
  1. こんにちは♡金融機関窓口OLです♡GWも終わり‥‥早かった。。。働いていますあ!今日は仕事帰りに接骨院に行く日だわ実は(実はって言うほどではない)私は、GW4日間、自分が何をして過ごしたか【メモ】をしておりました‥‥‥ふふふふ今日はOLのGW!有効に使う計画は実行できたのか?について書きたいです早速、聞かれてもないのに書かせていただきますGWは、身体を休めながら、家事もして、用事もして、レジャーもしよう!と欲張りに計画していました。。。体調を、すごぶる崩していたから‥‥5月3日→引きこもりたかった日⚪︎12時間睡眠しました⚪︎朝ごはん、昼ごはん準備⚪︎ブログを1日分書く⚪︎洗濯は2回⚪︎シンクの掃除⚪︎洗面台の掃除⚪︎布団を干す(二人分)⚪︎掃除機かけ⚪︎床拭き掃除⚪︎キッチンの整理⚪︎破砕ゴミをまとめる⚪︎晩御飯を作る⚪︎息子と、夜ドンキに行って買い物以上です引きこもり&家事をやる日です!まだ、車を持っていない息子の買い物に付き合いましたぁ〜〜5月4日→出かけるか迷っていた日⚪︎9時間睡眠しましたぁ⚪︎息子のお弁当作り(朝ごはんはパン)⚪︎洗濯めちゃくちゃいっぱい(冬物洗う)⚪︎ミシンで、ワンピースのサイズを直したりワンピース2着を、ロングスカートにリメイクしました!!⚪︎ブログ2日分書く⚪︎スーパーへ買い物⚪︎晩御飯つくる⚪︎夜は娘っ子と10000歩ウォーキング!⬇︎⬇︎猫ちゃんとお話ししました♡​⬆︎ウォーキング中に出会った猫ちゃん2日目は、以上です5月5日→娘っ子と出かける⚪︎8時間睡眠⚪︎朝、洗濯をする⚪︎息子が出勤なのでお弁当🍱作り○娘っことプチ旅行に出発!!昨日の記事に書きましたぁ⬇︎⬇︎『銀行窓口OLの【GW✨娘にすべて運転してもらって楽をするOLツアー】』こんにちは♡金融機関窓口OLです♡GW終わっちゃった(´;ω;`)今日から出勤ですしょうがない。行くしかないの。だって生きるのには、お金が必要だから働くことは…ameblo.jp⬆︎⬆︎この日は爆睡できました♡5月6日→買い物、ドライブ(?)⚪︎9時間睡眠⚪︎朝ダラーとしながら♡ブログ巡り♡⚪︎息子が出勤なので、お弁当🍱作り⚪︎夜は私は外食なので、息子の晩御飯作り⚪︎息子にご飯を与えて←息子出勤⚪︎シャワーを浴びる⚪︎ポテトを食べに出発‼️↓​ノンアルビールは私のではない⚪︎買い物へ行く〜〜(ホームセンター)⚪︎前から食べたかった鶏唐揚げ弁当を買う⚪︎温泉へ行く⬇︎⬇︎GW終わり。。。やろうと思っていた片付けや、勉強、行きたかった場所、各項目、一つずつくらい時間が足りなくてできませんでした‥‥睡眠は、しっかり取れた。そこで!!7月に、5連休をとろうと思いつきました取れたらいいなぁ♡中々、思いっきり身体を休ませるのが下手くそな私。支店長に、相談してみる事にしますみなさんも、しっかり身体を休めてくださいね♡【楽しい休み】は一瞬で終わる‥‥そう。【夏休み】のように‥‥今日も良い1日をお過ごしください♡#銀行窓口OL #金融機関窓口OL #貯金#節約 #美容 #美容大好き #ダイエット#筋トレ #ゆるゆる #ワクワク #GW#スケジュール #計画 #タスク #宿題#掃除 #断捨離 #ダラダラ #人生楽しく#簡単に生きる #楽に生きる #アラフォー#人生楽しんだもん勝ち #アンチエイジング


  2. 赤坂見附♡とんかつ&焼き鳥 An
  3. おはようございます!2600人の街に140万人の観光客が来るってそれは住民が困ることが多いでしょうね。和歌山県高野町ゴミ問題・救急車・道路の渋滞・駐車場・トイレなど。なんと駐車場は無料だという。町の住民の負担が多いなら何とか方法を考えてほしいものです。町に救急車は2台しかなくて観光客が使うことが多いとは命に直結する問題です。弘法大師もびっくりしてるね。さて昨日はここに行きました。めったに来ない場所です。ほとんど場違い。目的地は・・・。このビル。BTSのPOP-UP STORE白黒写真の展示物販販売会。ジミンちゃんグクちゃんテテさん集合写真売り切れも多かったです。私はPHOTOを友人たちに買いました。そしてら偶然に金額が5000円になりクリアファイルをもらいました。そこで仲良くなった方はSUGAさんのファンで去年のコンサート日本も韓国も毎日行ったそう。日本は抽選ですが韓国はチケッティングですが日本でとったって。ほとんどVIP席をとったすごい人でした。そのあとはこちらへ。MAGIC SHOPはまだSUGAさんの誕生日仕様でした。お腹が空いていたのでチキンやらトルネードポテトやチジミ韓国お菓子を買いリュックはいっぱいになりました。家で食べたけど美味しかったなあ。イケメン通りに新しいお店がOPENしていてStray Kids,Seventeenのグッズが売ってます。お店の女の子はソウルの近くの出身の可愛い子でした。友人の好きなチャンビンさんのを買いました。キャラがウサギだって初めて知りました。もう1個は自分の来週用です。あとで聞いたらソウルで友人になった埼玉の子ボラカフェで友人になった女子原宿→新大久保というルートをたどったって。彼女たちは2時の回だったので少し待ってたら会えたかもしれない。STOREは26日まであるのにこの日に設定するというのが凄い偶然です。それもインスタのストーリーで知るという。あああ、面白くって良い人たちに会いたかったなあ。20分刻みで入店できますが26日まで予約はいっぱいだそうです。そして夜はSN店に行きました。いつもより行くのが遅くなったけど意外な人たちに会えました。話をしていたらあっという間に時間がたちお風呂に入り(やっぱりぬるい)マッサージ機をやり帰りました。(いつもの機械が故障中)友人の話を聞いて涙。いじめ絶対ダメ!あなたがやったことはあなたに返ってきますよ。※SEVENTEENの話13人メンバーがいますが一斉に話すとなにを言ってるのかわかりません。一人の食事動画だと知ってる単語が出てきてなんとなく理解できます。字幕なしに全部理解できるまで道のりは長く遠い。お気に入りの曲コーナーSEVENTEEN(세븐틴) - HOT @Comeback Show 'Face the Sun'SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) - HOT @Comeback Show 'Face the Sun'#SEVENTEEN #세븐틴#FacetheSun#HOT #svt_hot #SVT_ComebackShowSEVENTEEN Official Homepage : http://www.seventeen...youtu.be※ BTSの話新大久保で配ってました。先ほどの方も行かれたそう。私は入場料が高いので止めました。私の価値観が他の人と一致することがあるかわかりませんが少なくとも低い位置にあることは確かです。それでも人生は楽しみたい。今日も読んで下さってありがとうございます。

    2024年5月7日(火)BTS POP-UP STORE 新大久保
  4.  マラソンが開催される野村は山で冷え込むことはもう去年で学習済みなので、さっさと防寒タイツにウルトラライトダウンも着込んで3万円超のシュラフに包まったら、もう寒さなんか感じず朝まで熟睡! 周りのライダーさんたちはめちゃくちゃ朝早くて、起きたら1人しか残ってなかったw 今夜の宿どうすっかなー。去年は近くの廃墟みたいなキャンプ場入ったけど、もしそこ予約されてたら入れないし、あまり快適ではないw もっといいとこねえか…と探したら、ここから車で10分くらいのところにMORIT-AKANMAさんという知らないキャンプ場があって、ダメ元で連絡したら明日は予約入ってるけど今日はいいよと。1000円だし様子見で利用してみる! 適当に撤収してレース会場に向かおうとしたら、暖気してるバイクから異様な煙が…。見たらまたラジエーター液噴いてるよ…。怖いけど今どうこうしようもないので、そのままバイクで10分の会場に向かう。一旦エンジン切ってからはラジエーター液出てこなかったし、ファンもちゃんと回ってた。 ちと出遅れたこともあって去年よりだいぶ駐車場奥の方になっちまった。土のグラウンド…。ZRXは無理だろ…と思ったけど、たまたま昨夜飲んで捨てられなかったほろ酔いの空き缶持ってたので何とかなったw(帰る時に空き缶外したらそっこーサイドスタンドめり込んだので、缶なかったら多分私はレースに参加できてなかった) 時間は余裕あるので、朝ごはん食べたり、開会式見たり。去年も参加して会場の様子はわかってるので、計測チップをシューズにつけずに靴脱いで体育館アリーナ席で開会式を見る。 からの適当にスタートラインに並ぶ。前から2番目、1時間30分〜45分のとこ。先頭は1時間30分以内。女子が何人か並んでたけど、絶対嘘になるから私は並ばんかったよ!このコースで30分以内で帰ってきた女子いるんか? 日差しはすでに暑く、平地でも辛い。今年は結構女子に先行されておる。山に入ったらさらにペースが落ちるので、どんどん抜かれる…くそっ。 下りになるとめちゃくちゃ早いよ! ガッシガシ飛ばしまくる。ここで取り返さなくちゃただ遅いだけのランナーになっちまう。 1時間45分のペーサーに抜かれた時は結構ショックだったなあ。でもほんとにこれ以上は無理。下りで一度抜き返し、また登りになったら抜き返された。そしてかなり差がついた。もう無理…。 折り返しで数えたら私女子15位くらい。折り返してすぐ下るので12位くらいまでは上げたけど、あとは背中も見えず。 下りでまた1時間45分のペーサーさんたちを追い抜き、10キロの後ろの方ののんびり走る人たちを縫うように走って、別に追い抜けそうな女子もいない中、1人気を吐いたよ。登りはひどくみすぼらしい姿を晒してるので、走れる限りは全力を尽くしてしっかり走りたい! 足と呼吸の続く限り!! 何とかゴール! ゴールテープ何度も張り直してくれるのはいいんだけど、私が駆け込んできてる時にゴールライン横切らないで〜。危うく衝突するとこだった! ハーフ走った今井さんと、10キロ走ってた神野くんと柏原くんがゴールでハイタッチで迎えてくれた。 冷たいスポーツドリンクおかわりして3杯くらい飲んでようやく落ち着いた。知らない男性ランナーさんが「最後、ついていこうと頑張ったけど無理だった」って話しかけてくれた。 結果は40代女子4位。3位までが表彰対象なので、今年は入賞すらできなかった(去年は総合3位、年代別優勝!)あーあ。でもゼッケンで当たる1次抽選で廃油石鹸貰ったw 2次抽選は何も当たらなかった。 バイク心配なので地元のバイク屋さんにTELしたら、案の定「見ないとわからない」と。この人はそうなんだよね、適当なことは絶対言わないんだ…。仕方ないので近くのバイク屋さんに何軒かTELしてみたら、2軒くらいは全然繋がらなかったけど、3軒目で繋がった。結構歳いってそうなおじさんで、状況聞いて「ファンが回る前に一時的なオーバーフローかな」とボソッと呟いたのが一番しっくり来た!なぜならその一度だけで、前も後も全く噴いてないので。一時的ならまあ気にせんでもいいかな…? 軽トラ市というのやってて、ここで使える600円券も参加賞についてるので!去年と同じ600円のシラフ丼を食べる!(いろいろ見るけどこれが一番コスパが良い気がするの、私には) 今日は駐車場まで戻って、買い出ししてからキャンプ場に行こうと思ったけど、野村のAコープは正直品揃えがイマイチなんよ…。今日行くキャンプ場がもし電波入らなかったら、どっかのスーパーのフードコートとかで時間潰したいし、買い出しはあとにしよう。 温泉はキャンプ場行く途中だし、汗びしょ濡れで気持ち悪いので行くー。疲労回復を狙って交代浴してたら、「よくそんな冷たいの入れますね」と話しかけられ、同じハーフに参加された松山の女性で、いろいろお話! お風呂出て髪乾かしてたらあっという間に15:50! 16時にキャンプ場行くって約束してるんだ。(管理人さん常駐ではないので、約束の時間に待ち合わせて受付とお支払いをする形) 急ぎたいけど、案の定道ヤバくて! 車来たらすれ違えないような細さ! 周りは田んぼで、農作業してる方がいっぱい!こんな荷物満載のバイクで不審に思われないように、皆様に会釈しながら低速で通り抜ける。 一部舗装も途切れるし、クネクネでよくわかんないし、苦労しながら何とか2分遅れくらいで到着!したらこのキャンプ場最高なんですけど! 待っててくれたのはなんか気さくで感じのいいおじさん。(とか言うけど私ももういい歳で結構年下の人が増えてきてるんよな…w) 真新しくてまだ整備中って感じで、木造の小屋もあって、よかったら使ってもいいよって言うから喜んで使わせていただく!(ぶっちゃけテントの設営はめんどくさいし、場所的にここ、朝晩の冷え込みがかなりヤバいので、楽ができるなら楽したいのよもちろん!) 場内の道はかなり斜度のきつい砂利道なので、バイクで上がるのは諦めて、下の公道の脇に大型車転回用のスペースがあったのでそこに停めて、荷物も必要最低限しか持ち込まない。 小屋は電気引いてるし、携帯の電波入るから安心!(スマホやキャンプの照明、メットに仕込んだワイヤレスのインカムなど、最近は充電しないと使えないアイテムがかなり多い)水は日本百名水の観音水を引いてて、いくらでも使い放題!(多分私は洗い物や歯磨きもこの名水で行うww) トイレは綺麗な水洗(ウォシュレット機能付き!昨日のキャンプ場は和式で行くと常に何かしらの虫が浮いていると言うね…まあ野外生活には付き物なので気にしませんけど!)多少のゴミはドラム缶の焼却炉で燃やしちゃっていいって!(最近ゴミ箱がなかなかないので、バイクでキャンプすると食べた後のゴミ捨てに困るんよ) 私、普通にデンジ(チェンソーマンの主人公)みたいに「最高じゃないすか…」って何回も言っちゃったよー! 1000円でこんな豪華なキャンプ場を1人で貸し切ったことは未だかつてないと思う! 友達大勢呼んでキャンプパーティしてえ!! ウッキウキで宇和の街に買い出し。今夜はパーリナイだぜー!と、いっろいろ買い込んで帰ってきた!目玉は熊本産・あか牛のバラカルビ肉。半額で275円だったわww 早速小屋の前の木製のテーブルで1人パーティ! メスティンでお惣菜を温め、肉を焼き、タタキやサラダを食らう! ある程度やって寒くなってきたら、今度は室内に移動して2次会! 8時からはダニエルのレッスン予約して受けて(メットのインカムがコネクトされちゃっててダニエルの声聞こえなくてあわあわしちまった!)、明日の予定考えてNHK語学の英語のテキストやって。そう言うのも小屋泊だからできる余裕! いやー、いいとこ見つけたわあー! レースはイマイチだったけど、今日イチの収穫!ここはまたレース来るなら是非押さえたい!(日程的に来年は難しそうだけど…)  ブログランキング参加中〜

  5. 3日目はアド街でも紹介された朝霞のアサカベーカリーの上食と特々上の食べ比べから始まりました。最終的に購入したパンはこの量。事前予約していた特々上3斤と半分サイズのボリュームがすごい!業者ですか?な勢いです食べ比べする上食と特々上はコチラ↓左の白胡麻が上食。右の黒胡麻が特々上。早速、朝ごはんで食べ比べです。本来は焼き立て生食が一番おいしさを味わえるそうなのですが。一日経ってしまったので軽めにトースト。上食は、シンプルで小麦の味を感じる一品。ふんわり感もあり1斤270円はかなり安く感じます。特々上は、上食よりもやわらかくそして…甘いっ!生クリームが入っているせいでしょうか。なめらかで甘いです。なるほど、こちらはそのままガブっとかぶりつくのが正解かもしれません。甘めなのでバターがなくても美味しいです。たらふくパンを食べた後。妹の旦那くんからの新潟出張土産でもらった草団子をデザートに。笹の香りが良い草餅。私の好きなこし餡を選んできてくれて嬉しかったー美味しくいただきました。草餅にうるさい旦那さんも「美味しいね」とご満悦。…俺は粒あん派だけど、とポツリ。ごめんね、私を優先してくれたんだよーこの日は「カフェ読書に行こうね」と旦那さんと話していたのですが。朝ごはんを食べて、録画を消化していたら…ウトウト。気づいたら、お昼寝3時間してましたやりたいことはたくさんあるのに、お休みの日はいつも気づくと昼寝してしまう…苦笑テキパキ動ける人になる目標はなかなか達成できません◼️アサカベーカリー本町店住所: 埼玉県朝霞市本町2-21-36TEL: 0120-017-788営業時間: 5:00 - 19:00定休日: 月曜・火曜アサカベーカリー 本町店 (朝霞/パン)★★★☆☆3.68 ■予算(夜):~¥999tabelog.com

    GW3日目 アサカベーカリーのパン食べ比べ
  6. はじめましての方はこちら→⭐️アメンバーについては→こちらコメントは承認制です。内容によっては運営に報告&承認しかねる場合がありますのでご理解お願いいたします^ ^あっという間に終わってしまったGWダイジェストで振り返ります1番の思い出は圭との旅行✈️圭のたっての希望でお参りに⛩️思いを込めて絵馬を納めてきました伊勢のおかげ横丁のスタバは素敵な外観で有名ですがこちらの参道にあるスタバもすっごく素敵!なんだか芋けんぴに見えて可愛い二階建てバスにのったりリバークルーズしたり美味しいものをいただいたり大満喫の3日間旅行は当分お預けですがこれで来年まで走っていけそう!飛行機から見た景色が美しく癒されましたTさんとは足を伸ばして食い倒れアニメ加工したら怪しげなおじさんになりました☻これは全然似てない 笑↓たこ焼き 海鮮 串揚げお酒が飲めたらもっと楽しめるんだろうなTさんもたまには一緒に飲みたいとか思っていたりして烏龍茶専門の彼女でごめんねあとは普段できないところのお掃除とか作り置きの準備とか🍳美容室に行ったり学生時代のお友達とランチ会したり充実していて最高のGWでしたまた明日から頑張るぞー

  7. 陶芸の翌日は実家に泊まりました。そのタイミングで来ていた妹と甥っ子と過ごしました。お昼頃に旦那さんも合流。妹の旦那くんは仕事で来られず。みんなでいつもの銚子丸GWなので混んでるかなー?とタイミングを13:00にずらして来店。2組待ちですんなりボックス席に座れてラッキー!GWの銚子丸は北海道フェアーの真っ最中!【帰れま10】で放送されたばかりのようでネタに気合いが入ってます!!目新しい北海道直送の魚たち。スギ、しまそい、八角、ほっけぼたん海老などなど。普段見かけないネタがたくさんあって心踊る♪数量限定のマグロ軍艦も!成長目覚ましい甥っ子。もう一人でがミルクが飲めます大人しく飲んでくれている間、妹も早食いでお寿司を楽しみました〜貝づくしに、炙りサーモン炙りえんがわ、オーロラサーモン。もともとは食べるのがゆっくりだった妹ですが、出産後は【早食い】に。ママ、頑張ってるなぁ!エライなぁと思う瞬間です。私は小休止でアサリのお味噌汁。大粒のアサリが入っていて味噌汁にいいお出汁が出てる。しみじみと、あぁ…美味しいその横で母と旦那さんが穴子祭りに突入。穴子、好きだねぇ笑大好きな、えんがわも忘れずにいっときましょうー!甥っ子、ミルクが終わったら落ち着かなくなって。妹が動画再生。すると食い入るように画面に集中。スマホ動画は子連れの食事には必須アイテムなのね。その間に、トロタク。写真を撮り損ねましたが、マグロの竜田揚げや湯葉揚げのサイドメニューも食べて、満腹。途中、何度も歩きたい欲求を抑えられない甥っ子が席から脱走。妹と旦那さんが交互に甥っ子くんのお供をして店内一周。なぜか私より旦那さんのことを気に入っている甥っ子。切ないじゃないか、、、〆は銚子丸名物プリン。かための昭和プリン。銚子丸に来たら、やっぱり〆はプリンです。帰宅して、私だけお昼寝。あぁ、良き休日。なぜか実家にいると異様に眠たくなる。なんで、なんだろう???夜はみんなでロイヤルホストでごはん。アボカドサラダ🥗コーンスープデミグラスオムライスケチャップライスとデミグラスなかなか良い♡妹はコスモドリア、旦那さんはお気に入りのジャワカレーのセット。途中、仕事終わりの旦那くんが合流。おつかれさまー!甥っ子、二人に囲まれて嬉しそうにごはんタイム。やっぱりパパとママが揃うの嬉しいね♡舌平目のリゾットに米粉パン。ロイヤルホストの幼児メニュー本格的ですごい!!甥っ子、食いしん坊を発揮してパクパク!ロイヤルホストに来る前に野菜のスムージーを飲んだばかりなのにすごい食欲。明らかに食いしん坊の遺伝子を引き継いでいる。大きくなったら、おばさんと食いしん坊道を極めようではないか!食事を楽しんでいたら。旦那くんが不思議な飲み物を手に戻ってきた。メロンコーラ🍈!!え、そんなのあるの!!我が家の旦那さんと違って味覚にアグレッシブ笑いいねぇ!そういう感覚、スキだよ。みんなでワイワイ食べるごはんはとっても楽しかったこれから甥っ子が成長するたびに行けるお店も増えてくるから楽しみ。子供の成長って幸せな気分にさせてくれますね。

    GW2日目 甥っ子とファミレス三昧
  8. 飛騨高山② 新井こう平製麺所
  9. あの日、羽田空港からヒールで走って良かった…『あっという間。』我ながらよくやった🤚まだ、バタバタのスケジュールでも一人やとなんとかなるなと振り返りました。娘も割と私のペースで巻き込むことが多く、今回は一人で来ましたが、の…ameblo.jp試験開始10分前に到着、筆記試験3時間に挑み、手応えが何とも言えない微妙さで、あわよくばギリ受かってほしいという願望でした。法改正で贈与、相続あたりが怪しくて、あ、これであってる❔という不安しかない試験でした。まぁでもあの時間でやれることは全部ではないけどぼちぼちやったので、ダメなら次また受けようのスタンスで。…ぎり受かってたわ。笑(΄◉◞౪◟◉`)こういうギリギリのところでいける、いけないは、大学受験の時からそうでしたな。これはこだわれと言われそうですが、自分の希望する進路は親の反対や金銭的なことからいけず、何を言ってもダメ、無難な学部でようやく妥協してくれるという、そんなんだからやっても親のためかなぁと思うとやる気が出なかったのもあったりします。反面教師にして娘には何でもは無理やけど、ダメならダメな理由が妥当なもので、納得してもらえる様にしていきたいなぁーと思ったのでした🌿目的が合格なら、合格したからいいやという性格がダメなのか…まぁでも社会人やること多いので、何のためにやるのかを考えて比重を選んでいく必要があるなと思う今日この頃です。おかげさまで所得控除とかここで勉強できました。笑確定拠出年金も皆様の応援❔とこの試験勉強でやろうとなりました。(*´ー`*)アメブロ感謝🌱そして早速プロマネで躓いてます。経験…くぅうううーやると決めたらできるところまでやるのだ。添削出さないとな。(ボソ※もしかしたら社会人になった今1番勉強というものに触れてるかもしれない。年齢の壁はなんとかなるというかするものですな、学びました🖐️✨✨というのも、今までやらなさすぎたんだと思います💦周りの話とか聞いてると私ほんま舐めてた学生やったなぁと…親不孝ですまそ🙏🔽そろそろガチで読もうー❗️(もはや受かる気がしない、流石10%台の合格率💦)

