour.---Hi Pierre,I'm pleased to hear that they're interested in Japanese tableware. I would recommend the area called Kappa Bashi. It's a wholesale district near Asakusa where there are lots of stores selling a variety of things such as tableware, kitchen utensils and food samples. I'm sure Mr. Dubor would love the area. Looking at his itinerary, I think we could make time in the afternoon on Monday, the 27th. We'll push back the dinner start time by an hour. For your reference, here's a link to a guide about KapPa bashi in French.Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.Rie---*itinerary---Subject: Mt. Fuji.Hi Pedro,Climbing Mt. Fuji sounds like a great idea. Personally, I've only been to the fifth station by bus. So, I asked my colleague, Toyama Noboru who loves mountain climbing. He said the weekend of July 13th would be a great timing if the weather is favorable and he'd be happy to climb together. What do you think?Regards,Rie---Regarding the key point of this email, how is Rie communicating Noboru's intentions to Pedro?- Rie's telling Pedoro that Noboru would be happy to climbe together.-It seems Rie is leaving the decision to Pedro.--- It's reassuring to have someone who knows Mt. Fuji well. * It's reassuring to ... 心強い It's a relief to be accompanied by someone experienced with Mt. Fuji. * It's a relief to ...~でほっとしていますIt's also possible to say ...---Rie-san,Thank you for your kind offer. I really appreciate it. It's reassuring to have someone who knows Mt. Fuji well. Could you please introduce me to Noboru so that we can communicate directly?Many thanks,Pedoro---What do you think is the underlining emotion in the sentence, it’s reassuring to have someone who knows Mt. Fuji well?- The word "reassuring" encapsulates Pedoro's sense of comfort. When such words are used effectively, you can express feelings with just a single word.-Yes, it's truly clear and concise.--- encapsulate [ɛnˈkæpsəˌleɪt] 要約する To express in a brief summary; epitomize--- I would like to see a Kabuki performance. But is it okay if I don't understand the language? I want to visit Kouya-san, but is it possible to go there and back in a day? I know places where you can casually experience tea ceremony.ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(27)11月20日(水)5月22日(水)A few days later, Kaoru and Daniel exchange information about recent developments. The focus of the conversation seems to be on how to respond to the upcoming shareholders meeting.--What did Kaoru hint at regarding the external audit?-She hinted at the possibility of restructuring the semiconductor department.---Daniel, I notice you've been busy. I've heard rumors that executive support for salvaging the SC department is at 50 percent now.-Yes, thank you for delaying the board meeting. those three days were crucial. Our boss has flown to Tokyo to convince more board members to offer their support.-I spoke to the external audit team today and hinted at the possibility of restructuring the semiconductor department. They indicated that would be a smart move.-How should we explain it at the shareholders meeting? I'm concerned shareholders might raise questions about the losses. Should we combine the numbers with a better performing operation to smooth things out?-I mean, transparency is the key. Let's look for evidence to persuade them that the semiconductor business could make a recovery.---crucialexternal <> internalaudithint atrestructureindicatebe concerned 心配しているsmooth outtransparency---be concerned + that / about ... I'm concerned(that) shareholders might raise questions about the losses. The manager's concerned about the lack of communication within the department. I'm concerned about the team's productivity.be worried that..I'm worried that shareholders might raise questions about the losses.fear that ..I fear that shareholders might inquire about the losses.---What's wrong with combining the numbers? Honesty doesn't pay. As long as it's legal, it should be okay.---It's not just about being legal. Even if you try to conceal the fact that the business is in the red, savvy investors will notice and might think we were trying to hide something. It's better to be upfront. I believe honesty does pay.---* savvy* upfrontラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(26)11月19日(火)5月21日(火)Daniel asks Kaoru for advice on whether there is any way to salvage the situation. Kaoru explains the circumstances to Daniel and provides a hint.---What would happen if the semiconductor department were placed inside a well-performing division?-It would lose autonomy but the ongoing projects could continue.---Fujita-san, tell me frankly. Do you think there's a way to salvage the semiconductor department?Okay Daniel. the outlook may be bleak.However, if we could place the department inside a well-performing division in Kuala Lumpur, the losses would be less noticeable. The semiconductor department would lose autonomy, but the ongoing projects could continue.-How much support can we get?-Don't tell anyone I said this, and this is not my idea. But right now, four out of then board members seem to support salvaging the business. You need to convince two more people to get a majority. A problem happening at another subsidiary, means that I could suggest delaying the meeting by three days maximum.