
  1. アラフォー・不動産OLのあき(自己紹介)です。一人で自由に生きてます☺️✨捨て活したり、資格勉強したり、Youtubeしてます。久しぶりに付録買いエレガンスのラプードルのサンプルやミノンのパックがついて800円台はお得すぎない!?スペシャルエディションのワンバイコーセーセットは完売美的スペシャル2024年7月号 [雑誌] 「美的7月号 SPECIAL EDITION」楽天市場889円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}私はエレガンスが使えればどちらでも良かったので通常盤にしましたよ美的 2024年 7月号 増刊 [雑誌] 「美的7月号 付録違い版」楽天市場870円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}Amazon通常版美的 2024年7月号 [雑誌]Amazon(アマゾン)850円スペシャル版(ワンバイコーセー)美的スペシャル 2024年7月号 [雑誌]Amazon(アマゾン)890円ずっと試したかったので楽しみですご予約はお早めに!🌸アメトピ掲載記事・オートファジー生活で感じた効果・掃除のプロに不要と言われたもの・メイクのプロに勧められたコスメ🌸Youtube人気動画・【ルームツアー】一人暮らし/IKEAインテリア・【防災グッズ】最低限!本当に必要なモノだけ・【単身で家を買う】購入理由/新築?中古?/後悔していることetc.・【旅行バッグの中身】国内旅行(1泊2日)/コンパクトパッキング・【無印良品】リピ買いしたいもの沢山!大優勝だった購入品🌸本当に買って良かったもの・楽天ROOM

  2. 飛騨高山② 新井こう平製麺所
  3. 切り麦や甚八西新宿店と同じビル。奥に進むとあるロメスパのくぼやん値上げ値上げのご時世に1,000円以下でお腹いっぱいスパゲティが食べられるのはありがたいラーメン屋さんと同様の券売機スタイル最近マイブームの明太子にしました。普通盛りでも300gある!流石、ロメスパ!!しかも700円!安いっカウンター席のみ10席。店主さんが一人で鍋を振るっています。テーブルには味変要員で粉チーズ、タバスコ、胡椒、七味あり。待つこと数分。到着しました、明太子どシンプルに明太子と枝豆だけ!麺はかなりの太麺。かなり柔らかめなのにモチッとした不思議な食感。生パスタのような…うどんのような…しっかりとお腹に溜まっていく麺であることは確か。一口食べると明太子がこれでもか!と綺麗に混ざっていて素晴らしい。枝豆の食感が良いアクセントになっていて◎枝豆好きなので、配分を考えずに食べてしまったら後半がかなり単調でキツかった…常連さんたちはナポリタンを頼む人が多いようです。私の両サイドに座った男性、二人とも大盛りナポリタン!!トマト系だと酸味もあって最後まで美味しくいけるのかな??とはいえ、こちらはとにかく量がすごいので中途半端なお腹具合で行くと痛い目にあいますので注意有楽町のジャポネ好きは好き。ハシヤ系好きだと、ちょっと違う。本格派アルデンテ系好きだと、絶対違う。そんなスパゲティです。◼️くぼやん住所: 新宿区西新宿8-11-1日東星野ビルB1FTEL: 非公開営業時間:月・火・水・木・金11:00 - 15:3017:45 - 19:30定休日: 土・日・祝日スパゲティ屋くぼやん (西新宿/パスタ)★★★☆☆3.49 ■西新宿のスパゲティ屋 ■予算(夜):~¥999s.tabelog.com

  4. 新宿三丁目に寄り道。スープカレーのドミニカ可愛いゾウさんマークが目印です。こちらの看板のある通りの地下にドミニカはあります。赤い壁の狭い階段を降りていきます。ドミニカに来るのはかれこれ10数年ぶり。変わらない場所にあり続けるのは人気店の証。この赤壁階段の雰囲気、独特〜カレーへの気持ちが高まる!笑ちょうどタイミングよく入口近くの席が空きました。私たちの後はちょっとした行列に。タイミング、大事ですね◎メニュー注文はスマホでオーダー。10数年前から進化しているなぁ。メニューが多くて、目移りしてしまいます。スープの種類を選んだり、トッピングを選んだり、まぁまぁ忙しいドリンク付きのサラダセットにしました。アサイーラッシー。健康的なのに美味しいアサイー!サラダはドレッシングに浸ってる笑フレンチドレッシングとマヨネーズの間の味がする。コーンマヨ好きな私は好きなタイプの味。まずは旦那さんのカレーが到着。東京ドミニカスタンダードスープにチキンスープカレー(骨なし)ザンギトッピングザンギが思いの外、大きくて。嬉しい誤算🍛私もスープはドミニカオリジナル。ひき肉とチーズのスープカレーに納豆とレンコンのトッピング。野菜がゴロッと入っているのがいい。追加レンコン以外にかぼちゃ、人参、じゃない、ヤングコーンに茄子、水菜。外食で野菜が食べられるとホッとします。どの野菜も甘くて美味しかった♡辛さは1辛で。2辛ぐらいでも良かったかも?笑カレーに納豆をトッピングするのは昔から好きです。社食のカレーにも納豆を必ず付けます。そのくらい納豆トッピング好き。スープカレーにも合いました!挽肉たっぷり、納豆たっぷり。美味しいスパイシースープもたっぷりで、大満足。久しぶりに行きましたが、変わらず美味しかったです。スープの種類が増えたことだしコンプリートするのも楽しそうです◼️東京ドミニカ住所: 新宿区新宿3-31-1 大伸第二ビルB1FTEL: 03-6380-4644営業時間:月〜金昼/11:30 - 15:00夜/17:30 - 22:00土11:30 - 22:00日・祝日11:30 - 21:00定休日: 不定休東京ドミニカ (新宿三丁目/スープカレー)★★★☆☆3.69 ■姉妹店のイエロースパイス銀座店がミシュランガイドでビブグルグマンに選ばれました! ■予算(夜):¥1,000~¥1,999s.tabelog.com

  5. 飛騨高山③ 宮川朝市
  6. 会社に出勤したとたん何か揉め事が起きていましたと言っても揉め事は毎日のように起きるんですが…まだ始業前から?まずOL目黒が ぎゃー!「やりませんから」とか連発してた同じ設計業務担当の OL B子とともに課長席にいたもちろんB子は困った顔して横に居るなんだろ?と思ったら…設計担当のOLたちが 偶然にも休暇がたくさん…OL石原と派遣OL1人は休暇予定だったので2人居ないとけっこう大変だけど加えて2人 急に休みになったなのでその いない人の分を やりたくないのでゴネていたのだ…しかしOL目黒の発言はひどかった「だから小さい子が居る人ばかり、それが困る」とか「私は自分の仕事で精一杯だからやりません」とかそんならおまえが虫垂炎で長期休暇してた2週間とか骨折で休暇してた3ヶ月誰にも迷惑かけなかったつもりか?おい!しかも 自分だって子供いるだろもう成人してるからって子供が小さかった頃には病気しただろう?同じ母親として小さい子がいる人は困るって発言はどうなの?仕事中にも聞こえるOL目黒の声「あ!担当が今日休んでるんで!私にはわかりません担当が来てる日に掛け直してもらえますか?」お客様への口の聞き方は何なんだ?昼休みにもまた課長席で怒鳴ってた「お断りの電話ばっかりですよ!出なくていいですよね?」はぁ…うちの課ってお互い様って言葉が通用しない人が多いそういえば今月でいなくなる派遣の人がいるんだけど辞めるってわかったとたん真っ先にOL元ヤンとかOLマキは「誰かまともな人がほしい」「今度は契約社員を入れてほしい」とか言ってるしかも、周りに派遣の人が働いてるのにその前で平気で話すありえないその前にまず感謝とか残念とか言えないのか?ほんとにひどい人だったならまだしも一年以上 ちゃんとやってくれた人なのに協調性ゼロだから仕方ないか…そんな奴らとも一緒にやっていくしかないのねぇー【クーポン利用で¥500オフ!】 ルームライト ちいかわ ハチワレ うさぎ モモンガ くりまんじゅう グッズ インテリア ランプ 間接照明 寝室 ベッド 就寝 お休み前 雑貨 【~2024年4月27日(土)09:59まで】楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}ちいかわ 充電式 シリコンルームライト LED ライトちいかわ/ハチワレ/うさぎ/モモンガ/くりまんじゅう/シーサー 393-PXXP046 授乳ライト LEDライト LEDランプ 赤ちゃん ベビー 出産祝い おしゃれ LEDランタン 調光 エクスプラス 【送料無料】楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}