  10. 初めましての方へ♡30代でも富動産で総投資額1.7億!会社員を2021年末サイドFIRE後、2/16に初商業出版📚✨億女が借金彼氏を“お金持ち体質”にした話 資産がみるみる増えていく43のレッスン (大和出版)Amazon(アマゾン)億女OLあいの自己紹介はこちら👇自己紹介【富動産/お金の学校 お客様実績】・お金が無い→豊かで幸せと感謝しかないマインドへ移行・毎月散財で手元にお金が無い→年間数十万円削減&黒字家計へ!・自宅を購入価格の+2000万円で売却・念願だった初の自宅を購入!初の投資用物件を購入!・マネーリテラシー大幅アップ、7桁超えの借金完済!私が講座で一番最初に何をしてもらうか?をちょっとだけ、ご紹介すると…⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡\捨ててもらいます/⁡⁡⁡⁡まずは、これがめちゃくちゃ大事!⁡何でかって言うと、本当にね、疲れてる人が多いんですよ🫣⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡仕事に家事に育児にご近所&親戚付き合い…等々真面目な人程、⁡「べきねば」で縛られて、⁡\人生の理想を描く/⁡どころじゃない人が多い。でも人生の問題は山積みな訳で…⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡5軸の断捨離と呼んでますが、色々な物を手放してもらいます。⁡⁡⁡⁡そうして余白が出来ると、面白い位必要な物やご縁、臨時収入が入ってきたりするんです。⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡私ね、今月ハワイに行くんだけど、<なんとなくふと>⁡「いつもは羽田だけど、成田空港にしよう!」「今回はANAのビジネスクラスにしてみよう!」⁡と予約してみたんです。⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡そしたらスッカリ意識してなかったんだけど、予約便が、⁡成田空港→ハワイ線でANAが1日2便飛ばしてる⁡空飛ぶホテルと言われる2階建ての飛行機A380(愛称ホヌ=ハワイ語でウミガメ)だったんですよ!!!⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡飛行機が大好きで、シアトル空港でインターンしてた私からすると、A380のビジネスクラス⁡に乗れるなんて、忘れてたけど、めっちゃ夢だったんですよ~!!!⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡何の事かさっぱりわからない人は、たまたま友達に連れていかれたライブのゲストで一番の推し芸能人が来た…位に想像してみて(笑)⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡ね?直感に従うと、こういう事が本当によく起こる。⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡それは私がたくさんの不要な物を捨て余白を作り、必要な物や事が入ってくるように意図して来たから。⁡⁡⁡⁡だから、講座生さんの中にも、突然臨時収入をもらった!転職先からお声がかかった!人間関係のクラス変えが起こった!⁡様々な声を頂いてます。⁡⁡⁡⁡でね、講座内では知識もお伝えしていくのですが、⁡この捨てていく作業に不可欠なのがグルコン(=グループコンサルティング)です!⁡⁡⁡⁡お金にまつわる事だけではなく、今の悩みや自分の思い込みに気づいて手放すことで、どんどん人生が変わっていく人が多い。(ほんと、全部繋がってるからね~)⁡⁡⁡⁡⁡で、通常グルコンは、講座内もしくはたまにリアルのお茶会(最低でも5万円以上)とかでしかやっていないのですが…⁡⁡⁡⁡今回、お金の学校の体験会というかたちで…⁡⁡⁡なんと!⁡⁡\ワンコイン=500円/⁡⁡で開催します!(え?)⁡⁡⁡⁡これから後にも先にもグルコンをこの価格でご提供する事は無いでしょう。⁡⁡⁡聞いてみたい悩みや質問を携えて奮って、ご参加ください♪⁡⁡⁡日時は、5/9(木)20:30~!⁡⁡あ、せっかくならご自身の悩みを相談頂いた方が良いけど、⁡誰かの疑問は自分の疑問!耳だけ参加でも大丈夫です~♪コチラの特設LINEから募集してるので、ワンコイン体験会のバナーをクリックしてね👇※新規の質問受付は終了しました🙏耳だけ参加もしくはアーカイブのみ受付中特設LINEQRコードでLINEの友だちを追加QRコードでLINEの友だちを追加p8wkzg5h.autosns.app⁡⁡⁡⁡先日のセミナー&説明会より、かなり実践型となります^^⁡⁡⁡どうか、すぐに冬眠してしまう位体力弱々の私が年に一回出す本気…⁡受け取ってね🫶⁡⁡🏫お金の学校5期:〆切まで後5日🏫5/15スタート!億女が教えるお金の学校🏫5期!\お金の真実セミナー&お金の学校5期説明会/ただ今アーカイブにてご案内中❣️ご参加はこちらをクリックしてね▼▼▼本日もお読みいただきありがとうございました♡リブログ、コメント大歓迎です♡▼ご提供メニュー▼発売後たちまち重版!初の商業出版はこちら👇お金の知識0でもわかりやすく資産を増やす方法を解説✨億女が借金彼氏を“お金持ち体質”にした話 資産がみるみる増えていく43のレッスン (大和出版)Amazon(アマゾン)Amazon総合1位!小説形式で楽しくお金について学べます✨リボ払い借金地獄に陥っていた僕が結婚したのは、同僚なのに投資家の億女でした (ゆるリッチFIRE研究所)Amazon(アマゾン)💎億女が教える富動産投資の学校満席開講中→次回募集未定💎億女が教えるお金の学校~実践編~※お金の勉強をした事が無い人が幸せなお金持ちマインド×投資を学び、0から投資が出来るまでを目指す講座→0~4期満席御礼 5期5月開講予定!▼メルマガ/LINEは下図をクリック▼メルマガで一番濃い情報を発信!現在2800名が登録中♡公式LINE登録で「お金が増える大原則」プレゼント🎁現在3527名の美女が登録中♡再婚 離婚 性格の不一致 モラハラ 30代 バツイチ 婚活 婚活疲れ 再婚活 幸せ 30代 40代アラサー アラフォー バリキャリ 管理職 副業 起業 不動産 投資 戸建て ロバートキヨサキ 金持ち父さん貧乏父さん 不労所得 女性 大家 資産運用 お金持ち ハイスペ 神旦那 貯金 ポイ活 夫婦 パートナーシップ FIRE 脱サラ 経済的自由 億女 サイドFIRE 起業 起業女子 セミリタイア インフルエンサー 億彼 億女が借金彼氏をお金持ち体質にした話 商業出版 仕事やめたい 夢の叶え方 お金持ちマインド 

  11. 英会話タイムトライアル「5月DAY3」5月8日(水)bullet trainrail pass電車に乗り放題のチケットHow much is a rail pass?How many dayscan I use it?one way ticketround trip ticketHow much is a one way ticket?I'd like a round trip ticket? をください。 I'd like ... May I have ... Cross country train -> Japan's cross country train 新幹線The cross country train stops in my hometown.Just take the cross country train. It's faster.改札ticket gateThe ticket gate for the cross country trainis that way.The cross country trains in New Zealand have big windows.------英会話タイムトライアル「5月DAY2」5月7日(火)Today's sentences have,plane / trainget onget offcarget inget out---Let's get on a plane now.Let's get on a train.*plane <> plainWe can't get on the plane yet.They are still cleaning it.Let'sget off at Shinjuku station.We don't get off here.We'llget off at Sibuya station.We're leaving now.Let's get in the car.-> get on the car => 車の上に乗る!*leave => departIt's cold. So let's get in the car.I'll get out here.車から降りる -> get outIf possible..If possible I'd like to get outin fron of the station.---英会話タイムトライアル「5月DAY1」5月6日(月)This month we are going to New Zealand!Have you ever been to New Zealand? I've never been there.So let's experience it together virtually!Let's talk about transportation.He everyone. I'm your conversation partner, Catherine. On Friday, you play bingo and get the grand prize, a ticket to travel around New Zealand by train. See you Friday!--- take 乗る・(時間などが)かかるLet's take thetrain to Auckland.*ride -> bike, bicycle /roller coaster, ferris wheelHow long does it take?-> About how long does it take?- It takes about two hours.I took the train from Paris to London.How lond did it take? Twoand half hours 2時間半It took about two and half hours.Just don't take this train.Let's take the next train. It's faster.---英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY15」4月19日(金)5月3日(金)And here's your conversation partner around the Pacific.Hi everyone! I'm Catherine Leland. Try to complete a conversation with me today in your own words.It's going to be fun!---Imagine this.. You and I will meet up near the train station.After we meet, let's go to the station and let's talk about trains in Hawaii and Japan.We go throughthe ticket gate to get on the new Hawaian train.Did you imagine the situation?----So try to have a seven turn conversation with me. Let's get on the new Hawaiian train.---How are you doing?-Good thanks. How are you?Good. Well, the train station is this way.-This way. Got it.Do you take the train often in Japan?-I use the train almost everyday. I take the train to work.Well, here's the ticket gate. Just tap your smart card here, like this. Go ahead.-Like this. Got it. Okay.For the trains in Japan, do you use smart cards like this one?-There are smart cards like this in Japan, but I downloaded an app. So I use my smarphone for the trains in Japan.Oh, here's the train now. It's a driverless train. Aafter you.-Oh thanks. This is a nice train.Oh, it's not crowded. Shall we sit towards the front or towards the back?-Let's sit in the very front. What a nice view of Hawaii!---How many times did you reply?Steve will show you one way to complete the conversation with me. Listen carefully.---Did you understand our conversation?By the way Catherine. I have a question for you.-Okay Steve.Did you have a train in your hometown in New Zealand?-Well, we have a train but you can only take it twice a day.So you're from a small town in New Zealand?-Well, it's not very big. It's called Hamilton, New Zealand.So how do you get around Hamiliton?-Well, I usually walk but most people use a car or they take the bus.---We are going to New Zealand next month!I'll introduce New Zealand to you!---英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY14」4月18日(木)英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY14」5月2日(木)Long time no see.What a coincidence!How have you been?I've been busy. How have you been?The bus leaves at 2:30.2:30 Got it.Is this present for me? I'm speachless.---Do you ... often?Do you come downtown often?... is that way.The post office is that way... was a priceless experience.Swimming with Dolphins was a priceless experience.---How are you doing?-Good thanks. How are you?Shall we sit towards the front, or towards the back?-Let's sit towards the front.towards the fronttowards the backDo you use smart cards like this one in Japan?-Yes. There are smart cards like this in Japan, but I downloaded an app. So I use my smartphone for the trains and shopping in Japan.----英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY13」4月17日(水)英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY13」5月1日(水)XX + lesspaperlessThe apprication is paperless.driverlessHawaii's new train is driverless.endlessHis questions were endless.countlessThere are countless examples.pricelessSurfing in Hawaii was a priceless experience.speachlessIs this present for me? I'mspeachless.---英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY12」4月16日(火)英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY12」4月30日(火)復唱して確認This is such a good technique.It's an easy and useful technique.Steve, I'll see you at the fifth floor after the show.-The fifth floor. Got it.---The bus stop is that way.- That way. Got it.It's that way.The bus stop is that way.two thirty 2:30The bus leavesat 2:30.-2:30. Got it.The bus leaves at 5:30.-5:30 Got it.The bus is on the left. It's number 24.-Number 24. Got it.-On the let. Number 24. Got it.The cruise ship leaves at 5 p.m.-5 p.m. Got it.Just tap your cardherelike this.-Like thins. Got it.Confirming information is really useful in conversations.Great job today.---英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY11」4月15日(月)英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY11」4月29日(月)Hi everyone. It's Catherine. Your a conversation partner. On Friday, we get on a train in Hawaii. It's brand new. So let's check it out. Bye for now.-Thanks. Catherine. We'll see you on Friday.---Long time no see.-Yeah, long time no see.What a coincidence.- Yeah, what a coincidence.How are you (+doing)?- Good thanks.How about you?How have you been?-I've been busy. How have you been?Do you come here often?-Yeah, I come here every Friday.Do you take the trainin Japan often?-Yes. I take the train almost everyday.------英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY10」4月12日(金)Our conversation partner is...Hi everyone. I'm Catherine Leland. I'll be your conversation partner as we go around Hawaii.Let's all welcome Catherine to eikaiwa-time-trial. Great to see you!-Thank you.-Now everyone, my accent is American, Catherin's accent is not British and not Australian.-Not asutralian.. the answer is...I'm a Kiwi. I'm from New Zealand.- I'm not a bird.Kiwi is a bird and a fruit, right?-Indeed. A kiwi fruit.-And that one symbol of New Zealand.---Taiwa karaoke around the Pacific.Imagine this. You've just arrived in Honolulu, Hawaii. I'll welcome you there as a guide. And I'll give you a guidebook with coupons and a special Hawaian gift.And when we talk, tell me your plans for enjoying Hawaii.----Aloha, welcome to Hawaii.-Aloha. Thanks. I'm so happy to be in Hawaii.This is a Hawaiian lei for you. Here you are.-Oh thanks. Mahalo. These flowers are beautiful.And here's a gudebook with coupons for shopping.-Thanks. Do you have a map?Here's a map.What would you like to do in Hawaii?-I'd like to go to Waikiki beach. And I'd like to try surfing or some water sports. I love the ocean.Would you like to rent a car?-No. I don't have a drivr's license actually.The buses are really convenient. Here's the shedule for the buses.And the schedule for the new train in Hawaii.