-Thank you, Fujita-san. I owe you for this.---salvagebleak 見通しなどが暗いnoticeableautonomyon goingmajorityI owe you.--- bleak 見通しなどが暗い offering little hope or excitement; dismal ->a bleak future. gloomy and somber cold and raw The outlook may be bleak. Following the natural disaster, the survivors faced a bleak reality. The job marketbecomes bleak during recessions. *job market 雇用市場 *recession 不景気 Bleak 暗い・厳しい <> dark : dark sidegrimThe future may appear grim.not promisingThe prospects may not look promising.---The outlook may be bleak.-The semiconductor department would lose autonomy, but the ongoing projects could continue.---Losing autonomy may be humiliating for the semiconductor sector, but this type of move can by time. I don't think it's a bad strategy to handle ongoing project while considering the next move.---Losing autonomy is still much better than not being rescued at all.If you put all efforts into customer acquisition, performance could improve. This is a crucial moment where perseverance is key.---perseverance[ˌpɜrsəˈvɪrəns]--- The job marketbecomes bleak during recessions. The future may appear grim. The prospects may not look promising.---Bleak類義語 gloomy (暗い、陰鬱な) dismal (陰気な、惨めな) dreary (陰鬱な、単調な) hopeless (絶望的な) pessimistic (悲観的な)対義語 bright (明るい) cheerful (陽気な) optimistic (楽観的な) hopeful (希望に満ちた)ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(25)11月18日(月)5月20日(月)In a process of exchanging financial figures, a new challenge has emerged for the subsidiary in Kuala Lumpur. Kaori is engaging in a candid discussion with Daniel, the local head of finance.---What is the problem with the subsidiary in Kuala Lumpur?-The semiconductor department's final numbers are in the red again.---Fujita-san, have I submitted something wrong?- Relax, Daniel. No discrepancies this year. It's just that the semiconductor department's final numbers are in the red again.-Does that mean Tokyo wants to dissolve the department?-There's nothing personal in this, but the company guidelinestate that if an operation loses money three years in a row, it will not be pursued further.-Fujita-san, this business is important for us to maintain political connections in Malaysia. If we pull out, the authorities may not be so cooperative in the future.-I know, but how will shareholders see this? Between you and me, it's on the agenda for the board meeting next Monday. You should discuss things internally and then seek support from Mr. Sato, the managing director beforehand. Good luck!---in the reddissolve 解体解散するdissolve[dɪˈzɑlv]in a rowpursuepull out 撤退するcooperative[koʊˈɑpəˌreɪtɪv]pull out -> pull out of ... If we pull out, the authorities may not be so cooperative in the future. The government's decision to pull out of the treaty surprised the world. * the treaty 条約 The CEO decided to pull out of the merger negotiations.withdrawIf we withdraw, cooperation from the authorities may diminish in the future.discontinueIf we opt to discontinue the authorities may not maintain the same level of cooperation in the future.--- Does that mean Tokyo wants to dissolve the department?From Tokyo's perspective, they see this issue not as specific to Kuala Lumpur alone, but rather as a concern for the entire semiconductor operation. So, the fate of Kuala Lumpur may depend on the process of restructuring the business.Personally, I don't want that to happen. However, there are voices expressing concerns about allowing exceptions in dealing with three-year deficits. It's unclear what decision will be made.ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-6)11月15日(金)5月17日(金)亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏Lekh Raj JunejaーーWhy should we be happy when we're offered a new job or position?-Because we're getting paid to learn something new.---My background was, I started with basic science and went to microbiology, then went to a faculty of engineering in Osaka and then later what I was doing is all like related to pharma area, medicine, you know, all clinical trials, you know. So, multi-type of background helped me to build up my carrier.-I see. You have had a very interesting and varied career. People in Japan sometimes hesitate to change their jobs. Could you please give them some advice?-My message is it's not changing the job. Youcan do within the same company, too, and the same place too. It's a challenge. Challenge towards your career. You know I tell my people when they're, you know, the fresh employees jointheoffice, till yesterday you are paying tuition fee and learning in the school and the university. From today you get paid and then learn. If you think you are learning on the job, and you’re learning new things in the job, your attitude becomes so different. So when we offer some new position, a new area to work with, I say they should be happy, you know. Now we are getting paid for something that to learn something new. So I became CEO, I need to do A to Z, right. If you want to build up to go rise to the job you want to achieve finally, it's up to you.Of courseI've challenged too, you know.So, you should learn everything. My one wordadvice today is that never hesitate to take challenges. Never hesitate to learn something new. That makes you grow. It grows your career as a human being. That you know. So, job rotationis very important. Of course you need to specialize yourself, too, you know, in some area, you know. That's important.Never hesitate to take new challenges.Broaden your experience and enhance your skills by taking on challenges.