  7. 一緒がいいね
  8. 月末SALE開催中:今だから予約できるお得なプラン【楽天トラベル】【楽天トラベル|月末SALE】4/30(火)9:59まで!高級宿・温泉宿・ビジネスホテルのランキング満載!国内宿泊/国内ツアーのご予約は楽天トラベルで!travel.rakuten.co.jp期間限定アイテム【ポイント20倍 4/30(火) 9:59まで】 大人のカロリミット 90回分<機能性表示食品>【ファンケル 公式】[FANCL ダイエット サポート サプリメント カロリー サプリ 健康食品 桑の葉 キトサン サポニン 女性 男性 機能性表示食品 カロリミット お腹の脂肪を減らす ]楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}【公式】 Wonjungyo 【ウォンジョンヨ W デイリームードアップパレット】/なりたいムードに合わせて楽しむ 質感MIX&万能カラーの7色アイ&チークパレット楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}\24時間限定1,980円/新作!シシベラ ワンタッチ 日傘 折りたたみ傘 完全遮光 自動開閉 わずか240g 逆折り式 折り畳み傘 6本骨 uvカット 紫外線対策 日焼け対策 メンズ レディース ワンプッシュ 軽量 大きめ ワンタッチ 刺繍 晴雨兼用 頑丈 大きい 6本骨 cicibella楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}★100台期間限定2,800円クーポン★フライパン セット ih 15点 IH・ガス火対応 鍋セット 取っ手が取れる ソースパン 蓋付き 簡単調理 お弁当 蓋 鍋 卵焼き フライパン 片手鍋 軽い キッチン用品 食器 調理器具 くっつくことがなく 手入れ簡単 家庭用 子供 passo-002-set15楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}結婚式 バッグ 小さめ【ANTEPRIMA公式】 アンテプリマ ワイヤーバッグ スタンダード ミニアトゥーラ シルバー PB21F12045ミニバッグ バッグ レディース 普段使い 旅行 パーティーバッグ マイクロバッグ ブランド ギフト プレゼント楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}【4/24 10:00〜 7,200円OFFクーポン+ポイント20倍】 脱毛器 ランキング1位 JOVS Dora 最新 世界3冠 シリーズ200万台突破 HIPL うぶ毛 髭 VIO 顔 ワキ ヒゲ メンズ レディース 男女兼用 軽い コンパクト 光フェイシャル ICE機能 40万発 フラッシュ 光美容器 1年保証楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}   続きです小物類は12時40分過ぎにチャーム イポ黒 / 黒 / 黒、ゴールド / クラフト / クレ、オランジュ・ポピー / ブルー・アズテック / ライム                   カルヴィデュオ コンパクトブルー・アビス、黒 素材はボックスカーフ14時35分頃にバスティアヴェルソ、バスティアヴェール・ユッカ / セレスト、ヴェール・フィズ / ヴェール・ユッカ、ルージュ・ドゥ・クール 素材はお値段安い方からヴォー・エプソン、シェーヴル・シャムキラカルヴィヴェルソヴェール・ユッカ / セレスト、ヴェール・フィズ / ヴェール・ユッカ、オレンジ / セレスト 素材はヴォー・エプソン                  サドルボックスルージュ・セリエ、フー 店舗在庫もあり16時35分過ぎにチャーム ロデオPMカピュシーヌ / セレスト / コルナリン、パン・デピス / ローズ・パープル / ブルー・ドゥ・マルト、ゴールド / ヴェール・フィズ / ヴェール・シプレス、ゴールド / ゴールド / ゴールド 素材はアニョー・ミロ ソーゴールドも出てる                  ベアンコンパクトセザム ゴールド金具 素材はヴォー・エプソンサドルボックスネイビー 店舗在庫もあり                  19時半過ぎにサドルボックスネイビー 店舗在庫もありネックレス グレナンブルー・グラシエ、エトゥープ、ゴールド、黒 店舗在庫もあり久しぶりの登場                  20時10分頃にシルクインコンパクト、スマートフォンケース エルメスウェイセザム / パプリカ / ローズ・ポップ、セザム / ナタ / オレンジ 素材はヴォー・エプソン/ヴォー・バレニア、ヴォー・エプソン 昨日はチャーム類も動きありでしたエルメス ツイリー 馬勒とチャーム Brides et Gris-Gris ルージュ/ブラン/モルドレ 新品【新品未使用】Hermès エルメス ツイリー 《馬勒とチャーム》H062849S19 シルク100%未使用品★HERMES エルメス SPACE DERBY スペース・ダービー MARINE/ROSE/MULTIC ツイリー【新品】HERMES エルメス ツイリー 森のささやき ベージュローズ ローズ ブルーエルメス ツイリー レクレアポア Les Cles a Pois マロングラッセ/グリス シルク100% 未使用エルメス ツイリー ジャングルラブラブ バレンタイン 限定 シルク Rose vif/Bleu roy【新品】【未使用】

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  12. こんばんは今日は一人旅の続き書いていきます『1人で海外旅行 ロンドン編①』こんばんは早速ですが今回の旅のレポートを書いていきたいと思います!長くなると思いますがよろしくお願いいたします今回はロンドンとパリに行ってきました!!ロンドン…ameblo.jp『1人で海外旅行 ロンドン編②』こんばんは昨日の話の続きです『1人で海外旅行 ロンドン編①』こんばんは早速ですが今回の旅のレポートを書いていきたいと思います!長くなると思いますがよろしくお願…ameblo.jpロンドン2日目です!前日早く寝たので6時過ぎには目覚めてしまいちょっとゴロゴロしてたんですがそれももったいなと思い出発ホテルからバスで移動します!歩いているとなんでもない建物がおしゃれに見えて写真撮ってしまってましたここで海外で初めてのバスに乗ります!停留所に着いたけどここで合っているのか…?と思ったらバス来たー!!怖くてスルー間違えて乗って知らない場所に行くのにビビっちゃいましたやっぱり合っていたので次来たバスに手を挙げてみる…!ロンドンは手を挙げないと止まってくれないシステムのようです止まったー!!無事2階建てのバスに乗れました別日に撮ったけどこんな感じのバスです2階に乗るのが夢だったけど乗り過ごすのが怖くて1階に乗りました笑無事降りられてThe Breakfast Clubというお店に来ました!イギリスの定番朝ごはんを食べてみたく調べてみるとイングリッシュ・ブレックファーストというのが有名らしくそれが食べられるお店に行きましたメニューを指差して無事注文出来ました!卵について聞かれたけどスクランブルしか聞き取れなかったのでスクランブルにしましためちゃめちゃボリューミーでお腹ぱんぱんになりました…イギリスサイズ(?)すごい…お目当ての場所の開店時間までまだ時間があったので近くをプラプラこういう建物ザ・ヨーロッパ!!って感じがして1人テンション上がってましたホテルだったようですまだ時間があるのでお目当ての場所を通り過ぎた先に公園があるっぽいのでそこで時間潰すか〜と歩いていたらお目当ての場所に行列が開店前に並ばなきゃなのか!!とりあえず並んでみる20分ほど並びました開店時間になって入ったらみんなチケットを出している!?無料だからチケットないと思ってなにもしていない!!!スタッフの方に「I have no ticket!」ってとりあえず言ってみる文法ぐちゃぐちゃ笑なにか返してくれたけど何も聞き取れなかった…聞き取れなさすぎてぽかーんとしてしまったらどうぞ〜と通してくれるようなジャスチャーなぜかわからないけどチケットないけど通してくれましたこいつダメだと思われて通してくれたのかもだけど笑スタッフさんありがとう…!来たのは大英博物館です!!めちゃ巨大博物館でした…!これが無料ってすごすぎる…ライオンさんがお出迎えしかしながら展示物の知識は全くない私…説明文も英語で読めない広すぎて全部みるのにはものすごく時間がかかってしまうのでガイドブックに載っている観ておきたい展示物で紹介されているのを中心に観てまわりますロゼッタ・ストーン壁と一体化してるやん…!と思って撮った一枚パルテノン神殿彫刻エジプト彫刻このあと2枚は苦手な方は注意ミイラです!!猫ちゃんのもありました日本コーナーもありました畳ってこんな風に紹介されるものなのね〜海外で日本の展示物をみるのはなんだか不思議な気分でした他にもたくさんの展示物があって休憩しつつまわりました!所々にベンチがあってありがたい…だんだん混んできたのでゆっくり観たい方は朝イチに行くのおすすめです!今日はここまで