-Thanks. If I have a time, I'd like to ride the new train in Hawaii.---You're doing great.----So Steve will show you one way to reaply.---Thanks. + sentence---You did much better the second time. Good on you!Nex week, we have one more conversation together in Hawaii. I'm looking forward to it.----英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY9」4月11日(木)So try to repeat each phrase after me.----What's the name of this flower?I think it's orchid.Where would you like to go in Hawaii?I'd like to go to Waikiki Beach.Here's a guidebook.THanks. Do you have any recommendations?Did you express all those phrases quickly and smoothly?---What would you like to do in...?What would you like to do in New York City?So now try to create one more sentence with the phrase, what would you like to do in...?I'd like to ...I'd like to see a Broadway show.Here's ...Here's a list of shows on Broadway now.----Aloha, welcome to Hawai.-Aloha. Thanks. I'm so happy to be in Hawaii.This is a Hawaiian lei for you. Here you are.-Oh thanks. Mahalo. These flowers are beautiful.So now try to reply with as many sentences as yoiu can. Here's the question.What would you like to do in Hawaii?- I'd like to go to Waikiki Beach and try surfing. If I have time, I'd like to ride the new train in Hawaii.英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY8」4月10日(水)So just learn and use some local phrases.It's time for your first try!SPR training---Do you know how to say hello/ goodbye in Hawaii?AlohaAloha, here's my passport.Aloha, is this storeopen now?Mahalo = Thank you.This map of Honolulu is so useful. Mahalo!レイ(lei)The flowers on this lei arebeautiful. Mahalo.This lay smells nice, especially the white flowers.*smell nice => have nice smellWhat are the common flowers used for lei?Orchid 蘭Plumeria プルメリアCarnationHibiscusWhat's the name of this flower?I think it's an orchid.---How was your second try? Was it a little easier that time?Now, you're ready to arrive in Hawaii. Be sure to use those phrases is no Friday.---英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY7」4月9日(火) ~をどうぞ Here's ...Here's some tea.Here's some tea for you.Thanks. What kind of tea is this? souvenir [ˌsuvəˈnɪr]Here's a souvenir from Japan.Thanks. What is this?Here's a gudebook.Thanks. Do you have any recommendations?And here'resome coupons. / Here's a coupon.Thanks. What kind of couponesare they? / ... is it? Here's ... back.Here's yourcharging cordback.-Thanks.Were you able to charge your phone?Could you ? 依頼の場合と混乱するのでWere you able to ..? がわかりやすい---How was your first tiry?Well how did you do?If you make good questions, you can have good conversations.And today we learned a great technique for that.---英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY6」4月8日(月)Hi everyone. I'm your conversation partner, Catherine. On Friday, let's go to Hawaii. You'll arrive and I'll give you some information and a special gift. See you then.---I want toDo you want to...?I'd like toWould you like to..?---Where would you like to go in Hawaii?I'd like to go to Waikiki beach.I'd like to go to Hanaluma bay.I'd like to drive to Sunset beach.What would you like to do in Hawaii?I'd like to ride the new new train in Hawaii.I'd like to to play golf.I'd like to try surfing.I'd like to hike Diamond mountain.試着するtry on...Which Aloha shirt woul you like to try on?I'd like to try on that bule Aloha shirt.---So everyone, get on board and let's practice speaking together.---英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY5」4月5日(金)Taiwa karaoke around the pacific.Imagine this...Let's geton board on the cruise ship. It's your first day on board. So you'll go to a welcome party. And then, I'll introduce myself and you will introduce yourself, too. And I'll offer you a welcome drink. Just tell me what drink you like.---Welcome to the cruise.-Thanks. I'm so happy to be on the cruise.May I have your name?-Sure. My name is Steve Sorasi.Yes, I see your name on the list. I'm Jenny. Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you, too.We have a welcome drink for you. Would you like pineapple juice, guava juice or mango juice?- I'll have some guava juice.All right. Here you are.- Thanks. It looks good.We're arriving in Hawaii soon. Enjoy the juice and the Hawaiian music.-Thanks so much. I love this Hawaiian music. It's so relaxing. Nice talking to you Jenny.---Jenny, have you ever been on board a cruise ship.I have Steve. Actually, I used to work on one.You worked on one?I did. I sang on a cruise ship.You sang on a cruise chip? Inside or outside?Inside. The cruise ship was huge. So they had an ice skating rink inside the ship and I sang for the ice skating show.Yes, I sang. I definitely couldn' skate.---Welcome to the cruise.Thanks. I'm so happy to be on the cruise.---Alright. Here you are.Thanks. It looks good.------英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY4」4月4日(木)So try to repeat each phrase after me. So try to say it quickly and smoothly and copy my intnation.---Welcome to our home.Would you like some tea?I'll have some coffee for now.I'll have the same.Sure, here you are.Nice to meet you.Nice talking to you.---Would you like ...?Would you like some dessert?Would you llike some tea?May I have ...?*いただけますか?・を教えていただけますか?May I have some coffee with milk?May I have your full name, please?I'm so happy to be ...I'm so happy to be here in Nagano with you tonight.I'm so happy to be ..----Welcome to the cruise.- Thanks. I'm so happy to be on the cluse.Would you like pineapple juice , guava juice or mango juice?-I'll have some mango juice.cruisejuicepineappleguavamango---Enjoy the juice and the Hawaian music.-Thanks, Steve. I really like the Hawaian music. It's so relaxing. Mmm... and this juice is delicious.---So I'll see you on the cruise.---英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY3」4月3日(水)Those are important phrases. So let's practice the natural way to say them.ようこそWelcome!我が家へようこそWelcome to our home!Welcome to our condominium.Thanks. + one sentenceThanks. I'm so happy to be here.to be hereThanks. I'm so happy to be in Hawaii.Hi, I'm Jenny Skidmore.Just call me Jenny.Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you, too.それでは失礼します。-Nice talking to you.-Nice talking to you, too.-Nice meeting you.---We learned welcome to ...Thanks. I'm so pahhy to be here.---Hi, I'm Steve.Hi, Steve. I'm Jenny.Introductions are really important. So great job today, everyone.Okay, get on board.英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY2」4月2日(火)May I have...?So let's master a really useful phrase, May I have...?May I have a blanket? (+ please)May I have some more rice?-Sure, here you are.Here you are. / Here you go.May I have...?May I have your name, please?May I have your name again please?-Sure, My name is Jenny Skidmore.the spellingMay I have the spelling?Family name / last nameMay I have the spelling of your family name?The spelling of my family name is Skidmore.---How was your first try?And if you have our textbook, open it now and follow along. Here we go!英会話タイムトライアル「4月DAY1」4月1日(月)We're heading towords Hawaii first.Hawaii is a great place to visit and have English conversations.お茶はいかがですか?Whould you like some tea?お願いします。Yes, please.コーヒーはいかがですか?Would you like somecoffee?いえ、結構です。No thanks. <= No thank you.~にします。I'll have ...May I have...?I'll have that cake.May I have that cake?私も同じにします。I'll have the same.I'll also have that ...とりあえずfor nowI'lll have some coffe for now.I'll have some water for now.---So everyone. Get on board. And let's practice speaking together!ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(1)4月1日(月)Hi everyone. This is Akino Rosa. To our new listners, Welcome. To those joining us from last year,welcome back. This is going to be anothere exciting year of Rajio-Eikaiwa. Are you ready?Hi everyone. I'm David Evans. It's so great to have you all here. I can't wait to see what we have in store. Let's do our best.--- To do your best is important.Bob, do you remember that watercolor I painted?The one with the white horse?Yes, I entered it in an art contest. And won second place.Really? Congratulations. I knew it was special when I saw it.To tell you the truth, I wasn't very confidnet. But I did my best.I know you did. To do your best is important and other people can see that.I want to keep painting more.You should. I look forward to your next painting, Sally.---Grammar and vocabulary Do you remember that watercolor I painted? and other people can see that.Target forms To do your best is important.PracticeTo do your best ..To do your best is important.To relax is important.To forgive is difficult.To learn a new skill is challenging.---Okay everyone. It's time to practice. Today we practice two infinitives. The key is to make them nice and short. Don't stress "to". So for exaple, to relax. Let's try to relax. Keep that in mind.---Let's put it together.Great rhythm.---Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.---Grammar in action To prepar is essential. > very important To make mistakes is natural. To take notesduring meetings is normal.We hope you guys had a fun first lesson! We're going to have a fanstastic time guys. Practice makes perfect. Don't give up, keep at it. And let's have a great year.

  12. マイスリーなど弱い物も含めるとなんと5年近く依存性のある睡眠薬を服用してた私ですが3月にプロチゾラムの減薬を経てデエビゴという依存性のない薬へ移行ができました!ただ40時間超の残業3ヶ月目の4月中旬からデエビゴが効かない。プロチゾラムも一緒に飲んでも中途覚醒が酷い。1時間に1回くらい。ワイパックスとデエビゴの組み合わせだと2回くらいしか目が覚めないから2週間くらい毎晩服用。ワイパックスは依存性があるから半分悩んで、でも睡眠不足だと食べれなくなるし外出時の予期不安が出やすいから、、、で、定期通院でこのことを話したらワイパックスは睡眠の薬じゃない、と(いや、知ってるよ)いつもの担当の先生じゃなく偉そうにふんぞりかえってる年配の先生。とりあえず40時間は働き過ぎと言われたのとデエビゴが25mgから50mgへ変更へ。でもさ、ワイパックスで眠れるのは仕事のストレスとか不安が強いんだね、とか言われるの期待されたのだが。来月はちゃんと日曜日に予約していつもの先生に話聞いてもらおうまだ薬局に行けてないのだけど昨日の夜にやっぱり眠れないから25mgを2錠飲んだの。眠気は凄いのに中途覚醒も凄かったー月初の繁忙期に頭働かないのキツいから今日はワイパックス服用して寝ます5月は残業半分にはなるだろうしまた良くなることを願って。