---microbiologyMicrobiology is the scientific field of microorganisms or microscopic organisms. This includes studying things like viruses, bacteria and parasites to name a few. Dr. Juneja's background isin microbiology. So, he has experience in the pharmaceutical field.clinical trialClinical trials are research studies that determine the efficacy and safety of medic, medical treatments devices procedures and so on. They are done with actual people in a very carefully controlled and regulated environment.A to Z すべてFrom first to last and everything in between. Everything. Specifically, everything in a particular order or organized fashion. Dr. Juneja said that he needs to do A to Z as a CEO. Meaning he's responsible for everything in a thorough and detailed way.---pharma (area)-(Biochemistry) pharmaceutical companies when considered together as an industry---exceed expectationsI always strive to exceed the expectations of my supervisors.motivateI think recognizing everyone's efforts motivates the whole team.*recognizemaintain a balanceWhile work is important, so is taking care of yourself. It's about maintaining a balance.open to change 変化に対してオープンになる-> 変化を受け入れるWe should become more adaptable and open to change.ーーー基本-> fundamentalMeeting deadlines is fundamental to building trust in relationships.* meet a deadline* be fundamental to + noun-> building---Never hesitate to take challenges. Never hesitate to learn something new. That makes you grow.ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(24)11月14日(木) 5月16日(木)丁寧な依頼の仕方---Subject: Next year's budget for marketing.Hi all,I'm sending you the application form for the marketing expenses budget for overseas entities.Could you fill in the relevant sections and return it to me by Friday, the 17th? As the recent increase in procurement costs has impacted our profits, the management decided on a uniform 10 percent cut across all entities and departments. We know this is tough, but we kindly ask you to review and adjust your individual budgets accordingly.Best regards,Rie--- relevant the sections relevant to you We know this is tough, but we kindly ask you to--- Please check for any omissionsor errors. Please check that the form is complete.---Rie-san,It's honestly difficult to accept a uniform cut considering the overseas marketing business has been performing well. However, it's not fair to blame you. I've filled in all the details for the Vancouver Branch. Please check for any omissions or errors.Many thanks,Jimmy---補正予算についてWhat does it mean that the accounting department does not accept any supplementary budgets. We need to keep an eye on the market and stay ahead of the game. Now is the time to negotiate with the client in person.Rie, any cool ideas to get some extra cash for travel expenses?---Any cool ideas to... -> Do you have any cool ideas to ..Any other expressions typically used for chat?Cool ideas would probably be expressed as good ideas in an email.---やってみる give it a try It's not that simple but I'll give it a try.Could you provide us with an alternative sentence?It's also possible to say, It's not easy but I'll give it a go.That's a good one, too.---Andrew, point taken. It's not that simple but I'll give it a try. You're talking about a business trips to Sydney for three people, right? I'll negotiate to see if we can allocate an unused portion of the advertising budget.Fingers crossed.--- I understand your point. = Point taken. Fingers crossed. = Keep your fingers crossed.Jenny, where does this expression come from?-It comes from the gesture of crossing the middle and index fingers to pray for good luck.-Right. It's a charm that will make your wish come true.charm = magic spell, magical spell, spell--- Let's budget with some extra cushion, just to be on the safe side. * Extra Cushion: A Safety Net in Budgeting Is it possible to carry over the remaining budget to the next fiscal year? I expect to be grilled on details during the budget hearing.ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(23)11月13日(水)5月15日(水)The story of the missing inventory continues.Kaoru gets Giorgio to help her uncover the facts.---Why did Giorgiowait to inform Kaoru until the situation became clear?-Because he understood the gravity of the situation.---It would have been helpful if you had informed us sooner.-I understand. I recognize the gravity of the situation. That's exactly why I chose to wait until the situation became clear.-Do you have any idea about the cause of this incident?-I wish I did. You mentioned the case at another overseas location where seasonal employees stole some parts for resale. We can't rule out that kind of possibility. I'm hopeful it might just be a miscalculation.