    1人で海外旅行 ロンドン編③
  13. 今月3回目のお買い物マラソン開催中去年に引き続き今年も履きまくる予定のココサンダル[NIKE] ココサンダル AIR MAX KOKO SANDAL エアマックスココ CI8798-102 CI8798-002 CI8798-003 HF4265-299ナイキ エア マックス ココ ウィメンズサンダル 夏 ハイブリッドサンダル スニーカー 厚底 レディース カジュアル かわいい楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}NIKE WMNS AIR MAX KOKO SANDAL white/photon dust ci8798-100 ナイキ ウィメンズ エアマックス ココ サンダル レディース スニーカー サンダル スポーツ 厚底 ホワイト楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}色違いを更に今年は増やす事を検討中〜こんな歩きやすいスポサン他にはないこんにちは5月の旅行先について考えてます(ひとり旅)本当は国内で飛行機乗ってちょっと遠出の旅行したいのですが5〜6月は予定が読めなくて飛行機取るのはリスキーかなぁなので5月も近場で考えてるんですがどこにしよっかなぁ行ったことあるところで落ち着いた旅を楽しむかはたまた行ったことない土地に行って探検してみるか関西発でどこかオススメありますか(1泊2日予定)【マラソン限定★20%OFFクーポン】【楽天1位】【-15℃遮熱効果】日傘 完全遮光 長傘 フリル (選べる2サイズ)遮光率100% 紫外線 UVカット 晴雨兼用 傘 軽量 丈夫 1級遮光 大人 かわいい おしゃれ きれいめ 深張り 日光 竹手元 バンブーピンクトリック 母の日 押し活楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}デニム風デザインの日傘めっちゃ可愛くないですか他になかなかないデザインですよね早速大活躍20%オフクーポン有!私は自転車にひっかけとく事が多いので日傘はプチプラでいいかな去年は盗まれましたし…こちらの少しお高い日傘を母へのプレゼントに【P10倍】日傘 折りたたみ 完全遮光 2way 2段折り 8本骨【遮光率100%・UV遮蔽率99.9%以上】1級遮光 晴雨兼用傘 軽い 大きい傘 遮光傘 UVカット 曲がり竹ハンドル 竹手元 ケース付き グラスファイバー (刺繍・コンビ・パイピング) pru-30177z 母の日 プレゼント楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}少し早めの母の日としてプレゼントしました日傘特有のおばさんっぽさもなくパイピングが素敵【マラソン開始記念:2,490円!クーポン利用で】デコルテ サマーニット トップス レディース ノースリーブ タンク ケープ マント 夏 二の腕カバー オフィス きれいめ ボーダー おしゃれ カジュアル 【 ケープデザインサマーニットトップス 】 ダークエンジェル楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}二の腕カバーできていい【エントリーで最大P10倍 対象商品】4/25 0:00-23:59【クーポンで48%OFF】帽子 レディース 大きいサイズ 完全遮光 遮光100% UVカット つば広 折りたたみ 自転車 飛ばない 日よけ かぶーる日傘 春 夏 春夏 母の日 運動会 UV あご紐 小顔効果 洗濯機OK【UVシャルマンハット】楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}かぶる日傘これからの旅行に必須です本日中まで48%オフクーポン有!3,960円→2,060円日差しの強い季節の普段使いはもちろん私は美容皮膚科帰りのすっぴん隠しにも使ってます 【10袋計30枚】白元アース ビースタイル UVカットマスク ライトベージュ 3枚入楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}ダウンタイムにもオススメ肌触りが優しいガーゼ素材で肌に張り付きません


  14. おはようございます!退職してから早1週間。新しい会社へ入社するための準備を細々始めてて、ワクワクとドキドキが日々増しています。(まだ入社は1か月以上先なんですけどね)前職の同僚とは、まだグループラインで続いてて、私ともう一人が退職したことで、新たな勢力が頭角を現しているようで、その新勢力はいわゆる危険因子(=パワハラ当たり前の力でねじ伏せるタイプ。そのくせ、人の感情が読めない人で、自分の実力を勘違いしている間抜け)なので、それに抗おうとしている人たちは結構なストレスみたい。「○○やばいわ」「○○元気なくなってきているから心配」というチャットが元チームメイトからポンポン入ってくる。。。来月このグループラインでつながっているメンバーと飲み会予定があるのですが、転職活動について色々訊いてくる人もいるかもな。やっぱり、どんな人と働くか、って結構重要だし。だけど、そればかりは運みたいな要素もあるから、どうしても耐えられないならば、”逃げる”という選択肢も一つ。耐え続けるなんて美徳でも何でもないですからね。下手に耐え続けると、精神病んでしまって、取り返しのつかない事態にもなりうるわけで。。今回は我々が去ってしまったことで、危険因子に天下を取らせる可能性を与えてしまった、という点もあるので、我々に対しても、穏やかではないでしょうけど。その危険因子は、社内外にも徐々に嫌われていて、力づくで、天下取ったところで、すぐに堕ちるでしょうけど。私としては、その危険因子が堕ちていく様を見れないことが、唯一退職してしまったことへの後悔ともいうべき事項でしょうか。(私って性格悪いなーーw)でも、人間社会って、わけわからない人の寄せ集めみたいなところがあるので、パズルみたいに、あいつとこいつを一緒にしたらうまくいくけど、その逆は大惨事とか、あいつを上にしたらうまくいくけど、こいつを上にしたら手に負えない悲惨な状態になるとか、能力や実力以上に、人間性ってかなり重要だと思うんだよね。そんな人間関係の構図を俯瞰して考えられる人が、やっぱり経営者としての才能あるし、向いているんだと思う。その点、今の社長(退社した会社の)は、このあたりの人を見る目が全くないから、今社内で起きている人間関係の闇の構図が理解できないのだろうし、理解したいとも思っていないのでしょうね。自分に被害がなければ、楽しめるかもだけど、その渦中にいたら確実に病むか、猛烈なストレスを感じてしまうだろうな、と思うとここで良いご縁があって、身を引けたことを心より感謝したい気持ちです。よう実の、綾小路みたいな能力者がいたら、邪悪な龍園もイチコロなんですけどね~(まぁ、綾小路も最高に狂っているけどw)(よう実は、人間社会の闇をうまく描いていると思っています~)危険因子の一人に、龍園みたいな奴いるんでw私はここ2‐3年ずっと嫌いだったな!