  13. ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 日本人宇宙飛行士 月面探査参加へ5月1日(水)日本人宇宙飛行士 月面探査参加へJAPANESE ASTRONAUTS TO JOIN NASA LUNAR MISSIONThe leaders also announced they're taking their cooperation beyond this planet. They say Japanese astronauts will become the first from outside the U.S. to take part in a NASA mission to the moon.Only Americans have ever set foot on the lunar surface, and that was more than 50 years ago. Officials with NASA's Artemis program are hoping to start sending astronauts there again in 2026.Japanese Science Minister Moriyama Masahito and NASA Administrator Bill Nelson outlined their shared goals. Japanese astronauts will join two expeditions. While there, they'll operate a vehicle developed by Japan's space agency and Toyota Motor.(Bill Nelson/ NASA Administrator)“When two great nations work together, then we extend our reach into the stars.”Japanese government officials say researching and developing the rover will cost several billion dollars.(2024年4月11日のニュース) NASAは、National Aeronautics and Space Administration「アメリカ航空宇宙局」 *aeronautics航空術, 航空学 set foot on/in …は「~に足を踏み入れる、立ち入る、足跡をしるす」 lunar surfaceは「月面」 “Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon, July 1969, A.D.” astronauts Artemis「アルテミス」はギリシャ神話の月の女神で、「アポロ計画」の由来となったApollo「アポロ」とは双子のきょうだい 名詞:のoutline「概略、あらまし」verb:「概略やあらましを述べる、説明する」 shareは「共有する」=>shared goalは複数の当事者が「共有する目標、共通の目標」 expedition「探検、遠征、(調査・研究目的の)旅行」/ expedite促進する vehicle we extend our reach into the stars out of reach「(物理的あるいは比喩的に)手が届かない」 within reach「手が届く(範囲にある)」 researching and developing …は「~を研究し開発すること」 => research and development「研究開発」は、しばしばR&D---Today's TakeawaysJapan-U.S. summit meeting 「日米首脳会談」=>The two leaders agreed to deepen defense cooporation and strengthen collaboration in a wide rang of areas such as economic security and space.(the) Artemis program 「アルテミス計画」=> Artemis is the ancient Greek goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, the moon, and chastity. And guess what? She and the god Apollo are twins.lunar water 「月の水」mineral resources「鉱物資源」space industry 「宇宙産業」lunar economic zone 「月面経済圏」 Squatters' Rights (不法占拠者の権利) chastity 純潔, 貞節, 性的禁欲 The condition or quality of being chaste, especially the condition of not having had sexual intercourse or of abstaining from sexual relations. <= chaste純潔な, 貞節な virgin; celibate 独身(生活)の; undefiled 清浄, 無垢 ; pure in style; simple:---and that brings us to the word,I wanted to focus on today: “reach.”The core meaning of “reach” is to “stretch out your arm or hand to touch or get something.” You're probably familiar with that idea. But from there, “reach” also came to mean something more figurative: “how far you can reach” or, in other words, “the extent of your ability or influence.”That's what Bill Nelson was talking about when he said “extend our reach into the stars.”We use "reach" in that figurative way a lot. You'll hear things like, Getting a job there is beyound my reach. Victory is within reach.---In addition to being the goddess of the moon, Artemis was also a protector of young children in Greek mythology. I hope the project can take after its namesake and nurture young generations to keep believing that nothing is beyond their reach.---ーーーニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 トランプ氏 刑事裁判の初公判4月30日(火)Today's news story takes us to the Unitede States where historic trial is taking place in New York.---TRUMP FACES FIRST CRIMINAL TRIALLawyers have gathered in a New York courtroom for the first-ever criminal trial of someone to have served in the Oval Office. They're debating allegations against former President Donald Trump related to payments of hush money to an adult film star.Prosecutors say Trump's former lawyer paid the actor 130,000 dollars ahead of the 2016 election to keep her relationship with Trump secret. They say Trump reimbursed him then recorded the payment as a legal fee. He faces 34 charges of falsifying business records.Trump has pleaded not guilty and says this is “political persecution.”(Anti-Trump protestor)“We, individually and collectively, are glad to see that Trump is finally being brought in front of a judge in a criminal case.”(Trump supporter)“It's not gonna be fair. And, like I said, if the man steps on a roach, they're gonna try to convict him for murder.”Trump also faces charges in three other criminal cases.(2024年4月16日のニュース)--- 形容詞ovalは「卵型の、楕円形の」=> the Oval Officeはアメリカの「大統領執務室」 allegation=> allegedly 申し立てによると、伝えられるところによれば hush money =>hush moneyは「口止め料」“Hush!”は「静かに!しっ!」 reimburseは「払い戻す、返金する」 「従業員たちに(立て替え分の)交通費を払い戻す」reimburse travel expenses to employee reimbursement「払い戻し(金)、返済」 falsify「改ざんする、偽造する」/名詞形は、falsification「改ざん、偽造」 falsify [ˈfɔlsəˌfaɪ] falsification [ˌfælsəfəˈkeɪʃən] persecution「迫害」/persecute「迫害する」 We, individually and collectively, are glad to see that roachはcockroach「ゴキブリ」の口語 convict 動詞で「有罪判決を出す、有罪にする」: convict ... for ....---If the man steps on a roach, they're gonna try to convict him for murder. If the man steps on a roach,they're gonna tryto convict him for murder. ---★会話ではgonnaでも文字ではgoing toと書きましょう>>want toがwanna実際の発音: It's not gonna be fair. And, like I said, if the man steps on a roach, they're gonna try to convict him for murder.表記: It's not going to be fair. And, like I said, if the man steps on a roach, they're going to try to convict him for murder. ---You can do this with other words, too.want to becomes wanna. For exampe,I want to go to the store later.---●be going toはwillよりもニュアンスが強い「to(~の方向へ)今すでにgoing(進みつつある)」ことで、「~することになっている」「きっと、そうなる」という意味状況はすでにその方向に進行しているので、will(発言の時点で「~するつもりである」)よりも確定的なニュアンス--I knew it was going to be an interesting lesson and it was! They will be even more news coming out until the presidential election in November. So let's work hard and study together.----ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 イラン イスラエルに大規模攻撃4月29日(月)ISRAELI WAR CABINET CONSIDERS RESPONSE TO IRANIAN ATTACKWe start this hour in the Middle East, where Israel is debating how to respond to a recent drone and missile attack from Iran.The assault began late Saturday night. Israel says it intercepted most of the projectiles with the help of other countries, including the United States. It is believed to be the first direct attack on Israel launched from Iran. Tehran says it was responding to a strike on an Iranian embassy in Syria earlier this month.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened his war cabinet Sunday to discuss a possible response. Reuters quoted Israeli officials as saying the war cabinet favored retaliation. However, it is reportedly divided over the timing and the scale of such a response.But some international actors are trying to de-escalate the situation. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on both sides to exercise restraint.(Antonio Guterres / UN Secretary-General)“It's vital to avoid any action that could lead to major military confrontations on multiple fronts in the Middle East.”(2024年4月15日のニュース)---In today's lesson, let's focus on expressions that often appear on TV and radio news.---quote ... as sayingFor example, the police quoted the father as saying his child'sinnocent of the crime.--- convene「招集する」 (be) divided over …「~をめぐって意見が割れる、分かれる」=(be) split over … exercise restraint projectiles [prəˈʤɛktaɪlz] /[prəˈʤɛktəlz] missile [ˈmɪsəl]---We start this hour in the Middle East, where Israel is debating how to respond to a recent drone and missile attack from Iran.We start this hour in the Middle East,where Israel is debating how to respondto a recent drone and missile attack from Iran.---★キャスターがニュース番組を開始するときの表現 We start (this hour) in …, where … We start (this hour's program with news) in …, where … We begin in …, where … We begin in the Middle East where Israel is debating We start with … / We begin with … We start with urgent news from Tokyo. Our first story takes us to …「本日最初のニュースは~でのものです」 Our first story takes us to Tokyo where NHK is now broadcasting a new hit English radio show. Good morning, everyone! We start with page 25 of the textbook.---ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 東京・恵比寿で36年ぶりビール醸造4月26日(金)SAPPORO BREWERIES STARTS BREWING AGAIN IN EBISUOne of Japan's biggest beer makers has opened a new brewery in central Tokyo. The launch marks the first time in about 36 years for Sapporo Breweries to make beer in Ebisu.Officials held a ceremony for the facility's grand opening. It's located not far from the popular Shibuya shopping and entertainment district.Sapporo invested over 11 million dollars in the site. The new brewery can produce 130 kiloliters of beer annually. Visitors can get a firsthand look at how it's made. There's also a bar where people can taste just-brewed beer and limited-edition varieties only available on-site.Sapporo's predecessor company started brewing beer in Ebisu in 1890. The nearby train station and areas were named after the Yebisu brand. The company closed the brewery in 1988 due to difficulties expanding the facility.(2024年4月3日のニュース)---brewery /ˈbrʊəri「(ビールなどの)醸造所」「日本酒の醸造所」sake brewery「ワインの醸造所」wineryウィスキーや焼酎などの「蒸留酒の製造所」distillerygrand「華やかな、華々しい、壮大な」=>grand openingsite「場所、敷地、会場、ウェブサイト」annually「毎年」=> per year/each yearjust brewed「ちょうど醸造したところ」=>「いれたて」just-brewed「醸造したての」justとbrewedをハイフンでつないで形容詞にon-site「現地で、現場で、施設で」predecessor「前身、前任者、先人」name A after Bは「BにちなんでAに名前を付ける」closed「閉店中、営業終了」close down「(店や会社などを)閉鎖する、廃業する」というニュアンスが強difficulty …ingは「~するうえでの難題、課題」difficulty => problemやchallenge---Today's Takeawaysfirsthand 「直接体験によって得た、直接の、じかに」Visitors can get a firsthand look at how it's made.firsthand experience 「じかに得られる経験」firsthand account 「(現場にいた人の)目撃談、体験談」 I got the information firsthand.There's also the orld secondhand, which means indirect or used. You might say, I got this information secondhand. These are secondhand clothes. I don't know if I should believe this. It's secondhand new. get a firsthand look at …「~を直接見る、この目で見る」<>secondhand「間接の、また聞きの」/「中古の」---sober[ˈsoʊbər]sober curious 「ソバーキュリアス」=>questioning your relationship with alcohol and thinking about trying sobriety, even if you are not ready to commit to it.sober 「お酒を飲んでいない、しらふの」curious 「好奇心を持った」---Tom, do you like to drink?-I do. I'm a regular at the nearby liquor store. I've been sober curious a few times, but I guess the curiosity doen't last that long for me. How about you? Do you drink?-I love wine especially Japanese natural wine. However, I've been practicing sober curious lifestyle since last september, and only drink on special occasions. What do you think about sober curious lifestyle?