-We hope so, too. Giorgio, you've successfully resolved many challenging issues in the past. And I have complete confidence in your abilities.-That's very kind, Kaoru. I'll keep you updated on the developments.---recognizegravityseasonal employeesrule outmiscalculationchallengingkeep .. updated---rule out ... We can't rule out that kind of possibility. We should rule out biases when choosing candidates. We ruled out the idea that this was a human error. We can't dismiss that kind of scenario. *dismiss 考えなどを捨て去る We can't exclude the possibility of this happening. *exclude <> include I have complete confidence in your abilities. This is indeed a serious problem. Okay, first please submit your investigation report by the end of today. I'll then report it to Mr. Kaneko,our chief financial officer, first thing tomorrow morning, Tokyo time. Giorgio, this is a challenge that we'll need to address collaboratively working closely with your team. There's always a solution to every problem. Let's overcome this together.---There hasn't been a single world of apology from Giorgia. What are your thoughts on that?-That's right. He used, I understand instead of saying he was sorry. Perhaps he thought an apology would make Kaoru doubt his abilities or even view it as an admission of guilt. Using, I understand shows that he's listening.ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(22)11月12日(火)5月14日(火)The financial statement from thesubsidiary in Italy have been sent to the Tokyo headquarters. Kaoru discovers a potentially problematic fact and asks Giorgio about it.---What was lost in warehouse 8?-Several dozen batteries were lost.---Thank you for sending us your financials. You've provided us with the overall numbers, but we do need the details as well. Is there any reason you've omitted the details surrounding current assets on the balance sheet?-Well, if I'm honest, our inventory isn't adding up. The logistics team is reporting a loss of several dozen batteries in warehouse 8. We're checking for damage reports, but there aren't any.-Didn't you check your stock at the end of the third quarter?-Of course we did. At that time the stock was still there.-This could develop into a problem. Our inventory must be disposed of by a certified entity under the correct procedures. If we can't prove that it was, we may be at risk of losing our ISO certification.---financials 決算書omit 省略するcurrent assets流動資産balance sheetadd up 合計の数字が合うdozen =12third quarterdispose (be disposed of)certifiedISO =International Organization for Standardization---add up 合計の数字が合う-> not add up 数字が合わない Our inventory isn't adding up. The numbers just don't add up. Could you please double check each item? The budget and actual expenses are not adding up. There's a discrepancy in our inventory figures. There's a mismatch between our recorded inventory and the actual stock.---It's not my fault that the batteries are missing. I've been fulfilling my responsibilities. So, why blame me?-Don't take it personally. I'm not blaming you. However, this is something that happened within your company and impact could ripple throughout the entire group.There's nothing wrong with you personally. I just wanted you to be aware that there could be serious consequences for the groupas a whole.ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(21)11月11日(月)5月13日(月)The deadline for submitting financial documents is approaching. Kaoru calls Giorgia the financial manager of the subsidiary in Italy.---What was the purpose of Kaoru's phone call to Giorgio?-The purpose was to remind Giorgio of the submission deadline.---Hello Giorgio. How are you? Is the family well too?-Ciao. Kaoru. All good here. My daughter Maria had a sleepover this weekend. She invited three friends. So, I was pretty busy with cooking.-You're a good farther. How old is Maria now?-She turned eight last month. Time flies. Anyway, I'm sure you didn't call me just to inquire about my family. What's the matter?-Well, there's no problem as of now. I just wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is this Friday. Is everything on schedule?-Yeah.. Yeah.. No problem.-You sound a bit apprehensive. If there are any issues, please let me know. The earlier, the better.-Don't worry. If anything comes up, I'll keep you posted.---sleep overtime fliesinquireremindsubmission deadlineapprehensive不安な -> worry / nervous気づかって, 懸念してkeep .. posted apprehensive -Anxious or fearful about the future; uneasy:---remind ( remind... of ... / remind ... to ... / remind ... that ...) I just wanted to remind you that the submission deadline is this Friday. I'd like to remind you of the upcoming team meeting on Friday. Could you remind me to call the client at 3 P.M? Just let you know this Friday is the submission deadline. I just want to bring your attention to the submission deadline, which is this Friday.--- There seems to be a heat wave in southern Italy. How about Milan? Has your mother been discharged from the hospital yet? I recently started watching an Italian language program on NHK. Watching a special feature on the Uffizi Gallery on TV made me want to visit Florence.