  15. 朝は起きて軽くストレッチ。歯を磨いて体重測って白湯飲んで、その日の気分でランニングか筋トレ。シャワー浴びて朝食食べて仕事の準備。これが私のモーニングルーティンです。結構しっかりしてると思うのですが、それを帳消しにするくらいダメダメな作業が合間に挟まれています。それは、広告を見てポイントゲットする類のアプリのノルマ達成作業。起きてまずストレッチしながらANAポケット。終わったら漫画アプリ。終わったらTikTokライト。ANAポケットは移動距離によりポイントが付くため、朝イチでやっておく必要があります。こんなことをチマチマチマチマ。。これでたまーーーーにゲットできる100円の金券やドリンク、本当にこのチマチマやる価値がある?と自問しながらも、やってしまいます。合間の作業とはいえ、30秒ごとに画面をクリックするために作業を中断するのってけっこうな時間のムダです。TikTok liteは後少しで合計3000円になるので、これが終わったらアンインストールするつもり。ANAポケットは、ゲーム感覚もあるので辞められないかなー。時間無駄にしてるなーと思う、モーニングルーティンでした。【ふるさと納税】【数量限定】活じめ!黒瀬ぶりの生鮮ブリロイン2節(1.0kg前後)刺身やぶり丼、カルパッチョやサラダなどのお料理に!ブリしゃぶやぶりたたきもおすすめ!【KU281】父の日におすすめ楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}

  16. 『いた場所~春馬ロス』『最後のメッセージ~春馬ロス』『ハリウッド映画~春馬ロス』『まっけんの弟~春馬ロス』『まっけんとはるまパパ~春馬ロス』『Instagramのこと~春…ameblo.jp『知らない世界~春馬ロス』『最後のメッセージ~春馬ロス』『ハリウッド映画~春馬ロス』『まっけんの弟~春馬ロス』『まっけんとはるまパパ~春馬ロス』『Instagramのこと~春…ameblo.jp何も前情報なく山Pだから、と思って見てみた。原作があるそうで 気象の話し?中国語を話す女優さんがいて驚いた。これまで見たことがない女優さん。中国語しゃべれるってグローバルで活躍しそう。山Pより亀梨君の方が芝居はうまいが、ビジュアルは山Pがいい。 凄く嬉しいです! 熱い応援をありがとうございます! 見て頂き心より感謝です。 最後まで全身全霊で取り組んで行きます! https://t.co/DDeOu3X5jX— 山下智久 TOMOHISA YAMASHITA (@Tomohisanine) April 25, 2024 毎週水曜よる10時 🌏#ブルーモーメント🌏 昨日、#ガチャピン と共演した #山下智久 さんと #出口夏希 さん✨ ガチャピンから名刺を貰ってとっても嬉しそうな2人を目撃しました👀 山下さんは、子どもの頃に「ポンキッキーズ」を見ていたそうで、とっても嬉しそうでした❕ pic.twitter.com/hYhT037Fxy— ドラマ『ブルーモーメント』フジテレビ 2024年4月期水10【公式】 (@bluemoment_cx) April 25, 2024 山Pと水上恒司の共演面白すぎるw#山下智久 #水上恒司#ブルーモーメント#突然ですが占ってもいいですか pic.twitter.com/3yc5EEEKiB— ぱいろまにあん🔥 (@pyrovodkababy) April 24, 2024 山下智久主演『ブルーモーメント』水10ドラマ復活後視聴率トップ X世界トレンド1位も#山下智久 #出口夏希 #水上恒司 #ブルーモーメント #視聴率 https://t.co/spWFnfrdos— マイナビニュース・エンタメ【公式】 (@mn_enta) April 25, 2024【送料無料】 世界はほしいモノにあふれてる セレクション DVD-BOX 全3枚 【DVD】楽天市場10,765円大河ドラマ おんな城主 直虎 総集編 ブルーレイBOX 全2枚楽天市場9,460円春馬くんとの”未来の雑談” ~三浦春馬の勉強ノート~Amazon(アマゾン)1,540円春馬くんとの”未来の雑談” ~三浦春馬の勉強ノート~ [ 斉藤 かおる ]楽天市場1,540円三浦春馬×佐藤健 HT ~N.Y.の中心で、鍋をつつく/赤道の真下で、鍋をつつく~ 2枚セット [DVD]Amazon(アマゾン)${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}ハンサム SUPER HANDSOME LIVE 2013 DVD LAUGH&PEACE スーパーハンサムライブ 佐藤健 三浦春馬 吉沢亮 賀来賢人 神木隆之介Amazon(アマゾン)${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}三浦春馬写真集LettersAmazon(アマゾン)${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}

  17. 好奇心旺盛な女性が自由でワガママなライフスタイルを叶える♡ぽけぽけJewelry Lifeクリエイター石原しほです。***** \春のセッション祭り🌸/全方位からお金と人に愛される個別セッション4/30募集スタート♪詳細は、こちら/決めたのに現実が変わりません!\というご相談を頂きました。決めたのに現実が変わらない人は受け取り下手か決めた通りの行動をしていないか。このどちらかじゃないでしょうか??決めた通りの行動を取っていないってどういうことかと言えば私の例で言えばラグジュアリーホテルを日常にする♡と2021年に決めたんです。そしたらそのすぐ後にお膳立てがやってきてスイートルームのプレゼントをして頂きました♡お誘いをいただいた時にソッコー/行きます!!!\のお返事をして叶ってしまったのですが♡その後自分へのバースデープレゼントにパレスホテルの宿泊を決めたんです。この時初めて5万超えの部屋に泊まったから最初は支払いとか未知の経験へのザワザワが出てきました。泊まりたいって言っていたくせにウィッシュリストにも書いていたのにそれでも怖かった。でも、ラグジュアリーホテルが日常って決めた人が支払いが怖くて泊まれないっておかしくない?と思って泊まる許可を自分に出したんです。結局、インルームダイニングで頼んだお料理やエステ代入れたら10万くらいになってたけど。爆で、決めたのに現実が変わらないってひとはラッキーとかミラクルとかあわよくば狙いで自分で叶えるルートは除外してるんじゃないでしょうか??引き寄せたら行くのになー、とか叶い方を限定していたり。受け取り下手な人がこのパターンに多いのかな?と思うんですが目の前にチャンスが来ても気付かないか自分が思ったカタチのチャンスしか拾えない人。でも、よーく考えて。〝日常〝にしてる人がミラクル待ちの方がおかしくない??お金持ちの方がラグジュアリーホテルの引き寄せ待ちはしないでしょ。笑きっと、当たり前に支払ってると思うんです。〝日常にする〝ってそもそも前提の意味合いが違っているんじゃないでしょうか。この決めた未来に対して辻褄を合わせてない人が決めたのに現実が変わらない人だと思うんです。辛口になってしまうけど決めてる【風】であってそれ、決めてないんですよ。笑タクシー移動を日常にする!と決めたのに電車移動しかしてないのはおかしいでしょ?毎年海外に行く!と決めたのにスケジュールに旅行に行く空きがないっておかしいでしょ?SNS起業する!と決めたのにブログもインスタも何も発信してないのはおかしいでしょ?自分を大切にする!と決めたのにカラダを酷使する働き方はおかしいでしょ?この〝おかしさ〝に気付いてないから現実が変わらないのではないでしょうか。過去ではなく決めた未来に辻褄を合わせて一つ一つ選択基準を変えるからラスに引っかかる情報も変わって現実が変わる。【決めるだけ】って言葉はカンタンなんだけど言葉の背景に含まれる情報量はとっても多いと思うんだよね!決めたのに現実が変わらない人は決めた通りの行動をしてるか?が大事だとは思うんですがすごく難しい事をやれ!って事ではなくってその中でもカンタンに出来る事をまずやらせてあげる。ラグジュアリーホテルならまず、ホテルに行ってみる。可能なら、一杯千円のコーヒーを経験してみる。電車なら1、2駅くらいの近い距離をあえてタクシーにしてみる。海外に行けるようにまとまった休みが取れるよう上司や同僚にかけあってみる。SNS起業したいなら下手でも良いからブログを書いてみる。インスタ投稿してみる。投稿すらハードル高いならまず、登録して開設をしてみる。カラダを酷使してるならハードワークになっている重たい仕事はなにか?現状の仕事を洗い出してみる。(まず、洗い出すだけ。)小さな一手でもその未来に舵を切るための行動は出来ることたくさんある。そして受け身になってる人は引き寄せ待ちばかりして【自分】という最大のルートを開通させていなかったり決めたのに他人次第の人生になっていないか?この辺りを振り返ってみると良いかと思います♡\春のセッション祭り🌸/全方位からお金と人に愛される個別セッション4/30募集スタート♪詳細は、こちら**********●無料メール講座富を受け取る器づくり5days▶︎ご登録はこちらから●全方位から愛される女性になる♡100%臨時収入が叶う1DAYセミナー<動画販売>詳細、お申し込みは画像をクリック↓↓↓●ミラクルを「日常」にする1dayセミナー<動画販売>詳細、お申し込みは画像をクリック↓↓↓お客様実績・600万の臨時収入・530万の臨時収入・300万×2回の臨時収入・300万出てきた!・継続メニューが初めて売れる・ビジネスゼロ→30万・月商5千円→月商60万・ビジネスに挑戦する気持ちが楽になった・セッション後に30万の臨時収入・1日で5名の継続生から総額162万の臨時収入報告・旦那さんのお給料が3回・半年で10万上がる ・副業の時給アップ&本業のベースアップ・会社員で半月有給・個別セッション満席・ご懐妊・女性らしい自分を認められた・1ヶ月で結婚前提のお付き合い→結婚他にもたくさん届いています♡note無料音声配信中脳の仕組みを使って願いを叶える方法▶︎こちらから自己紹介メニュー一覧人気記事まとめ

  18. ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(16)4月25日(木)Potint to check...---Subject: Meeting minutesHi all, thank you for your contributions to the meeting yesterday. Please confirme the following to do items. Finalize the invitation list for the trade fair by April, the 26th. Check the shipping schedule with the exporters in Taiwan to ensure the good s are in place five days before the start of the trade fair. I've attached the meeting minutes for your review. If there are any points to add or modify, please let me know by this Friday. Regards, Chinatsu--- I've attached the meeting minutes for your review. meeting minutes---納期には十分間に合いますのでご安心ください。Please rest assured that the products will arrive well in time to meet the deadline. well in time => well 余裕を持って well above 10 percentThe delivery will comfortably meet the deadline so you can be at ease. comfortably meet can + be at ease rest assured To be certain or confident (about something). at ease Calm and comfortable with a particular task or in a certain environment.---Subject: Shipment update from TaiwanKoninichiwa Chinatsu-san, I checked with our clients in Taipei and caution regarding the shipment of their products.Please rest assured that the products will arrive well in time to meet the deadline. They intend to ship the products later this week or early next week. I'll keep you updatead on any developments. Have a great day, Michael Juan.--- I'll keep you updatead on any developments. I'll keep you posed on any developments. I'll keep you informed of any developments.---Hey, everyone. Just wanted to say a big thank you for joining the meeting this morning. It got pretty intese at times, but in the end we wrapped it up on a positive note. I've already uploaded the meeting memo to the share drive. So be sure to take a look when you get a chance. As for the government subsidy matter, I'll be keeping a close eye on it and we'll update you as soon as I have any fresh informations. Stay tuned and have a great day.---What is the key sentence in this email? It got pretty intense at times, but the in the end we wrapped it up on a positive note.That's right. What do you think about the sentence?- I think it expresses a tense meeting but ends on a positive note.-Well, it's important that participants feel that the discussion was that worthwhile. wrap up まとめる---- We're counting on you for the subsidy matter.Could you provide us with an alternative sentence?It's also possible to say.. We're relying on you for the subsidy issue.It will be delightful to be praised in this way.---Heated discussions they say bring in positive results.That's exactly what our meetings are all about. Joe, you've got this. We are counting on you for the subsidy matter. If we manage to get it, it's going to be a game changer for this project. I'll be doing my homework too, to support the cause. Let's make it happen.---How is Chinatsu conveying her commitment to support as much as she can?- She is expressing it with the phrase, I'll be doing my homework too, to support the cause.-Support the cause, yes it conveys our intention to cheer on. support a cause 大義に資す、運動を支援する---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(15)4月24日(水)The day after the pitch day, Yuna is evaluating Virtual com'sproposal with Harish. In response to Harish's questions, Yuna seems to be trying her best to provide answers.---What does Yuna find groundbreaking besides their technological expertise?-Their unique focus on human psyche.---Considering our assessment of the management team and their business focus, do you think it's worth envesting?- Yes. I believe so. What I find groundbreaking is not only their technological expertise,but also their unique focus on human psyche. The platform should contribute to solving the challenges of virtual team building.-I couldn't agree more. Now next prosopsal on the total investment and the price per share. Here's the valuation of the company.-Six million dollars. Frankly, I don't have a clue if it's a fair price.-Don't worry, Yuna. By the time you go back to Japan, you'll have a clear idea.-Thank you, Harish. I look forward to the meeting with James on Friday.---be worth ..ing => It's worth investinggroundbreakingpsyche 心理・精神contribute toprice per shareclue--- The platform should contribute to solving the challenges of virtual team building. Positive feedback from customers can contribute to a company's reputation. Regular exercise contributes to improving physical health.