-Well, I can imagine that going sober curious would lead to so many health benefits. But I also think it might be stressful especially if you like to spend time with your friends who drink.-I understand your point but I see things differently. Many major beer brands are tapping into non-alcoholic drinks and selling sober versions of well-known beer and jin products. They still taste good and this is creating a new business opportunity. tap (one) into (something) 1. To connect one to some network or community.---- -I understand your point but I see things differently. ---I want to focus on “nearby,” which came up in the story and the conversation we just had. In the story, the phrase with “nearby” was “The nearby train station.” Ebisu Station was close to the brewing facility.When you talk about something being a short distance away, you can use “close” and “near”— but almost never before a noun like “station.” In that case, “nearby” is the best fit.It's also convenient because you can use it as an adverb, too.You can say,“My kids like to play in a nearby park,”but you can’t say, “My kids like to play in a near park.”You'd have to say “My kids like to play in a park near here.”---Well, those types of drinks withno alcohol or low alcohol content have a special name now in the United States. They're called No/Low drinks.I did some digging into that question actually. And I found a good one. It's name, hot coffee Mississippi. Now this is secondhand information but someone there a long time ago apparently hand out cups of a special coffee blend to visitors. The hot coffee became famous and in the end became the name of the community itself.---ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 デジタル通貨で中央銀行間の国際取引実験4月25日(木)---CENTRAL BANKS LAUNCH DIGITAL CURRENCY TESTThe Bank of Japan is joining six other central banks to test what could be the future of money. The group is trying to smooth banking transactions by using digital currencies.The Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements announced the test on Wednesday. It will involve the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as well as private institutions.The group will test digital currencies backed by central banks, known as CBDCs. The aim is to use them for transactions between central banks and private financial institutions. The program will also examine cross-border payments between banks.Currently, payments for trades mainly use the international settlement network called SWIFT. But transactions on the system take time and come with high fees. CBDCs are seen as a way of speeding up cross-border settlements while lowering costs. They could also help prevent money laundering.The test comes as China is believed to be one step ahead with its digital yuan.(2024年4月4日のニュース)---CBDCは、Central Bank Digital CurrencySWIFT「スウィフト」は、Society for Worldwide Interbank Financialcome with …「~と共にやってくる、~が付随する」fee「料金、手数料」=> charge a feeなら「料金を請求する」、pay a feeなら「料金を支払う」school feesやtuition (fees)cross-border「国境を越えた、越境の」---Today's Takeawaysthe future of money 「お金の未来」The Bank of Japan is joining six other central banks to test what could be the future of money.the future of transportation 「移動手段や物流の未来」the future of work 「仕事(働き方)の未来」Oh definitely. And onother place you'll find the phrase is advertising because it sounds cool and catchy. A hotel commercial might say,Welcome to the future of hospitality.---money laundering 「マネーロンダリング、資金洗浄」=> laundry / launderremittance / money transfer 「送金」Mine is closs-border.The story mentioned that the program will also examine cross-border payments between banks.“cross-” means moving across something — in this case, a border — to the other side. In other words, cross-border means international.Words that follow the same pattern include cross-country, cross-cultural, and cross-examination.And there's actually another word in today's story that starts with a different part meaning “across”: transaction — an “action” that crosses from one side to another. Other words in that group include transcend, translation, and transmit.---Yeah, the digital wave is not slowing down, isn't it? You know before long when my kids say, hey Dad, can we have some money to go to the movies? I'll probably be sending them some yen onmy iPhone in stead of handing them cash.------ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 東京で“ライドシェア”始まる4月24日(水)Let's take a ride into another interesting lesson.---hail「呼ぶ、呼び止める」=>hail a taxi「(タクシーを路上で)呼ぶ、呼び止める」ride-sharing 少し前は「自動車の相乗り」=> 最近ではride-hailingと同じ意味… in their 20s to 50sself-employed people(self-employed workerなど)「自営業者」homemaker「(主に)家事に携わる人、主婦・主夫」housewife「(専業)主婦」/ househusband「(専業)主夫」lift a ban on …「~の禁止を解く、解禁する」on (the) condition that …「~するという条件で」---feeもfare「料金」=> fareは「乗り物などの料金、(公共交通機関の)運賃」airfareなら「航空運賃」=> feeは「何かをするための費用、サービスに対して支払われる料金」entrance fee「入場料」、membership feeなら「会費」=> That's right. That's why we use fee in the phrases entrance fee and membership fee. But far for bus fare, train fare.---limit A to B「AをBに限定する、制限する」> are limited to areas … and during certain days and hoursin short supplyは「不足して」bet set to …「~する予定である、~することになっている、~する見通しである」----JAPAN'S FIRST RIDE-HAILING SERVICES LAUNCHED IN TOKYOJapan launched its first ride-hailing services on Monday amid a growing taxi shortage, with Tokyo taking the lead.Nine vehicles headed out. An industry group says the drivers are in their 20s to 50s, including self-employed people and a homemaker. All are driving their own cars. Customers use a smartphone app to book their journeys.The government lifted a ban on ride-hailing services on condition that taxi companies supervise the drivers. The fees are the same as taxi fares.The services are limited to areas where taxis are in short supply and during certain days and hours. Operations are also set to start in parts of Kyoto, Aichi, and Kanagawa prefectures later this month.(2024年4月8日のニュース)---Today's Takeawayslaunch 「打ち上げる」Japan launched its first ride-hailing services on MondayAnd you can use launch as a noun. Here's an example,Comsumers are looking forward to the launch of the new phone.launch a new product 「(新商品を)売り出す」in short supply 「不足して」The services are limited to areas where taxis are in short supplyYoung workers are in short supply.disrupt 「破壊する」+ UberUber disrupted the taxi industry.---I have a good phrase to remember, too! It's “be set to.”It's a common phrase in lots of areas, including business.Here's an example,She is set to be become the company's first female president.One thing to note is the pronunciation of the phrase. Instead of saying “is/are set / to,” I recommend connecting the “t” sounds of “set” and “to” like this: “is/are set to.”---Have you ever used ride sharing services?-I actually haven't believe it or not. But my friends back home are always doing it. It's their go-to option whenever they need a lift.-I'm a big fan of ride-sharing services. Whenever I travel abroad I always use them. I once met a driver who had a different daily job, but used to spare time to pick up tourists and customers. It is a great way to become friends with the locals. It would be an excellent way for Japanese people to welcome oversea's tourists. What do you think, Tom?---I think that, in Japan, these services could really help people get around in areas with low taxi numbers. On top of that, they'd definitely make it easier for the growing numbers of tourists to see more parts of the country and ease the burden on public transportation.-Absolutely. I could not agree more. If more people become drivers of ride-share services, there would be more tourguide to promote Japanese culture.---I could not agree more.I'm with you on that.I can't argue with that.---It'll be interesting to see how the launch of the ride-hailing service plays out. I remember several stressful times that my family could not find a taxi to take us from our house to the station. So it's nice to know that we might soon have another weay to get there.----ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 ダライ・ラマ14世の長寿願う法要4月23日(火)In today's lesson, we will learn another meaning for the ord, institution. A meaning you may not be familiar with yet.institutionthe seat of …「~の場所、~の所在地」この場合のseat「拠点、中心地、中枢」government-in-exile「亡命政府(政権)」reincarnate「生まれ変わらせる、転生させる」 tradition has it that 「伝統では~ということになっている」 has it that「~によれば」 legend has it that …「言い伝えによれば~」 rumor has it that …「うわさによれば~」Yes, has it that can be used in other ways, too. For example,Letend has is that a monster lives in a lake in Scotland.separatist「分裂主義者、分離独立主義者」---TIBETAN BUDDHISTS HOLD LONGEVITY PRAYER FOR DALAI LAMAMore than 5,000 Tibetan Buddhist worshippers have gathered at a temple in northern India to pray for the Dalai Lama's longevity.The Tibetan spiritual leader appeared at the temple on Wednesday, walking with assistance from his followers. He turns 89 in July. The service was held in Dharamshala, which is the seat of the Tibetan government-in-exile.The process to select the next Dalai Lama is the focus of growing attention. In Tibetan Buddhism, tradition has it that senior monks are reincarnated upon their death. The Dalai Lama has said he'll hold talks to decide on whether the institution of the Dalai Lama will continue after him when he's about 90 years old.But the Chinese Communist Party says it has the authority to choose a successor, which has provoked the objections of the Tibetan government-in-exile. The current Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959 after China's suppression of an uprising in Tibet. Beijing has branded him as a separatist who seeks Tibetan independence.(2024年4月4日のニュース)---The Dalai Lama will hold talks to decide on whether the institution of the Dalai Lama will continue after him.The Dalai Lama will hold talks to decideon whether the institution of the Dalai Lamawill continueafter him.---★the institution of the Dalai Lamainstitution「(社会が作り上げた)制度や組織」<=institute「設立する」<< institution「人間社会が設立してきたこと(制度)、あるいはもの(組織)」根本的な意味financial institution「金融機関」democratic institutions「(各種の)民主主義的な制度や組織」「選挙」や「議会」などもinstitution---It was really great digging deeper into the meaning of institution. I hope that this program can become an isstituioun too. May be we'll get there someday!