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  11. 早起き習慣と最近のコーデ。
  12. 水曜日お疲れ様ですやる気があがらずお疲れ気味の独女です昨夜は夜中に…半額で買っていた焼きそばともやしやる気出ず放置していましたが…寝る前にさすがに特にもやし危ない…と奮い立たせてキャベツとかないシンプルすぎる焼きそばご飯も炊いてないと…セットして寝不足で今朝詰めたお弁当茶色い野菜なし急いでonしたアンパンポテトがたまたまドキンちゃんと食パンマンさまラブラブ弁当となりましたあやかりたいドキンちゃんのように素直に恋したいわ気づかぬうちに週末ひとり約束してた?みたいで危なかった…日程連絡すると言ったような気がしてたのに…疲れかはたまたお相手の思い込みか…決められないけど決まったということで他の方の日程調整しよ自分が勝手に疲れて相手の時間を無駄にしてはいけない…いずれにしても真剣に向き合わねば…午後も頑張っていきましょうフライパン セット 6点セット ih アイリスオーヤマ フライパンセット 深型 20cm 24cm 蓋 IH ガス ガス火 おしゃれ 取っ手 ブラック キャンプ アウトドア おしゃれ かわいい 四角 スクエア ギフト プレゼント SKL-SE6S SKL-SE6 プレゼント[SS2412]楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}■ 旭化成 ジップロック コンテナー長方形 480ml&820ml 各1個入 【Disney】 2024 キッチン ご飯 ごはん コンテナ ご飯 時短 ペットフード 引越 挨拶 内祝い 引っ越し挨拶 新生活 新居 プレゼント お返し楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}\BFラストセール!18時から使える限定クーポン配信中/旭化成ホームプロダクツ ジップロック コンテナー ディズニープリンセス23 長方形 480・820ml 12個【ケース販売 12個 数量限定品】楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}\BFラストセール!18時から使える限定クーポン配信中/旭化成ホームプロダクツ ジップロック スクリューロック 300ml&730ml 各1個入 プリンセス【ディズニー ケース販売 12個 数量限定品】楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}旭化成 ジップロック スクリューロック 300ml&730ml 各1個入 トイ・ストーリー 【Disney】 2024 キッチン 保尊容器 食品保存 丈夫 軽い 冷蔵 冷凍 耐熱 電子レンジ対応 ごはん おかず 作り置き 時短 引っ越し 新生活 Ziploc楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}

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  15. 『気遣うひと~春馬ロス』『何度見ても泣ける~春馬ロス』『透き通るってこういうの~春馬ロス』『つくばアクターズスタジオ時代~春馬ロス』『健康状態~春馬ロス』『慎重な恋愛アプロ…ameblo.jp『めちゃくちゃあがる~春馬ロス』『愛にあふれてる~春馬ロス』『ジキルとハイド~春馬ロス』『署名活動とかもろもろ~春馬ロス』『30歳の節目~春馬ロス』『難しい方を選ぶ2~春馬ロス』…ameblo.jpオトナ高校撮影しているあたりかなあなんとなくヘアスタイルがそんな雰囲気する~そうめんが好きって若人っぽくないというか食の好みが 大人なのよ。 春馬くんは 1年を通してそうめんを食する😊 まだ、食べ方に出会っていない時期。 お笑い芸人とのトーク 春馬くんの返しが微妙に面白い 生真面目さが際立つトーク😂💖 #三浦春馬 #銀シャリ pic.twitter.com/0IUbAzmfTu— HARUNOUMA (@a96e6e120b524fa) November 26, 2024 今から7年前2017年11月27日 伊藤園イベント🍵 「練」という1文字を選んだ 春馬くんの常に仕事に対して真摯に 向き合ってきたのが伝わってくる… 私達が想像している何十倍も 努力をしてきたんだろうなぁ… 全てに尊敬しかない🍀 これからも春馬くんの作品を 大切にしていきたい🍀#三浦春馬 pic.twitter.com/nZYZj6wv3M— たっちゃん.。.:*♡✿ฺ (@sawawan0529) November 26, 2024 どんなに制限されても 春馬くんを想う気持ちは 変わらない その優しくて美しい歌声.. 今夜も大好きな大好きな 貴方を想う夜 逢いたくてたまりません#三浦春馬 🌸🐎 pic.twitter.com/n2pBzGC4yl— yama (@YAMA06305701) November 26, 2024 いつも全力だから素敵💗 今日も大好きな春馬くんに 沢山の愛が届きますように🌸🐎✨ #三浦春馬 #おんな城主直虎 pic.twitter.com/QCNKJbl4sQ— 春馬くんファン (@nLs6IChIIM76155) November 15, 2024世界はもっと!ほしいモノにあふれてる4 ~まだ見ぬ宝物と人に出会う旅~Amazon(アマゾン)貧乏男子 ボンビーメン DVD-BOX 【DVD】楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}三浦春馬 ふれる 写真集Amazon(アマゾン)世界はもっと!ほしいモノにあふれてる3 ~これからも海を越えて仕事する!~Amazon(アマゾン)ブラッディ・マンデイ DVD-BOX [ 三浦春馬 ]楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}世界はほしいモノにあふれてる セレクションDVDBOXAmazon(アマゾン)天外者 DVD通常版Amazon(アマゾン)コンフィデンスマンJP プリンセス編Amazon(アマゾン)僕のいた時間 [Blu-ray]Amazon(アマゾン)僕のいた時間 [DVD]Amazon(アマゾン)