--- The platform should play a role in resolving issues connected to virtual team building. The platform should assist in tackling the difficulties of virtual team building.---Do you think it's worth envesting?To be honest, I'm not so sure. Well, I do believe there's a high level of techinical expertise. I wouldn't say it's groundbreaking.Furthermore, the mechanisms developed from a psychological perspective are unique, but customers might not see the benefits easily.I'd rather wait to see how things turn out. The passion and vision for contributing to society are there. However, for the company to gain more recognition in the investing community, I believe the vision needs to be communicated with greater clarity.---What do you think about this month's business scenes?-It was an interesting behind the scenes, look at venture capitalists or VCS as we sometimes call them. Pithes are one-size-fits-all, so entrepreneurs have to know their audiences and local etiquette. Yuna seems very smart and eager to learn more. Quite the go-getter. I'm sure she'll go far.-Yes, Yuna is quite hard worker. Well, I heard a story from a business person who worked in Silicon Valley, the Japan's annual adventure capital investment is equivalent to just three days worth in Silicon Valley.-Whoa, three days equals one year?-Yes, the share scale in dynamism are surprising.----ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(14)4月23日(火)---James CHen the founder of virtual com begins to talk about his background and the journey that let do the establishment of his company. Yuna listens attentively.---What mekes James think now it the right time to make his vision a reality?-Yhe pandemic trasformed meeting landscape.---I grew up in rural Northesast China and came to California at the age of 18 tostudy acoustic engineering. My family remained in China. After moving to California, I realized that the power of IT could bring people closer together.-I see. Now we can easily communicate online.-That's ture. However, there is room to develop tools that makes us feel even closer. In 2017, I started a company specializing in high quality audio equipment for web conferences, but it was a bit premature.-I see. But the pandemic trasformed meeting landscape.-Exactly. I believe now is the right time to make my vision a reality. If I wait too long, online customs that develop during the pandemic may die out and interest in my business may lose steam.---acoustic engineeringprematurelandscapelose steamacoustic[əˈkustɪk]--- There's room to develop tools that makes us feel even closer. There's room to expand the company's market presence into new regions. There's room to improve the efficiency of our productio process.--- There's potential for the creation of tools that enhance our sense of intimacy. There's space for the advancement of tools that bring us even closer.---I'm excited to see where your vision takes you in this evloving wourld of virtual communication.Now I understand that your experiences have shaped your determination to enhance how we connect across sistances.I curious to see how he'll translate this vision into your products in the years ahead.------ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(13)4月22日(月)After the startup pitches are over. It's time for a buffet party for networking. Yuna is having a conversation with James Chen, the founder of virtual com.---Why do investors feel comfortable with entrepreneurs around the age of 50?-Because they've often faced failure a few times and learned from it.---So what was your impression of the pitch event? Did anything stand out compared to your expectations?-Yes, what surprised me was that many of the any of the entrepreneurs appeared to be a bit older than I expected. In Japan, there's a general perception that successful entrepreneurs are atypically in their 20s or early 30s.-I understand. The tech Giants might give you that kind of impression. But in reality, many of them are around 50. They've often face failure a few times and learned valuable lessons, which makes investors feel rather comfortable.-That makes sense. They have a deep understanding of the business words. So, I'm interested to hear what inspired you to pursue your current business. I'd be happy to share.---stand outperceptionthat makes sensepursueentrepreneur[ˌɑntrəprəˈnɜr]--- Did anything stand out compared to your expectations? Kathy's track record maks her stand out as the ideal candidate for the job. This novel stans ous in terms of its compeling storyline. track record -A record of actual performance or accomplishment: a job applicant with an excellent track record.compelling storyline compelling adj arousing or denoting strong interest, esp admiring interest--- Did anything leave a significant impression on you compared to your initial expectations? Did anything unexpectedly grab your attention?---what surprised me was that many of the any of the entrepreneurs appeared to be a bit older than I expected. To be honest, the enthusiasm on display today was a lot more than I had anaticipated. What inspred me was that the participants were actively asking questions. I felt slightly uneasey watching the investors relentlessly bombard presenters with difficult quesions.---ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-3)4月19日(金)亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏Lekh Raj Juneja---What is important for a company to be global.-You have to have your core competency.---Your vision for the company is described as a rice innovation company. Could you provide more details on how you intend to leverage your company's technological expertise to realize the full potential of rice? Thereby creating new value and markets worldwide.-So after I became CEO, I was thinking how to put a vision of the company to my employees first. I always tell you know that I don't want just to focus on Japan. There are eight billion people in the world, right?-Yeah, that's right.So for that we've need to global first thinkg I need, that my employees are ready to do that or not, you know, so the mindset. What is the purpose of our company. So I told you that we have very good taste, butenvironment and nutrition. It should help the lifestyle of the society of the people. That wasthe purpose. The second thing I told was, you know, we should become rice inovation company. Because we don't want to domany things. If you want to become global, you have to have your core competency, right. What is your strength? So my strength was you know, that we are the best in the world for rice cracker, you know. And the bad thing was, you know, Nobody can be Japanese in Mono-zukuri. I think we are so good still. We are still number one. Made in Japan brand and the food in Japan is so good. Nobody can still beat it, you know. I think we need to be bold. We need to have guts. We need to go global. We need to convey to the people beingso good and also putvalune on that. I put it like the Kameda's craftsmanship that we have so much craftsmanship in our group. So many texture we can create. Any texture we can create for any type of age, any flavor we can create. This is our valure of the company we should convey. I also told that enjoy your challenge. So that was the puropse we should ...---leverageIn this case, to leverage means to use something you have in advantagious way. To use something for gain. To capitalize on something or cash in on something. Mr. Shibata asked about leveraging the company's technological expertice to realize the full potential of rice meaning to use or harness that technological expertice as an advantage over others.core competencyA core competnecy involves a company's skill or resource that allows it to be competitive. But it could also be used to create other products or services. Dr. Juneja believes his company's main competency is that they are the best in the world when it comes to rice crackers. This core cometency can be used as an advantage over other companies, as well as a resource for potential new products.-A core asset is something essential to success, and a core competency is a distinguishing advantage.gutsHaving courage, bravery or fortitude. Having the stamina and dertermination to stay the course during a risky, dangerous or difficult task. For example, It took a lot of guts to ask your boss for a raise. Congraturations.conveyTo transmit, to communicate something successfuly. To share or pass something along. Dr. Jeneja talked about the value of the company that they should convey meaning to impart or let people know about.craftsmanship[ˈkræftsmənˌʃɪp]Craftsmanship refers to skill and quality when it comes to a job or product. For example, Look at this beautiful statue. There are so many little details and the artist used many techniques. This is true craftsmanship so I'm willing to pay more money.