  14. 20代の頃からずっと愛用カバー力あるのにツヤ肌ナチュラル仕上げでおばさん感出にくいですよ初めての方期間限定で半額以下の特大セールやってます仕上げ用パウダーも優秀ですよこんにちは『ピーチがセールしてますね〜』20代の頃から使ってる美容液ファンデ 特大セール中初めての方限定なので羨ましいこんにちは今日からまたピーチ航空が国内線セール中ちょくちょくやってるので今買わな…ameblo.jp↑結局航空券買いました〜だけど悩んでる間に2,000円金額が上がっててすぐに買っとけばよかったって思いましたなので今月久しぶりの飛行機乗ってちょっと遠出の国内旅行に行ってきますまだホテルも取ってないしどんな旅行にするのかも決めてない見切り発車だけどプラン決める時が1番ワクワクしますこんな生活してるから「ひとり時間満喫してる」「結婚願望無さそう」「今が楽しそう」とか言われるんだろうなぁまぁ楽しくなさそうに過ごしてるより100倍いいですけどね【海外旅行にも!】 折りたたみケトル 電気ケトル 持ち運びケトル 持ち運び キャンプ アウトドア シリコン ケトル トラベルケトル 電気 折りたたみ 防災グッズ 旅行 便利グッズ 温度調節 自動 湯沸かし 保温 車中泊 一人暮らし ケトル 600ml 小型 湯沸かしポット 母の日 qw楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}海外でも使える折りたたみケトルホテルのケトル使うのちょっと怖いなぁ〜って時用に欲しい[NIKE] ココサンダル AIR MAX KOKO SANDAL エアマックスココ CI8798-102 CI8798-002 CI8798-003 HF4265-299ナイキ エア マックス ココ ウィメンズサンダル 夏 ハイブリッドサンダル スニーカー 厚底 レディース カジュアル かわいい楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}夏の旅行に欠かせないNIKEここサンダルスニーカーレベルの歩きやすさでいつもスニーカーでばっかり旅行してるのでこれからの時期はこのサンダルで旅行します(写真が毎回スニーカーコーデばっかり)【エントリーで最大P10倍 対象商品】5/9 20:00-21:59 【50%OFFcoupon】帽子 レディース 大きいサイズ 完全遮光 遮光100% UVカット つば広 折りたたみ 自転車 飛ばない 日よけ かぶーる日傘 春 夏 春夏 母の日 運動会 UV あご紐 小顔効果 洗濯機OK【UVシャルマンハット】楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}普段から愛用中の完全遮光のお帽子もちろん旅行にも持っていきます折りたたんでもシワにならず型崩れもしないので便利私はノーマルつばのブラック愛用中『同じのが欲しいと言われた、かぶる日傘』こんにちはまた楽天マラソン一回の期間が短くなって回数増えてないまたとか言いながら結局毎回何か買ってしまう私が去年から超絶愛用している完全遮光のお帽子洗濯機で…ameblo.jp【10袋計30枚】白元アース ビースタイル UVカットマスク ライトベージュ 3枚入楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}移動中の日焼けもUVカットマスクで防ぎますめっちゃ肌触りよくて息もしやすいこのマスクだと肌荒れしないし乾燥したホテルで寝る時にもつけたりしてます.化粧ポーチ スタンドポーチ 自立するポーチ 小物入れ ジャガード生地 ベージュ ライトブルー 軽い 縦 自立 大容量 自立式 メイクポーチ 機能的 収納 コスメ メイク用具 道具 化粧品 旅行 可愛い シンプル トラベル かわいい コンパクト マチあり 整理楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}旅行に便利なスタンドポーチ自立するしポケットいっぱいで仕分けしやすくて便利


  15. ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-4)4月26日(金)亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏Lekh Raj Juneja---What are the three important words that describe Dr. Juneja's strategy?-They are people innovation and profitability.----Now that I understand your big vision for the world, could you tell us a bit about your specific strategy for overseas businesses?- The three words I'd say, I... ぶれない I don't ... consistent on that, and the three words are people, innovation and profitability. .. and why I say people, you know, because the first stakeholder is my emplyees, my team. Unless they are happy and they're not happy. That makes the difference. So I want to make our employees very happy. はたらきがいがある.. They should feel our company is so good, you know, have pride in working there. They make the products, they sell the products. They are going to make it global. And if they are working hard, all the stakeholders will be very happy. They can make good products for our customers. They can make my stakeholders happy because we getprofits fromthat new products, good private products, you know. And we cannot do unless that craftsmanship gets into innovation. So you have to keep innovating, keep having new things, you know. If we just compete on prices, we'll never be profitable. Prices is one thing, but the most important thing is to put value on that. I call it WTP, willingness to pay from the customers. So change from just competing prices to the value to the WTP for the customer. The first shape for more products from others. And if we make good profit, I can do anything. I can make my employees happy. I can make my stakeholders happy. I can spend more on social needs, you know, and work for the society to it. So it's all related. You cannot do anything unless you're profitable. So three words are very important, people, innovation and profitability. So for that, so you are doing, okay, let's do future rice cracker, Let's do futre food. Let's do internatinal. All are related to that, you know.---specificSomething that defined clealy or has precise details. Mr.Shibata asked about Dr.Juneja's specific strategy for overseas businesses. Meaning not just a general overview, a detailed strategy with clear points. Another example would be,Was there a specific moment that made you want to become a professional athlete? -Yes. When I hit my first homerun.consistentNot changing usually in a positive way. Not having contradictions.compatibleFrom the interview, we see that Dr.Juneja is consistent in having people innovation and profitability as his strategymeaning that he's unwavering, and steady with his strategy.stakeholderStakeholders are the people who influence a company's decidion-making process. This can include employees, local communities, and so on.willingnessWillingness means having a desire to do something and being ready to do. So, this is the noun form of the adjective willing. If you're willing to do something, it means you have decided to do it or find it acceptable to do. Dr.Juneja talked about willingness to pay or WTP. A concept involving the maximum amounts custmers would be willing meaning inclined or prepared to pay for a product or service.----at the core ofCustomer satisfaction is at the core of our business strategy.stay ahead ofInnovation is a key element in our business strategy for staying ahead of the competiong.prioritizeWe prioritize employee training and development to enhance overall team performance.> priorityintegral toDigital transformation is integral to our business strategy for improved efficiency.emphasizeWe emphasize a customer-centric approach to guide our business strategy.--- We aim to increase market sharer through strategic partnerships and acquisitions. Our aim is to ...You cannot do anything unless you're profitable.craftsmanship---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(16)4月25日(木)Potint to check...---Subject: Meeting minutesHi all, thank you for your contributions to the meeting yesterday. Please confirme the following to do items. Finalize the invitation list for the trade fair by April, the 26th. Check the shipping schedule with the exporters in Taiwan to ensure the good s are in place five days before the start of the trade fair. I've attached the meeting minutes for your review. If there are any points to add or modify, please let me know by this Friday. Regards, Chinatsu--- I've attached the meeting minutes for your review. meeting minutes---納期には十分間に合いますのでご安心ください。Please rest assured that the products will arrive well in time to meet the deadline. well in time => well 余裕を持って well above 10 percentThe delivery will comfortably meet the deadline so you can be at ease. comfortably meet can + be at ease rest assured To be certain or confident (about something). at ease Calm and comfortable with a particular task or in a certain environment.---Subject: Shipment update from TaiwanKoninichiwa Chinatsu-san, I checked with our clients in Taipei and caution regarding the shipment of their products.Please rest assured that the products will arrive well in time to meet the deadline. They intend to ship the products later this week or early next week. I'll keep you updatead on any developments. Have a great day, Michael Juan.--- I'll keep you updatead on any developments. I'll keep you posed on any developments. I'll keep you informed of any developments.---Hey, everyone. Just wanted to say a big thank you for joining the meeting this morning. It got pretty intese at times, but in the end we wrapped it up on a positive note. I've already uploaded the meeting memo to the share drive. So be sure to take a look when you get a chance. As for the government subsidy matter, I'll be keeping a close eye on it and we'll update you as soon as I have any fresh informations. Stay tuned and have a great day.---What is the key sentence in this email? It got pretty intense at times, but the in the end we wrapped it up on a positive note.That's right. What do you think about the sentence?- I think it expresses a tense meeting but ends on a positive note.-Well, it's important that participants feel that the discussion was that worthwhile. wrap up まとめる---- We're counting on you for the subsidy matter.Could you provide us with an alternative sentence?It's also possible to say.. We're relying on you for the subsidy issue.It will be delightful to be praised in this way.---Heated discussions they say bring in positive results.That's exactly what our meetings are all about. Joe, you've got this. We are counting on you for the subsidy matter. If we manage to get it, it's going to be a game changer for this project. I'll be doing my homework too, to support the cause. Let's make it happen.---How is Chinatsu conveying her commitment to support as much as she can?- She is expressing it with the phrase, I'll be doing my homework too, to support the cause.-Support the cause, yes it conveys our intention to cheer on. support a cause 大義に資す、運動を支援する---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(15)4月24日(水)ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(15)5月 01日(水)The day after the pitch day, Yuna is evaluating Virtual com'sproposal with Harish. In response to Harish's questions, Yuna seems to be trying her best to provide answers.---What does Yuna find groundbreaking besides their technological expertise?-Their unique focus on human psyche.---Considering our assessment of the management team and their business focus, do you think it's worth envesting?- Yes. I believe so. What I find groundbreaking is not only their technological expertise,but also their unique focus onthe human psyche. The platform should contribute to solving the challenges of virtual team building.-I couldn't agree more. Now the next step is to consider our prosopsal on the total investment and the price per share. Here's the valuation of the company.-Six million dollars. Frankly, I don't have a clue if it's a fair price.-Don't worry, Yuna. By the time you go back to Japan, you'll have a clear idea.-Thank you, Harish. I look forward to the meeting with James on Friday.---be worth ..ing => It's worth investinggroundbreaking 画期的な パイオニア的なpsyche 心理・精神contribute toprice per shareclue--- The platform should contribute to solving the challenges of virtual team building. Positive feedback from customers can contribute to a company's reputation. Regular exercise contributes to improving physical health.--- The platform should play a role in resolving issues connected to virtual team building. The platform should assist in tackling the difficulties of virtual team building.---Do you think it's worth investing?To be honest, I'm not so sure. Well, I do believe there's a high level of techinical expertise. I wouldn't say it's groundbreaking.Furthermore, the mechanisms developed from a psychological perspective are unique, but customers might not see the benefits easily.I'd rather wait to see how things turn out. The passion and vision for contributing to society are there. However, for the company to gain more recognition in the investing community, I believe the vision needs to be communicated with greater clarity.---What do you think about this month's business scenes?-It was an interesting behind the scenes, look at venture capitalists or VCS as we sometimes call them. Pithes are one-size-fits-all, so entrepreneurs have to know their audiences and local etiquette. Yuna seems very smart and eager to learn more. Quite the go-getter. I'm sure she'll go far.-Yes, Yuna is quite hard worker. Well, I heard a story from a business person who worked in Silicon Valley, the Japan's annual adventure capital investment is equivalent to just three days worth in Silicon Valley.-Whoa, three days equals one year?-Yes, the share scale in dynamism are surprising.----ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(14)4月23日(火)ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(14)4月30日(火)---James CHen the founder of Virtual com begins to talk about his background and the journey that let do the establishment of his company. Yuna listens attentively.---What mekes James think now it the right time to make his vision a reality?-The pandemic trasformed meeting landscape.---I grew up in rural Northesast China and came to California at the age of 18 to study acoustic engineering. My family remained in China. After moving to California, I realized that the power of IT could bring people closer together.-I see. Now we can easily communicate online.-That's ture. However, there is room to develop tools that makes us feel even closer. In 2017, I started a company specializing in high quality audio equipment for web conferences, but it was a bit premature.-I see. But the pandemic trasformed themeeting landscape.-Exactly. I believe now is the right time to make my vision a reality. If I wait too long, online customs that develop during the pandemic may die out and interest in my business may lose steam.---acoustic engineeringprematurelandscapelose steam acoustic  聴覚の, 音響の [əˈkustɪk]--- There's room to develop tools that makes us feel even closer. There's room to expand the company's market presence into new regions. There's room to improve the efficiency of our production process.--- There's potential for the creation of tools that enhance our sense of intimacy. *intimacy 親密さ There's space for the advancement of tools that bring us even closer.--- I'm excited to see where your vision takes you in this evloving wourld of virtual communication. Now I understand that your experiences have shaped your determination to enhance how we connect across distances. I curious to see how he'll translate this vision into your products in the years ahead.Thanks for sharing your wonderful story.---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(13)4月22日(月)ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(13)4月29日(月)After the startup pitches are over. It's time for a buffet party for networking. Yuna is having a conversation with James Chen, the founder of virtual com.---Why do investors feel comfortable with entrepreneurs around the age of 50?-Because they've often faced failure a few times and learned from it.---So what was your impression of the pitch event? Did anything stand out compared to your expectations?-Yes, what surprised me was that many of the entrepreneurs appeared to be a bit older than I expected. In Japan, there's a general perception that successful entrepreneurs are typically in their 20s or early 30s.-I understand. The tech Giants might give you that kind of impression. But in reality, many of them are around 50. They've often faced failure a few times and learned valuable lessons, which makes investors feel rather comfortable.-That makes sense. They have a deep understanding of the business words. So, I'm interested to hear what inspired you to pursue your current business. I'd be happy to share.---stand outperceptionthat makes sensepursueentrepreneur[ˌɑntrəprəˈnɜr]--- Did anything stand out compared to your expectations? Kathy's track record maks her stand out as the ideal candidate for the job. This novel stands ous in terms of its compeling storyline. track record -A record of actual performance or accomplishment: a job applicant with an excellent track record. compelling storyline compelling adj arousing or denoting strong interest, esp admiring interest--- Did anything leave a significant impression on you compared to your initial expectations? Did anything unexpectedly grab your attention?---what surprised me was that many of the entrepreneurs appeared to be a bit older than I expected. To be honest, the enthusiasm on display today was a lot more than I had anaticipated. What inspred me was that the participants were actively asking questions. I felt slightly uneasey watching the investors relentlessly bombard presenters with difficult quesions.---ラジオビジネス英語 Interview(1-3)4月19日(金)亀田製菓代表取締役会長CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ氏Lekh Raj Juneja---What is important for a company to be global.-You have to have your core competency.---Your vision for the company is described as a rice innovation company. Could you provide more details on how you intend to leverage your company's technological expertise to realize the full potential of rice? Thereby creating new value and markets worldwide.