  16. はじめましての方はこちら→⭐️アメンバーについては→こちらコメントは承認制です。内容によっては運営に報告&承認しかねる場合がありますのでご理解お願いいたします^ ^今日も今日とてまとまらない雑多な内容なのでタイトルはZATTERIN’JINNあちゃー ドン引き先月 圭が足を骨折してしばらく松葉杖🩼通院や塾の送り迎えなど慌ただしい日々でしたがようやく 普通の生活が送れるようになって通常モードの毎日に戻りましたはー長かったこれはいつかのランチお好み焼き屋さんに入ったけれど注文したのは 焼きそばと鉄板焼き焼き肉も そうだけどこういう"焼きもの"だとわたしはただ見ているだけ全部Tさんがやってくれるから嬉しい新居の調理家電にホットプレートも加えようこちらは昨日のランチお昼からあいていたイタリアンバルいま抱えている仕事の悩みをいろいろ 聞いてもらいましたあの課長はクラッシャーだからまゆ大丈夫かなって見てるけどよく交わしてると思うよ腹立たしさもあるけどうまくやるしかないよねピエロでもいいよその場を取り繕えるならたくましいね見てる人は見てるからもう少しの辛抱だ次の人事? 変わるかな適正に判断されればいいな大丈夫俺こそ アンガーマネジメント意識しないとまずいTくんは仏みたいに穏やかだよいつも違う ほんとは電話ガチャ切りしたくて こらえてる最近の若いやつはって言いたいよぷっ!まさか?すっかりおじさんですね^ ^そうだ^ ^今の上司のやり方にどうにも納得がいかなくて仕事中 モヤモヤしているけれどTさんに聞いてもらえるだけで心が軽くなるまだまだ経験不足のわたしといい役についてきたTさんわたしにとっては いつまでも相談できる 頼れる存在NHKの 光る君へ見ている方 いらっしゃいますか?昨日の 道長のまひろへの想いがあふれる言葉とまひろの強い意志くぅー 切ない毎回 涙、涙なぜか わたしの中でTさんと道長が重なって日曜の夜は とても心が揺さぶられますただ和顔なだけ?笑最近は 先の尖った靴が好みでぺたんこパンプスをよく履いていますジミーチュウのリボンのものサイズ34が シンデレラフィット中敷なしで履けるなんて感動  そろそろタイツの季節超絶寒がりなので試練の日々です

  17. 昨日のラルフローレン購入品並べたらめちゃ可愛い(自画自賛)ギフトの中身はポニーセーターです永遠の定番【11/25限定!2人に1人が当選!エントリーで最大100%ポイントバック】Polo Ralph Lauren ポロ ラルフローレン セーター 211891640 レディース 長袖 クルーネック コットン ケーブル ニット ポニー 刺繍 カラー9色 【po_sannn】【dc_kikaku】楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}その他は自分用 笑何度も買い替えてるキャンバストートを久々に新調ちょっとそこまで行く時に便利この上ない布物はブランケットです。ホームで買いましたあとホリデーっぽい真っ赤なタオルは白ポニーが可愛かったから2枚買った今日は日中温かかったですねお昼は上着なしでランチへ今日のニットは先日…というか最近毎日のように着てるニットの色違いこの日も、『久々に大当たりのプチプラ服はこれ』毎年冬になると毎日でもヘビロテできて仕事とかで沢山着まわせて洗えて傷んだら買い替えられるようなプチプラニットを複数枚買うのですが今年はこれがめっっちゃ良いモヘ…ameblo.jpこの日も、『沢山買い物しました』先日取り寄せしてた服を試着しに行って1着だけ買うつもりが結果 笑余りまとめ買いせずちょこちょこ買うタイプだけどたまにはこんな日もある本当はロングブーツも欲しか…ameblo.jpついでに昨日も羽織の中に来てましたww『御殿場アウトレットに来ています/CELINE入荷情報も』*この記事には一部プロモーションが含まれます本日はギフトを買いに、アウトレットに来てます気が早いけどホリデーの準備ということで。12月はアウトレット混んでるし…ameblo.jpヘビロテにも程がある朝あれこれ考えた結局これに落ち着来ます。しかし流石にバリエーションに欠けると思い最初に着た後速攻注文していた色違いのアイボリーをおろしましたグレーの方が好きかなと思ってたけど着てみると色味が結構良い感じモヘヤライクの質感がそこはかとなくXmasっぽいようなかなりトーンを落としたホワイトなので変に浮かずに色々な洋服と合ってくれそうです。そしてやはり顔周りが明るくなって、ホワイト系のトップスは良いなぁ… 全3色ですモヘヤライクショート丈ニットトップス レディース メール便不可楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}昨日服も色々見たら着たくなったのでスラックスとベルトはRalph Laurenホワイトとネイビーの組み合わせ大好物ですその他、shoes:TOD'Sbag:CELINEグレーはこんな色で結構濃いめだから締まるもう一色のピンクも可愛いんだけど、顔色的に似合わなそうだから とりあえず見送りかなブラックとかネイビーも出てくれないかな。。