---be commited toWe are commited to creating a future where technology enhances lives seamlessly.empowerOur vision is to empower communities through education and equal opportunities.strive toWe strive to be the go-to solution provider for our customers'evolving needs.envisionWe envision a world where environmental conservation is at the forefront of every business decision.fosterOur goal is to foster a workplace that encourages creativity, diversity and collaboration.---Our vision is to become a catalyst for positive social change.catalyst[ˈkætələst]---We have very good taste, but environment and nutrition. It shouls help the lifestyle of the society of the people.----ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(12)4月18日(木)---Subject: Request for reschduling the meeting.Hi Carlos, Sorry for the short notice, but we need to postpone the marketing meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April, the 17th. We've encountered a scheduling comflict with an unexpected visitor from abroad. We'd like to propose rescheduling it for the folloiwng week begining Monday, April, the 22nd. Please let us know your preferred time slots. We'll do our best to accommodate your schedule.Many thanks,Chinatsu--- How about the week after next? How about the week following next?---Hi Chinatsu, No problem. I completely understand the situation. I'm afraind the following week won't work for me due to a pre-scheduled business trip to Geneva. How about the week after next? Tuesday, April the 30th or Thursday, May, the second would work well for me.Best regards,Carlos---Subject: Meeting cancellation.Dear Chinatsu, I apologize for the last minute notice, but regretably, I need to cancel our meeting scheduled for tomorrow due to a private matter that has unexpectedly come up. At this moment, I'm unable to propose alternative dates. It may take a few days, but I'll notify you as soon as things are settled. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.Regards,Andrew---When do you use the phrase, the last mminute notice?- It's used when informing something right before it happens. So you don't wan to overuse it.-Right. Yeah, such situations sometimes arise in the workplace.--- Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.--- I hope things settle down for you soon.What are some other ways to express that?-Well, using Calm down, you could also say... I hope things calm down for you before long.---Dear Andrew,No problem at all. I sincerely hope that the matter isn't too serious. Please take the time you need. Your well-being and peaace of mind are most important. I hope things settle dwon for you soon. Whishing you all the best.Chinatsu.--- Is it possible to push the meeting to a later date? We've decided to cancel the meeting as the agenda has changed significantly. Unfortunately, we need to shift the meeting to a later date.---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(11)4月17日(水)James's pitch is moving on to the second point. He speaks passionately about the utilization of AI technology.---What benefits arise from a natural flowing meeting?-It fosters a sense of unity and togetherness.---That leads me to the second point. AI assesses the participants' environment and automatically selects the most immersive screen and sound. You won't need to use a PC or smart phone on your end. AI monitors the meeting and consistently creates a natural meaning environment. Our dedicated engineers spent five years crafting this perfect setting. With our virtual hello platform, you'll experience a sensation of being in the same room as the people on the other side of screen. The meeting flows so naturally that it fosteres a sense of unity and togetherness. Effective communication is the conrnerstone of improving team spirit and boosting productivity. The virtual hello platform will revolutionize how you engage in meetings. I look forward to speaking with you after this. Thank you.---immersive 臨場感のある・没頭させるような;夢中にさせるimmersive screen and soundconsistentlycrafttogethernesscornerstone [ˈkɔrnərˌstoʊn]revolutionize--- The virtual hello platform will revolutionize how you engage in meetings. Online streaming services have revolutionizedthe way we consume entertainment. Advances in medical technology have revolutionized patient treatment.--- The virtual hello platform will revolutionize how you engage in meetings. The virtual hello platform will redifine how you participate in meetings.---I look forward to speaking with you after this. Thank you.Thank you for listening.Thank you for your time. Experience the difference with us. Witness the exceptional quality we provide. We can't wait to connect with you later.---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(10)4月16日(火)James has started his pitch. After the introduction, he is moving on to explaining the product.---Who has the company collaborated with to bridge the psychological distance between people?-Renowned psychologists.---In today's world, mettings often kick off with a virtual greeting. In this hybrid working environment, the key question is how we can bring closer together regardless of their location. This is where our latest platform virtual hello comes into play. First and formost are the exceptional image quality of the camera lens and remarkable sound quality of the speakers. Take a moment to look at this screen. A virtual meeting room in Berlin. Experience the extraordinary three-dimenisionaldisplay quality and the exquisite sound. You won't feel like you're in a virtual space. We've also collaborated with renowned psychologists to do implement various mechanisms to bridge the psychological distance between people.---regardless ofcome into playfirst and foremostremarkablethree-dementional sisplayexquisite非常に美しい,絶妙な, 精巧な,renownedimplement----come into play 作用し始める・動き始める This is where our latest platform virtual hello comes into play. Artificial intelligence will increasingly come into play in various industries.--- This is the point at which our newest platform virtual hello becomes essential. essential = extremely important Here's where our new platform virtual hello takes center stage. come into play To become a factor in a particular situation. begin to operate or be active; have an effect or influence:---sales pitchExceptional image qualityremarkable sound qualityextraordinary three-dimensional disply qualityexquisite soundrenowned psycologists exquisite Characterized by highly skilled or intricate art; excellently made or formed: Synonyms:exquisite, delicate, elegant, fine carefully chosen, from Latin---While many companies offering web meeting systems focus on improving meeting effiviency. Our unwavering commitment is to ceate an environment where participants can experience a genuine sense of in-person interaction.-------ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(9)4月15日(月)The day of the pith event has finally arrived. Yuna along with Harish and enters the event venue and exchanges world with the startup founders.---What does Yuna compare the conversations between the participants to?-She compares them to the conversations between old friends from school days.*compare 例える---I'm overwhelmed by the enthusiastic atmosphere. People are so casual, open ans super friendly. The conversations are like how old friends from school days talk. Yes, that's the way people foster creative thinking. Oh, there's the virtual combbooth. I'll introduce you to Mr. James Chen, the founder. Hi Japmes. How are you doing?-Hi Harish, I'm doing better than ever. I've been waiting for the day to present our product and service to everyone.-We are super excited too. Let me introduce Yuna, our colleague from Tokyo. She arrived in America just a week agao.-Nice to meet you, James. I look forwarad to your pitch today.-Welcome to America, Yuna. I hope you'll enjoy the pitch.-We can touch base at the networking party later.---be overwhelmed byenthusiastic < enthusiasmsupertouch base 連格をとる---- I'm overwhelmed by the enthusiastic atmosphere. I'm overwhelmed by the number of tasks I need to complete. I was ovetwhelmed by the breathtaking view from the mountain top.--- I'm struckby the vibrant atmosphere. < strike I'm blown away by the energy among the participants.---Let me introduce Yuna, our colleague from Tokyo. She arrived in America just a week agao.--- Her lunchtime routine is to take a jog around the office. She is apparently very much into American dounuts. Officialy her mission is to learn about startup investment, but it appears her hidden agenda is to thoroughly savor california wines.You are teasing me.