-So after I became CEO, I was thinking how to put a vision of the company to my employees first. I always tell you know that I don't want just to focus on Japan. There are eight billion people in the world, right?-Yeah, that's right.So for that we've need to global first thinkg I need, that my employees are ready to do that or not, you know, so the mindset. What is the purpose of our company. So I told you that we have very good taste, butenvironment and nutrition. It should help the lifestyle of the society of the people. That wasthe purpose. The second thing I told was, you know, we should become rice inovation company. Because we don't want to domany things. If you want to become global, you have to have your core competency, right. What is your strength? So my strength was you know, that we are the best in the world for rice cracker, you know. And the bad thing was, you know, Nobody can be Japanese in Mono-zukuri. I think we are so good still. We are still number one. Made in Japan brand and the food in Japan is so good. Nobody can still beat it, you know. I think we need to be bold. We need to have guts. We need to go global. We need to convey to the people beingso good and also putvalune on that. I put it like the Kameda's craftsmanship that we have so much craftsmanship in our group. So many texture we can create. Any texture we can create for any type of age, any flavor we can create. This is our valure of the company we should convey. I also told that enjoy your challenge. So that was the puropse we should ...---leverageIn this case, to leverage means to use something you have in advantagious way. To use something for gain. To capitalize on something or cash in on something. Mr. Shibata asked about leveraging the company's technological expertice to realize the full potential of rice meaning to use or harness that technological expertice as an advantage over others.core competencyA core competnecy involves a company's skill or resource that allows it to be competitive. But it could also be used to create other products or services. Dr. Juneja believes his company's main competency is that they are the best in the world when it comes to rice crackers. This core cometency can be used as an advantage over other companies, as well as a resource for potential new products.-A core asset is something essential to success, and a core competency is a distinguishing advantage.gutsHaving courage, bravery or fortitude. Having the stamina and dertermination to stay the course during a risky, dangerous or difficult task. For example, It took a lot of guts to ask your boss for a raise. Congraturations.conveyTo transmit, to communicate something successfuly. To share or pass something along. Dr. Jeneja talked about the value of the company that they should convey meaning to impart or let people know about.craftsmanship[ˈkræftsmənˌʃɪp]Craftsmanship refers to skill and quality when it comes to a job or product. For example, Look at this beautiful statue. There are so many little details and the artist used many techniques. This is true craftsmanship so I'm willing to pay more money.---be commited toWe are commited to creating a future where technology enhances lives seamlessly.empowerOur vision is to empower communities through education and equal opportunities.strive toWe strive to be the go-to solution provider for our customers'evolving needs.envisionWe envision a world where environmental conservation is at the forefront of every business decision.fosterOur goal is to foster a workplace that encourages creativity, diversity and collaboration.---Our vision is to become a catalyst for positive social change.catalyst[ˈkætələst]---We have very good taste, but environment and nutrition. It shouls help the lifestyle of the society of the people.----ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(12)4月18日(木)---Subject: Request for reschduling the meeting.Hi Carlos, Sorry for the short notice, but we need to postpone the marketing meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April, the 17th. We've encountered a scheduling comflict with an unexpected visitor from abroad. We'd like to propose rescheduling it for the folloiwng week begining Monday, April, the 22nd. Please let us know your preferred time slots. We'll do our best to accommodate your schedule.Many thanks,Chinatsu--- How about the week after next? How about the week following next?---Hi Chinatsu, No problem. I completely understand the situation. I'm afraind the following week won't work for me due to a pre-scheduled business trip to Geneva. How about the week after next? Tuesday, April the 30th or Thursday, May, the second would work well for me.Best regards,Carlos---Subject: Meeting cancellation.Dear Chinatsu, I apologize for the last minute notice, but regretably, I need to cancel our meeting scheduled for tomorrow due to a private matter that has unexpectedly come up. At this moment, I'm unable to propose alternative dates. It may take a few days, but I'll notify you as soon as things are settled. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.Regards,Andrew---When do you use the phrase, the last mminute notice?- It's used when informing something right before it happens. So you don't wan to overuse it.-Right. Yeah, such situations sometimes arise in the workplace.--- Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.--- I hope things settle down for you soon.What are some other ways to express that?-Well, using Calm down, you could also say... I hope things calm down for you before long.---Dear Andrew,No problem at all. I sincerely hope that the matter isn't too serious. Please take the time you need. Your well-being and peaace of mind are most important. I hope things settle dwon for you soon. Whishing you all the best.Chinatsu.--- Is it possible to push the meeting to a later date? We've decided to cancel the meeting as the agenda has changed significantly. Unfortunately, we need to shift the meeting to a later date.---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(11)4月17日(水)James's pitch is moving on to the second point. He speaks passionately about the utilization of AI technology.---What benefits arise from a natural flowing meeting?-It fosters a sense of unity and togetherness.---That leads me to the second point. AI assesses the participants' environment and automatically selects the most immersive screen and sound. You won't need to use a PC or smart phone on your end. AI monitors the meeting and consistently creates a natural meaning environment. Our dedicated engineers spent five years crafting this perfect setting. With our virtual hello platform, you'll experience a sensation of being in the same room as the people on the other side of screen. The meeting flows so naturally that it fosteres a sense of unity and togetherness. Effective communication is the conrnerstone of improving team spirit and boosting productivity. The virtual hello platform will revolutionize how you engage in meetings. I look forward to speaking with you after this. Thank you.---immersive 臨場感のある・没頭させるような;夢中にさせるimmersive screen and soundconsistentlycrafttogethernesscornerstone [ˈkɔrnərˌstoʊn]revolutionize--- The virtual hello platform will revolutionize how you engage in meetings. Online streaming services have revolutionizedthe way we consume entertainment. Advances in medical technology have revolutionized patient treatment.--- The virtual hello platform will revolutionize how you engage in meetings. The virtual hello platform will redifine how you participate in meetings.---I look forward to speaking with you after this. Thank you.Thank you for listening.Thank you for your time. Experience the difference with us. Witness the exceptional quality we provide. We can't wait to connect with you later.---ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(10)4月16日(火)James has started his pitch. After the introduction, he is moving on to explaining the product.---Who has the company collaborated with to bridge the psychological distance between people?-Renowned psychologists.---In today's world, mettings often kick off with a virtual greeting. In this hybrid working environment, the key question is how we can bring closer together regardless of their location. This is where our latest platform virtual hello comes into play. First and formost are the exceptional image quality of the camera lens and remarkable sound quality of the speakers. Take a moment to look at this screen. A virtual meeting room in Berlin. Experience the extraordinary three-dimenisionaldisplay quality and the exquisite sound. You won't feel like you're in a virtual space. We've also collaborated with renowned psychologists to do implement various mechanisms to bridge the psychological distance between people.---regardless ofcome into playfirst and foremostremarkablethree-dementional sisplayexquisite非常に美しい,絶妙な, 精巧な,renownedimplement----come into play 作用し始める・動き始める This is where our latest platform virtual hello comes into play. Artificial intelligence will increasingly come into play in various industries.--- This is the point at which our newest platform virtual hello becomes essential. essential = extremely important Here's where our new platform virtual hello takes center stage. come into play To become a factor in a particular situation. begin to operate or be active; have an effect or influence:---sales pitchExceptional image qualityremarkable sound qualityextraordinary three-dimensional disply qualityexquisite soundrenowned psycologists exquisite Characterized by highly skilled or intricate art; excellently made or formed: Synonyms:exquisite, delicate, elegant, fine carefully chosen, from Latin---While many companies offering web meeting systems focus on improving meeting effiviency. Our unwavering commitment is to ceate an environment where participants can experience a genuine sense of in-person interaction.-------ラジオビジネス英語 Lesson(9)4月15日(月)The day of the pith event has finally arrived. Yuna along with Harish and enters the event venue and exchanges world with the startup founders.---What does Yuna compare the conversations between the participants to?-She compares them to the conversations between old friends from school days.*compare 例える---I'm overwhelmed by the enthusiastic atmosphere. People are so casual, open ans super friendly. The conversations are like how old friends from school days talk. Yes, that's the way people foster creative thinking. Oh, there's the virtual combbooth. I'll introduce you to Mr. James Chen, the founder. Hi Japmes. How are you doing?-Hi Harish, I'm doing better than ever. I've been waiting for the day to present our product and service to everyone.-We are super excited too. Let me introduce Yuna, our colleague from Tokyo. She arrived in America just a week agao.-Nice to meet you, James. I look forwarad to your pitch today.-Welcome to America, Yuna. I hope you'll enjoy the pitch.-We can touch base at the networking party later.---be overwhelmed byenthusiastic < enthusiasmsupertouch base 連格をとる---- I'm overwhelmed by the enthusiastic atmosphere. I'm overwhelmed by the number of tasks I need to complete. I was ovetwhelmed by the breathtaking view from the mountain top.--- I'm struckby the vibrant atmosphere. < strike I'm blown away by the energy among the participants.---Let me introduce Yuna, our colleague from Tokyo. She arrived in America just a week agao.--- Her lunchtime routine is to take a jog around the office. She is apparently very much into American dounuts. Officialy her mission is to learn about startup investment, but it appears her hidden agenda is to thoroughly savor california wines.You are teasing me.

  16. ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(23)5月8日(水)Let's open the door to today's lesson.--- The phone behind your computer is yours, right?---Jonas, are you okay? You don't look so well.I think I caught something. I'm going to take the afternoon off.But we have two meetings this afternoon.I know. Are they important?The meeting form 4 pm is very important.Well, unfortunately, I'll have to catch up later.I'm going. But wait, where's my phone?The phone behind your computer is yours, right?Oh yeah, thanks. See you later, Yayoi.Take care, Jonas!--- I think I caught something. Unfortunately, I'll have to catch up later.--- The phone behind your computer is yours, right?The meeting form 4 pm is very important.The bag on the left is mine.The clothes in this basket are clean.Okay everyone. The subject for these sentences is a little long. But it's important to think of these as one big chunk. Don't get lost in the middle. Keep them together as one unit. Okay, let's practice and master them. Here we go!Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.--- The tables around here are all full. Let's find another place to sit. My neighbors above me are so noisy. It sounds like they're tap dancing.These two bas look the same. Which bag is mine?Oh, it's the one on the left.The bag on the left is mine. ...Hey guys., you are so noisy.---ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(22)5月7日(火) I'm a slacker.---Where'sRoxy today?She left early to go to her part-time job.She's working on a Saturday morning?She works at a hotel. They especially need her on Weekends.Waking up early on a Saturday is tough. She's a fighterall right.Thatshe is. I wonder where she gets that from.Not from me. I'm a slacker.Yeah, you were. So that means she gets it from me.I'd say so.---She's a fighterall right.alright?Well another way to say it would be that's for sure. all right without fail; certainly--- She left early to go to her part-time job. Waking up on a Saturday is tough.--- I'm a slacker.*slacker怠け者She's a fighter.He's a fighter.Roxy's a fighter.You're great.You guys are great.We're friends.They're friends.Tom and Mary are friends.Alright. We're back to the practice. Today, let's practice making contractions with the B verb. The forms will always be the same. So instead of thinking about it, let's just practice and develop that muscle memory, okay?-Alright everyone. Let's begin.Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.--- I'm an athlete. I can't eat junk food all the time. We're musicians. We play a mixed of Rock and Jazz. People are friendly here. If you need directions, just ask someone.Hey, now the lesson's over. Let's cut ourselves someslack.It's nice to relax a bit. cut ...some slack 少しのんびりする To give someone more time or more of a chance, to ease up on someone To allow one more latitude or freedom than usual; to be more lenient with one. If you cut someone some slack, you are less critical of their behaviour or performance than usual because you know they are in a difficult situation.ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(21)5月6日(月)Oh David. What a surprise!Uh? It's just me. Let's start working on the solid foundation for your English.--- She speaks a little Japanese.ーーーWhoa, what a surprise!What happened, Doug?I just got an email from my cousin Maya.Maya?She lives in Portland, Oregon.Oh, what did she say?She wants to come to Japan and visit us this summer.Sure. Why not? We have lots of roomin our house.Maya is very friendly and talks a lot. She speaks a little Japanese.That's gerat. I'm looking forward to having more guests here.--- What happened? * what = S => S + V We have lots of roomin our house. lots of + 複数? -> room = 空間 ->uncountable--- She speaks a little Japanese.She speaks + ....S + V + OMaya lives in Portland.She wants to come to Japan.Paul drives a nice car.Okay everyone. It's time for practice. Today let's focus on keeping the subject and the verb together. -Ready to go? Let's begin.Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.--- Rena plays the piano. She takes lessons every Tuesday. Tyler lives in a big house. He desiged most of it himself. Melissa eats here every day. All of the staff know her usual order by heart. *know ... by heart 暗記している・~をそらで覚えているHey guys. Let's go to my favorite restaurant. I'm a regular there.All the stuff know my usual order by heart.all of + the stuff が文法的には正しい、が、 ofを落としても問題ないらしい。大西先生of 落としてますよね?わざとかな、自然とかな・・・。