モヘヤライクショート丈ニットトップス レディース メール便不可楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}今シーズン気倒す勢いです。何も気にせず洗濯物もガンガンできるから楽これも買ったこっちは生地がモチモチもっと寒くなったら絶対重宝する!袖バルーンボトルネックニットトップス レディース メール便不可楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}このニットは全然チクチクしなくて静電気も余り起きなくて優秀でしたハイネック畔編みボリュームニット 88-003929楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}あったかニットのバリエーション増やしたいな今日の締めアーモンドミルクラテにホワイトモカシロップ夜は冷えるので暖まりながら帰ります

  18. ついに金沢旅行も最終日となりました。前日は温泉にたっぷり浸かって癒されたはずなのに、疲れたのか朝までぐっすり寝れました朝食は8:30に予約していたので、それまでの時間を使って温泉へ♨️今回は「兼六」へ。(写真はHPからお借りしました)昨夜は微妙そうとのことで、もう一つの温泉にしましたが。結果的にここの温泉が一番最高でした・・!なんで気付かなかったんだろう。テラスの雰囲気といい、温泉の感じといい文句なしです。(公式のお写真より、実物はもっと素敵ですよ・・!)彼も今まで行った温泉の中で一番かもと大絶賛していましたそしてお待ちかねの朝ごはん今回は部屋食ではなく、個室の食事処にしてもらいました。朝ごはんとは思えない量ですご飯の種類をお米かお粥か選べたので、私はお粥をチョイス。そしたらなんと!鮑のおかゆが出てきました!しかもこの庵をかけるらしい追い鮑ですよなんじゃこれ!金沢は鮑がよく採れるのかな・・?サラダもたっぷりあるし、薬膳鍋は胃にやさしいお味で、つみれ?が絶品でした😋こちらは、のどぐろ、しいたけ、お麩(田楽風)金沢名物をチョイスしました彼は鮭、ふぐ、鶏肉だったかな?前日にどれを調理するか、樽に入れた状態で確認されたので各々好きなものを選びました🤗前日に食べたのどぐろも脂たっぷりでしたが、今回のもかなり美味しかったしいたけも肉厚だし、お麩も美味しいしで最高よ帰る前にもう一度温泉に入りたかったのですが、すでに時間外となってしまったのでラウンジのテラスでコーヒー飲みながらまったりしたり。お部屋でくつろぎながら過ごしました。チェックアウトの時間が近付いてきたので、アプリでタクシーを呼ぼうとしたけど全然捕まらない。この辺りに流しのタクシーいないみたいですね急遽フロントの方に依頼しましたが、到着までに20~30分ですってもっと早く呼んでればよかった‥おかげでランチにチャンピオンカレーを食べようと計画していましたが、時間が足りなくなり、そのまま帰宅することに代わりに駅弁とエキナカの立ち食いそば(有名店ですよ)で、お蕎麦と能登牛コロッケいただいてきました今回は一切観光せず、温泉入ってのんびりまったりして、美味しいものをひたすら食べるという贅沢旅でしたおかげで思い出深い、素敵な旅になりましたよ百楽荘はスタッフの方は若い方が多かったですが、みなさん対応もよく、とても気持ちよく過ごせました。次は京都の温泉に行きたいねと話してますが、実現するかな・・?


  19. ​美乳ルームウェア【最大20%OFFクーポン】数量限定!楽天限定カラー登場 みるくナースさん ROOMコラボ《ラクシアスリープ》ナイトブラワンピース 長袖マキシ丈 花柄/無地ナイトブラ ルームウェア レディース ワンピース ナイトブラ一体型 カップ付き マタニティ 【tu-hacci】楽天市場6,980円~${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}【最大20%OFFクーポン】《ラクシアスリープ》ナイトブラ 美乳ナイトブラ ワンピース ルームウェア カップ付き 夏 キャミ 部屋着 ナイトブラ一体型 ノンワイヤー マキシワンピ ミモレ丈 マタニティ パジャマ 【tu-hacci】楽天市場4,980円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}【最大20%OFFクーポン】【新色登場!】yuneさんROOMコラボ&完売カラーも再入荷もこもこカーディガン 前開きロングカーディガン/フード付きガウン ルームウェア カーディガン レディース ギフト カーデ 部屋着 ポケット 温活 あったか【tu-hacci】楽天市場4,980円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}【最大20%OFFクーポン】新発売!【2足セットなら1足あたり¥1,490♪】もこもこ二重編みソックス《単品/2足セット》靴下 ソックス ルームソックス あったか モコモコ ボア 保温 冷え対策 冷え性対策 防寒 かわいい ふわふわ【tu-hacci】楽天市場1,980円~${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}20%オフクーポン出てますよこんにちは私のおすすめピアスがとっても可愛いんです【期間限定!