  19. ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(15)4月24日(水)The day after the pitch day, Yuna is evaluating Virtual com'sproposal with Harish. In response to Harish's questions, Yuna seems to be trying her best to provide answers.---What does Yuna find groundbreaking besides their technological expertise?-Their unique focus on human psyche.---Considering our assessment of the management team and their business focus, do you think it's worth envesting?- Yes. I believe so. What I find groundbreaking is not only their technological expertise,but also their unique focus on human psyche. The platform should contribute to solving the challenges of virtual team building.-I couldn't agree more. Now next prosopsal on the total investment and the price per share. Here's the valuation of the company.-Six million dollars. Frankly, I don't have a clue if it's a fair price.-Don't worry, Yuna. By the time you go back to Japan, you'll have a clear idea.-Thank you, Harish. I look forward to the meeting with James on Friday.---be worth ..ing => It's worth investinggroundbreakingpsyche 心理・精神contribute toprice per shareclue--- The platform should contribute to solving the challenges of virtual team building. Positive feedback from customers can contribute to a company's reputation. Regular exercise contributes to improving physical health.--- The platform should play a role in resolving issues connected to virtual team building. The platform should assist in tackling the difficulties of virtual team building.---Do you think it's worth envesting?To be honest, I'm not so sure. Well, I do believe there's a high level of techinical expertise. I wouldn't say it's groundbreaking.Furthermore, the mechanisms developed from a psychological perspective are unique, but customers might not see the benefits easily.I'd rather wait to see how things turn out. The passion and vision for contributing to society are there. However, for the company to gain more recognition in the investing community, I believe the vision needs to be communicated with greater clarity.---What do you think about this month's business scenes?-It was an interesting behind the scenes, look at venture capitalists or VCS as we sometimes call them. Pithes are one-size-fits-all, so entrepreneurs have to know their audiences and local etiquette. Yuna seems very smart and eager to learn more. Quite the go-getter. I'm sure she'll go far.-Yes, Yuna is quite hard worker. Well, I heard a story from a business person who worked in Silicon Valley, the Japan's annual adventure capital investment is equivalent to just three days worth in Silicon Valley.-Whoa, three days equals one year?-Yes, the share scale in dynamism are surprising.----ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(14)4月23日(火)---James CHen the founder of virtual com begins to talk about his background and the journey that let do the establishment of his company. Yuna listens attentively.---What mekes James think now it the right time to make his vision a reality?-Yhe pandemic trasformed meeting landscape.---I grew up in rural Northesast China and came to California at the age of 18 tostudy acoustic engineering. My family remained in China. After moving to California, I realized that the power of IT could bring people closer together.-I see. Now we can easily communicate online.-That's ture. However, there is room to develop tools that makes us feel even closer. In 2017, I started a company specializing in high quality audio equipment for web conferences, but it was a bit premature.-I see. But the pandemic trasformed meeting landscape.-Exactly. I believe now is the right time to make my vision a reality. If I wait too long, online customs that develop during the pandemic may die out and interest in my business may lose steam.---acoustic engineeringprematurelandscapelose steamacoustic[əˈkustɪk]--- There's room to develop tools that makes us feel even closer. There's room to expand the company's market presence into new regions. There's room to improve the efficiency of our productio process.--- There's potential for the creation of tools that enhance our sense of intimacy. There's space for the advancement of tools that bring us even closer.---I'm excited to see where your vision takes you in this evloving wourld of virtual communication.Now I understand that your experiences have shaped your determination to enhance how we connect across sistances.I curious to see how he'll translate this vision into your products in the years ahead.------ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(13)4月22日(月)After the startup pitches are over. It's time for a buffet party for networking. Yuna is having a conversation with James Chen, the founder of virtual com.---Why do investors feel comfortable with entrepreneurs around the age of 50?-Because they've often faced failure a few times and learned from it.---So what was your impression of the pitch event? Did anything stand out compared to your expectations?-Yes, what surprised me was that many of the any of the entrepreneurs appeared to be a bit older than I expected. In Japan, there's a general perception that successful entrepreneurs are atypically in their 20s or early 30s.-I understand. The tech Giants might give you that kind of impression. But in reality, many of them are around 50. They've often face failure a few times and learned valuable lessons, which makes investors feel rather comfortable.-That makes sense. They have a deep understanding of the business words. So, I'm interested to hear what inspired you to pursue your current business. I'd be happy to share.---stand outperceptionthat makes sensepursueentrepreneur[ˌɑntrəprəˈnɜr]--- Did anything stand out compared to your expectations? Kathy's track record maks her stand out as the ideal candidate for the job. This novel stans ous in terms of its compeling storyline. track record -A record of actual performance or accomplishment: a job applicant with an excellent track record.compelling storyline compelling adj arousing or denoting strong interest, esp admiring interest--- Did anything leave a significant impression on you compared to your initial expectations? Did anything unexpectedly grab your attention?---what surprised me was that many of the any of the entrepreneurs appeared to be a bit older than I expected. To be honest, the enthusiasm on display today was a lot more than I had anaticipated. What inspred me was that the participants were actively asking questions. I felt slightly uneasey watching the investors relentlessly bombard presenters with difficult quesions.---ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-3)4月19日(金)亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏Lekh Raj Juneja---What is important for a company to be global.-You have to have your core competency.---Your vision for the company is described as a rice innovation company. Could you provide more details on how you intend to leverage your company's technological expertise to realize the full potential of rice? Thereby creating new value and markets worldwide.-So after I became CEO, I was thinking how to put a vision of the company to my employees first. I always tell you know that I don't want just to focus on Japan. There are eight billion people in the world, right?-Yeah, that's right.So for that we've need to global first thinkg I need, that my employees are ready to do that or not, you know, so the mindset. What is the purpose of our company. So I told you that we have very good taste, butenvironment and nutrition. It should help the lifestyle of the society of the people. That wasthe purpose. The second thing I told was, you know, we should become rice inovation company. Because we don't want to domany things. If you want to become global, you have to have your core competency, right. What is your strength? So my strength was you know, that we are the best in the world for rice cracker, you know. And the bad thing was, you know, Nobody can be Japanese in Mono-zukuri. I think we are so good still. We are still number one. Made in Japan brand and the food in Japan is so good. Nobody can still beat it, you know. I think we need to be bold. We need to have guts. We need to go global. We need to convey to the people beingso good and also putvalune on that. I put it like the Kameda's craftsmanship that we have so much craftsmanship in our group. So many texture we can create. Any texture we can create for any type of age, any flavor we can create. This is our valure of the company we should convey. I also told that enjoy your challenge. So that was the puropse we should ...---leverageIn this case, to leverage means to use something you have in advantagious way. To use something for gain. To capitalize on something or cash in on something. Mr. Shibata asked about leveraging the company's technological expertice to realize the full potential of rice meaning to use or harness that technological expertice as an advantage over others.core competencyA core competnecy involves a company's skill or resource that allows it to be competitive. But it could also be used to create other products or services. Dr. Juneja believes his company's main competency is that they are the best in the world when it comes to rice crackers. This core cometency can be used as an advantage over other companies, as well as a resource for potential new products.-A core asset is something essential to success, and a core competency is a distinguishing advantage.gutsHaving courage, bravery or fortitude. Having the stamina and dertermination to stay the course during a risky, dangerous or difficult task. For example, It took a lot of guts to ask your boss for a raise. Congraturations.conveyTo transmit, to communicate something successfuly. To share or pass something along. Dr. Jeneja talked about the value of the company that they should convey meaning to impart or let people know about.craftsmanship[ˈkræftsmənˌʃɪp]Craftsmanship refers to skill and quality when it comes to a job or product. For example, Look at this beautiful statue. There are so many little details and the artist used many techniques. This is true craftsmanship so I'm willing to pay more money.---be commited toWe are commited to creating a future where technology enhances lives seamlessly.empowerOur vision is to empower communities through education and equal opportunities.strive toWe strive to be the go-to solution provider for our customers'evolving needs.envisionWe envision a world where environmental conservation is at the forefront of every business decision.fosterOur goal is to foster a workplace that encourages creativity, diversity and collaboration.---Our vision is to become a catalyst for positive social change.catalyst[ˈkætələst]---We have very good taste, but environment and nutrition. It shouls help the lifestyle of the society of the people.----ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(12)4月18日(木)---Subject: Request for reschduling the meeting.Hi Carlos, Sorry for the short notice, but we need to postpone the marketing meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April, the 17th. We've encountered a scheduling comflict with an unexpected visitor from abroad. We'd like to propose rescheduling it for the folloiwng week begining Monday, April, the 22nd. Please let us know your preferred time slots. We'll do our best to accommodate your schedule.Many thanks,Chinatsu--- How about the week after next? How about the week following next?---Hi Chinatsu, No problem. I completely understand the situation. I'm afraind the following week won't work for me due to a pre-scheduled business trip to Geneva. How about the week after next? Tuesday, April the 30th or Thursday, May, the second would work well for me.Best regards,Carlos---Subject: Meeting cancellation.Dear Chinatsu, I apologize for the last minute notice, but regretably, I need to cancel our meeting scheduled for tomorrow due to a private matter that has unexpectedly come up. At this moment, I'm unable to propose alternative dates. It may take a few days, but I'll notify you as soon as things are settled. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.Regards,Andrew---When do you use the phrase, the last mminute notice?- It's used when informing something right before it happens. So you don't wan to overuse it.-Right. Yeah, such situations sometimes arise in the workplace.--- Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.--- I hope things settle down for you soon.What are some other ways to express that?-Well, using Calm down, you could also say... I hope things calm down for you before long.---Dear Andrew,No problem at all. I sincerely hope that the matter isn't too serious. Please take the time you need. Your well-being and peaace of mind are most important. I hope things settle dwon for you soon. Whishing you all the best.Chinatsu.--- Is it possible to push the meeting to a later date? We've decided to cancel the meeting as the agenda has changed significantly. Unfortunately, we need to shift the meeting to a later date.---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(11)4月17日(水)James's pitch is moving on to the second point. He speaks passionately about the utilization of AI technology.---What benefits arise from a natural flowing meeting?-It fosters a sense of unity and togetherness.---That leads me to the second point. AI assesses the participants' environment and automatically selects the most immersive screen and sound. You won't need to use a PC or smart phone on your end. AI monitors the meeting and consistently creates a natural meaning environment. Our dedicated engineers spent five years crafting this perfect setting. With our virtual hello platform, you'll experience a sensation of being in the same room as the people on the other side of screen. The meeting flows so naturally that it fosteres a sense of unity and togetherness. Effective communication is the conrnerstone of improving team spirit and boosting productivity. The virtual hello platform will revolutionize how you engage in meetings. I look forward to speaking with you after this. Thank you.---immersive 臨場感のある・没頭させるような;夢中にさせるimmersive screen and soundconsistentlycrafttogethernesscornerstone [ˈkɔrnərˌstoʊn]revolutionize--- The virtual hello platform will revolutionize how you engage in meetings. Online streaming services have revolutionizedthe way we consume entertainment. Advances in medical technology have revolutionized patient treatment.--- The virtual hello platform will revolutionize how you engage in meetings. The virtual hello platform will redifine how you participate in meetings.---I look forward to speaking with you after this. Thank you.Thank you for listening.Thank you for your time. Experience the difference with us. Witness the exceptional quality we provide. We can't wait to connect with you later.---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(10)4月16日(火)James has started his pitch. After the introduction, he is moving on to explaining the product.---Who has the company collaborated with to bridge the psychological distance between people?-Renowned psychologists.---In today's world, mettings often kick off with a virtual greeting. In this hybrid working environment, the key question is how we can bring closer together regardless of their location. This is where our latest platform virtual hello comes into play. First and formost are the exceptional image quality of the camera lens and remarkable sound quality of the speakers. Take a moment to look at this screen. A virtual meeting room in Berlin. Experience the extraordinary three-dimenisionaldisplay quality and the exquisite sound. You won't feel like you're in a virtual space. We've also collaborated with renowned psychologists to do implement various mechanisms to bridge the psychological distance between people.---regardless ofcome into playfirst and foremostremarkablethree-dementional sisplayexquisite非常に美しい,絶妙な, 精巧な,renownedimplement----come into play 作用し始める・動き始める This is where our latest platform virtual hello comes into play. Artificial intelligence will increasingly come into play in various industries.--- This is the point at which our newest platform virtual hello becomes essential. essential = extremely important Here's where our new platform virtual hello takes center stage. come into play To become a factor in a particular situation. begin to operate or be active; have an effect or influence:---sales pitchExceptional image qualityremarkable sound qualityextraordinary three-dimensional disply qualityexquisite soundrenowned psycologists exquisite Characterized by highly skilled or intricate art; excellently made or formed: Synonyms:exquisite, delicate, elegant, fine carefully chosen, from Latin---While many companies offering web meeting systems focus on improving meeting effiviency. Our unwavering commitment is to ceate an environment where participants can experience a genuine sense of in-person interaction.-------ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(9)4月15日(月)The day of the pith event has finally arrived. Yuna along with Harish and enters the event venue and exchanges world with the startup founders.---What does Yuna compare the conversations between the participants to?-She compares them to the conversations between old friends from school days.*compare 例える---I'm overwhelmed by the enthusiastic atmosphere. People are so casual, open ans super friendly. The conversations are like how old friends from school days talk. Yes, that's the way people foster creative thinking. Oh, there's the virtual combbooth. I'll introduce you to Mr. James Chen, the founder. Hi Japmes. How are you doing?-Hi Harish, I'm doing better than ever. I've been waiting for the day to present our product and service to everyone.-We are super excited too. Let me introduce Yuna, our colleague from Tokyo. She arrived in America just a week agao.-Nice to meet you, James. I look forwarad to your pitch today.-Welcome to America, Yuna. I hope you'll enjoy the pitch.-We can touch base at the networking party later.---be overwhelmed byenthusiastic < enthusiasmsupertouch base 連格をとる---- I'm overwhelmed by the enthusiastic atmosphere. I'm overwhelmed by the number of tasks I need to complete. I was ovetwhelmed by the breathtaking view from the mountain top.--- I'm struckby the vibrant atmosphere. < strike I'm blown away by the energy among the participants.---Let me introduce Yuna, our colleague from Tokyo. She arrived in America just a week agao.--- Her lunchtime routine is to take a jog around the office. She is apparently very much into American dounuts. Officialy her mission is to learn about startup investment, but it appears her hidden agenda is to thoroughly savor california wines.You are teasing me.