超目玉】 【メール便送料無料】 ピアス ステンレス レディース 金属アレルギー 対応 ボールチェーン チェーン ゴールド サージカルステンレス SUS304 ギフト プレゼント 大ぶり 30代楽天市場1,348円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}私が買った時より安くなってる派手過ぎずだけど顔周り華やかになってめっちゃ気に入ってるこの写真撮った時に思ったけど…フェイスラインがすっきりしている体重は変わってないので思い当たる理由は顔ヨガ3ヶ月ぐらい前から夜のスキンケアの時にやってますたった3分ほどだけど顔つきが自分比だけど少し変わってきたし笑顔がキレイになったと思うすぐに効果は出ないけど地道な努力って必要だな【全品送料無料×P最大46倍!】ピアス フックピアス 金属アレルギー ニッケルフリー レディース 揺れる フラワー 花 大ぶり 一粒パール ヴィンテージ調 艶消し マット大人 華やか 結婚式 お呼ばれ 二次会 ゴールド シルバー楽天市場2,090円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}こちらも可愛いんですよ派手目はピアスするならごつく見えないようにフェイスラインもスッキリさせたいこのまま顔ヨガも続けます【半額クーポン対象】カーディガン リボン Vネック ローゲージニット ドロップショルダー ショート丈 レイヤード レディース 2024秋冬新作【aotaw24-720】【予約販売:(1)12月12日/(2)12月19日入荷予定順次発送】【送料無料】宅込楽天市場7,980円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}すごく気になってる激カワカーディガンが半額《クーポンで50%off→4,950円》キルティング ボア 切替 コート アウター レディース 中綿 ゆったり ノーカラー 冬 長袖 大人 ノアル【予約 全カラー12月26日から3営業日で発送】楽天市場9,900円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}こちらも半額


  20. 『功績~春馬ロス』『治療とは~春馬ロス』『海外で活動したい芸能人~春馬ロス』『最後のメッセージ~春馬ロス』『ハリウッド映画~春馬ロス』『まっけんの弟~春馬ロス』『ま…ameblo.jp『モーツァルト~春馬ロス』『ゴスペルと三浦春馬~春馬ロス』『卓越した歌唱力とダンス~春馬ロス』『三浦春馬の歌唱力~春馬ロス』『Fight for your heart ~春馬ロ…ameblo.jp愛らしいほっこりする作風わたしも 置物とかほしい~~ 心あたたまる作品グッズも  沢山並んでいました🤍 ショッパーも可愛い💞 わが家の🐹ちゃんと📸した カッティングボード🐎は もったいから使わないで!! と母😆💦 近くの棚には春馬くんが番組で 選ばれていたARABIAの食器も🍇 明日のせかほしは スウェーデン🇸🇪家具特集🪑 楽しみです✈️#三浦春馬 pic.twitter.com/kA2rLYd3Bu— wakarin4548🌻 (@wakarin4548) November 27, 2024 サラサラのナチュラルヘアと 黒メガネ...この笑顔 がっちりした肩から腕 全てがストライク🌸#三浦春馬 pic.twitter.com/A92UJwN52P— 春馬くんファン (@nLs6IChIIM76155) November 26, 2024 そして、アップになったレントゲン写真のような手をまじまじ見てみると…あれれ? 春馬くん、薬指の爪の下あたりに小さなタコのようなものが。 こんなのいつからどうして出来たんだろうね?🥹 今はこういうものすら愛おしい…✨✨ (それにしてもやっぱり指なっが!) pic.twitter.com/nwgpOd7U2K— ONE & ONLY HARUMA🌸🐎 (@YONOHA8) November 26, 2024 今から7年前2017年11月27日 伊藤園イベント🍵 「練」という1文字を選んだ 春馬くんの常に仕事に対して真摯に 向き合ってきたのが伝わってくる… 私達が想像している何十倍も 努力をしてきたんだろうなぁ… 全てに尊敬しかない🍀 これからも春馬くんの作品を 大切にしていきたい🍀#三浦春馬 pic.twitter.com/nZYZj6wv3M— たっちゃん.。.:*♡✿ฺ (@sawawan0529) November 26, 2024世界はもっと!ほしいモノにあふれてる4 ~まだ見ぬ宝物と人に出会う旅~Amazon(アマゾン)世界はほしいモノにあふれてる セレクションDVDBOXAmazon(アマゾン)僕のいた時間 [Blu-ray]Amazon(アマゾン)コンフィデンスマンJP プリンセス編Amazon(アマゾン)三浦春馬 ふれる 写真集Amazon(アマゾン)貧乏男子 ボンビーメン DVD-BOX 【DVD】楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}天外者 Blu-ray豪華版(特典ディスク付2枚組)Amazon(アマゾン)『 日本製+Documentary PHOTO BOOK 2019-2020 』Amazon(アマゾン)世界はもっと!ほしいモノにあふれてる2 ~バイヤーが教える極上の旅~Amazon(アマゾン)わたしを離さないで Blu-ray BOX【Blu-ray】 [ 綾瀬はるか ]楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}