All, All of the, All the [Advanced English Grammar]In this lesson, learn how to use "All, All of the, All the" For example, what's the difference between: All - All students. All of the - All of the students....www.youtube.com---ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(20)4月26日(金)ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(20)5月03日(金)Welcome back. It's time for the review. That's right, everyone. It's time to bring it together with the review.Why do Aki and Brendan always avoid meat on Fridays?Because they can buy fish cheaper on Fridays.Because vinegar cures the weak's fatigue.Because Brendan's parents used to do so.Try a little vinegar on it.It adds a kick. => have a kick to it.Is it becasue of religious reasons?Which of the following is true?Dr. Stein asked Jeannie to make breakfast.Dr. Stein likes sunny side up eggs.Jeannie is crying because Dr. Stein is sad.feel greatbuttered toast and eggs. Sunny side up eggs.Are they to your liking?What did the woman give to Mr. Emori?MedicineThe restaurant menuThe survey formI'm a little carsickmortion sicknessWhat do you have there.I couldn't agree more.That's good to hear.What does the man want Helen to do?Read a Russian novel.Give him back his Desperate Rats CD.Listen to live atMelonkan again.on your tabletin a music listening phasein your opinion--- offlimits立ち入り禁止の be lost you may not <= may 許可Hi.Can we go this way?-Hi there. You may notenter here. This area is offlimints. If you're lost, please go to the building over there. You can get a map. keep on ...ing improve before you know itCan you recomend a good English learning program?-Have you ever heard of Rajio-Eikaiwa? That's the best program I've ever tried. Keep on practicing as you listen to it, and your English will improve before you know it.Are you sure that Rajio-Eikaiwa will improve our listners' English? -Yes.---ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(19)4月25日(木)ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(19)5月02日(木)You know, David. I'm in a dog training phase. Are you into anything?Yeah, actually, I'm in a cooking phase right now.--- Can you give me back the CD you borrowed?---Hey, Helen. Are you reading another long Russian novel?No, I'm listening to music.Oh, I thought you liked to read books on your tablet.I do. But now I'm in a musiclistening phase.Yeah, I get those too. By the way, can you give me back the CD you borrowed?Oh, you mean the Desperate Rats one?Yeah, live at melonkan. It's their best album.In your opinion.In many people's opinion.--- I'm listening to music. He won't lisetn to my advice. *here おとが向こうからやってくる<>listen to 自分から耳を傾ける I thought you liked to read books on your tablet.--- Can you give me back the CD you borrowed?>>> the CD + you borrowedThe girl you likeThe flowers you gave meThe key I'm looking forThe man I'm waiting forOkay everyone. Are you ready to practice? So first, we'll focus on the thing in the begining. And then explain what it is we're talking about. Are you ready to go? Repeat after us.Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.--- Do you like the gift I gave you. It's from my home country. Did you make the cookies you broght? They’re delicious. The animal I'm thinking of has a very long neck. What is it?----ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(18)4月24日(水)ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(18)5月01日(水)Nice one!--- What do you have there?---Mr. Emori, are you okay?I think I'm a little carsick.Here. Try this.What do you have there?It's medicine for motion sickness. Take it with some water.Thank you, Cindy. You're very kind.No problem. So, did you complete the survey form? What did you chose as your favorite place on the tour?I chose the restaurant where we had lunch. The food was delicious.I chose Mitsumine Shrine. I want to see it again.I couldn't agree more. Oh, this medicine is great. I feel better already.That's good to hear.--- Are you okay? I chose the restaurant where we had lunch.--- What do you have there? > You have + .... +there.Who does she like? > She like ...When can you start? > I can start + at seven/ tomorrow.Where do you work? > I work + in Tokyo.Okay everyone. It's time for today's practice.WH questons ask for missing information. We chose our WH question word based on the type of information we want. So let's practice and master them together. Let's start.Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.--- Who did you speak to? Do you remember their names? Where do you work out? I'm looking for a new gym. What does your shirt say? I can't read the kanji.Where do you work out?I work out at home. I do push-ups on a mat, sometimesI do squats.How about you?I work out outside with my dog and cutting down bamboo...---ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(17)4月23日(火)ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(17)4月30日(火)Your eyes make for the perfect nest for Kabutomushi.Oh what bigeyes you have.--- Are you hungry?---Good morning, Dr. Stein, how are you feeling today?Good morning, Jeannie. I feel great.That's good to hear. Are you hungry?I have brought you breakfast.Did you make that breakfast yourself?Yes. Buttered toast and eggs, sunny side up. Are they to your liking?Oh, Genie. Yes, they are. I think I'm going to cry.Don't cry Docor. Aren't you happy?Yes. I'm so happy, I want to cry.Humans cry when they are happy? * when.. のばあいにはWe do indeed.--- to (one's) liking In a way that one likes, accepts, or approves of.ーーー I have brought you breakfast. I'm so happy (that)I want to cry.--- Are you hungry? >>> Am I hungry?Is he tired?Can you drive?Does he know you?Did you see that?Okay guys, as Onishi-sensei said, feel the question, feel the curiosity as you'repracticing.Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.--- Are you alright? That was some chocking news. Is she angry? She left suddenly. Can you hear me? Hello? Helloooo?How do you like your eggs?-Oh, I like them all kinds of ways. Deviled eggs and poached eggs scrambled eggs...-I'm a raw egg type of girl.I'm sorry. What?*raw[rɑ]row[roʊ]law[lɔ]low[loʊ]---ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(16)4月22日(月)ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(16)4月29日(月)a clean sheet of paper---I was expecting that you say ”imamowakai wayo."He's fishing ffor compliments. fish for -To pursue something indirectly, often compliments, as by saying negative things about oneself.--- I don't eat meat on Fridays.---.. So, Aki, this is my classic fish and chips. Enjoy!Wow, it looks amazing.Try a little vinegar on it. It adds a kick.Hmm.. Oh this is the best fish and chips I've ever had.I'm happy you like it. It's wonderful. You know, Brandon. I've noticed something.What's that?We always eat fish on Fridays. *always eat 現在形=週間Ah, true. I don't eat meat on Fraidays.Is it because of religious reasons? Well, I'm not religious but my parents had that tradition.--- have a kick to it/them To taste particularly spicy. In both definitions, the boldness of flavor is often unexpected or surprising.--- This is the best fish and chips I've ever had. I've noticed something.---I don't eat meat on Fridays.---I don't + eat...She isn't a doctor.You can't eat here.You musn't remove the cover.Okay everyone. Today let's practice our 否定文. The important part here is the 否定 comes first. What I'd like you to do is shake your head to the side. Just like no for the first part.It's very, very important to use your entire body when you practice speaing out loud.Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.--- I didn't take the train. I walked here. He isn't my boyfriend. He's my brother. You can't erase thatink. Use a clean sheet of paper.I drink on Mondays.ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(15)4月19日(金)Welcome to another fun-filled Friday.---Which of the following is true?Cynthia is an English teacher.Ryan wants to write a book.Cynthia and Ryan went to the same high schoo.now and thenquite a while agolong time dream of mineHow was Renji's Japanese history test?It was hard.He got a perfect score on it.His classmates prepared well for it.Seriously, ...got lower scoresyou always have to be preparedWhich of the following do the two people taste?Soup that the woman made.Soup that takes an hour to make.Soup that is not made from pork bones.suprisingly richIt's hard to believe ...apparentlyprobablya trade secretWho will go to the hair salon and for what?Adam will go there for a haircut.Roxy will go there for a haircut.Adam's wife will go there before going shopping.I was wondering + if I could + make an appointment forCould you come in at 4:15?---Hi, nice to meet you.-Hi, nice to meet you, too. I heard that you like roses. I like them as well. After a couple of drinks, I'll take you to my garden. You may be interested.Do you have this?-An acrylic stand of Hiroto 48? Unfortunately that item is so popular, and we're out of stock right now. Could you wait until the next delivery? It's next Wednesday I believe.*acylic stand---You know we should make an acrylic stand of Hiroto. -No thanks.Really? I think you would sell pretty well to be honest...You know what? Let's make one ofDavid.-Oh me oh ...----ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(14)4月18日(木)It's time for the salon no maki .. I may be a little late.---Hi Maki. It's Adam Gordon.Oh, hi Adam. It's been a long time. How are you?Good. Hey, listen, Maki. I was wondering if I could make an appointment for tomorrow at 4:30.Just a haircut for yourself?Yeah, it's not Roxy or my wife this time.Let's see. Could you come in at 4:15?I'll try. I may be a little late.I have to do some shopping first.Sure, no problem. See you tomorrow.--- It's Adam Gordon. I was wondering if I could make an appointment for tomorrow at 4:30.--- I may be a little late.You must wear a helmet.You should use a cleantowel.She will like your gift.This train can be crowded in the morning.Okay everyone. Are you ready to practice?Focus practice and make it your own.Let's begin!Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.--- You must show your ID. The sfaff check everyone. I may need somehelp. Are you free later? This room can get a little hot. There're no windows.You look good with them....----ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(13)4月17日(水)Okay everyone. Let's get started.--- It's surprisingly rich like real Tonkotsu soup.---Finally. Okay. Let me taste the soup of this vegan Tonkotsu ramen.How is it?It's surprisingly rich like real Tonkotsu soup.Yeah, it's hard to believe it's not made from pork bones.So was is worth the wait?I think it was worth the hour long wait.That's normal for a popular place apparantly.I wonder if we can ask the owner for the recipe.It's probably a trade secret. * a trade secret秘密情報--- Let me taste the soup of this vegan Tonkotsu ramen. It's hard to believe it's not made from pork bones.--- It's surprisingly rich like real Tonkotsu soup.Ken is very rich.Your dog is so freindly.The view is absolutely amazing.He's really outgoing.Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.--- My cat is very shay. He always hides from new people. This Goya is extremely bitter. I don't think I can finish it. These cokies are so soft and delicious. I can't stop eating them.These cokies are so soft and delicious. I can't stop eating them.Those cokies were for David! -My cookies... my cookies...David's become the Cookie Monster...ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(12)4月16日(火) Seriously? It was a hard test.So, Renji, how did you do on the Jpanese history test?I got 95 percent ofthe answers correct.Wow, that's your highest score in that subject so far.Seriously, it was a hard test.But you did very well.Thanks to your help. I studied hard for it. Most of the other students got lower scores.Really?Yeah, they said they didn't study for it.You always have to be prepared.Exactly.--- I got 95 percent ofthe answers correct. You always have to be prepared.--- Seriously? It was a hard test.Frankly, I don't like this plan.Unfortunately, we're sold out.As far as I know, this is the only option.Okay, everyone. Today, let's practice and we'll set the stage then present the information. As always be bure to connect your words. And listen to the rhythm.Alright. Here we go.--- Frankly, it's a bad idea. It won't work. As far as I know, I'm free next week. I'll double check my schedule. Seriously, I had a great time. Thank you for tonight.As far as I know, we have another lessson tomorrow.Frankly, I think we should end it here.----ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(11)4月15日(月)You are at it again. at it again Repeating a certain action or behavior. I heard that you quite as manager of the band.Cynthia, hi. Fancy meetingyou here.Ryan. Wow. What a surprise!What are you doing here.I like to read a good book now and then.That's news to me.Anyway I heard that you quite as manager of the band.Yes, that was quite a while ago.What are you doing now?I'm teaching English at a high school.You are a teacher?Yes, it was a long time dream of mine.That's really gerat, Cynthia.--- What a surprise! You're a teacher.--- I heard that you quite as manager of the band.I heard that you like roses.I think that we're lost.I know that you lied.He told me that you need help.Okay everyone today's practice is about verb plus explanation verb plus explanation. Okay, let's jump into it.Unlock your potential. Repetition is the key! Great work.--- I heard that you bought a car. Congraturations. I thinks that we need two hotel rooms. I snore at night. He said that the restaurant is full. Let's go somewhere else.Do you snore?I don't think I do, but I used a sleep app on my phone to test it. It turns out I sore a little.So basically the answer is yes.----ラジオ英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意(10)4月12日(金)Hey everyone. It's Friday. You know what that means? It's time for the review.That's right, folds. It's Friday's review. Let's get into it.---What will Yayoi and Raj probably do?They will call Jonas.They will go to Mumbai.They will meet in Tokyo.I'm in the IT department of an insurance company in Mumbai.Let's get togerther for drinks, then.What will Doug do?He will buy sweet potatoes.He will call his sister.He will make a sweet potato pie.our neighbor, the farmerSouthern cooking at its finestWhich of the following is true.The man enjoyed his ramen.The woman thinks that the man is an alien.The man is interested in the ramen business.check on somethingthe other day,did come hereare you calling me a liar?Which of the following is true about Nate?He's the man's former colleagure.He was a university student in the 1990s.He's in the man's family.go way backreally nice guy, that Nate---take a whileHi, where's Kana?-She's in the kitchen cooking dinner for you. Smells wonderful, right? Why don't you have a beer? It'll take a while.Can you recommend a good place?-How about Nara? There are so many sightseeing spots there. I'll show you the photos I took when I went there last spring. Awesome place.---Have you ever been to Nara?I've been to Kyoto many times but never Nara.Really? I love Nara especially Nara-Koen. At sunrise, it's one of the most beautiful places ever.Aha, famous for many deer? -Yeah.

  17.  昨夜は小屋泊で寒くもなく快適に寝れた。正直なこと言うと流石に誰もいない山奥で一人で寝るってのは少々(お化けとか野生動物が)怖かったんだけど、缶チューハイ3本も飲んだ割に夜中にトイレに起きることもなく、気がついたら朝だったので良かった。 早起きしてその辺ジョギングしようとか考えてたけど、起きたら身体中が痛ぇ!! やっぱり私は昨日全力で頑張っていた。なのでヨレヨレとおばあちゃんのよーに早朝散歩にとどめる。観音水が湧いてるとこを見に行った(ちと山だったw) 昨日の残り物で朝ごはんにして、ゴミは全部燃やして、荷造りして出発! と思ったらまたラジエーター液が漏れてきた…。今日はのんびり観光デーと思ってたけど、やっぱりバイク屋さんに行っといた方がいい。とりあえずGoogle MAPで出てくるバイク屋さんに片っ端から行きまくる。バイク屋さん巡りの途中で見かけた駅。もしかしたらこの先一生訪れることないかもしれないので、パシャリ。 想像はしてたけど、やっぱり祝日だからどこも休みだわ! 3軒目、10時の開店待ってたら地震起きるし…屋外で地震に遭うのまあまあ怖い! 近隣ではどうにも見つからなくて(田舎すぎるということもある)、目的地方面に向かいながら捜索を続ける。 とりあえず今日の第一の目的、海洋堂ホビー館!おもちゃとか食玩とか、そういう人生の役に立たない趣味のもの大好きだからね! 一度訪れてみたかった! とんでもない山奥にあって、バイクでも少々引くような道。四輪は対向時待ち合わせだろうな…。 入場券買うと一回できるガシャガシャ、引いたら自走式放水車なんてマニアックなもんが出たよwwもう意味わからな過ぎてフヒッとか変な笑い出るw 中はまあおもちゃいっぱいよ! 好きな人はワックワクすると思う! 昔買い集めたコレクションも飾られてた!私、銀行員時代やたら食玩集めてたんだよな…心が荒んでいたんだと思うwwアルちゃんだあ(昔買ってたレオパードゲッコー)。これ欲しいなあ!! ここからまたキャンプ地に向かう途中にバイク屋さんあったので行ってみる。結構な田舎で幹線道路沿いでもなく、やたら細い道に入っていくので、全く期待してなかったら、まさかのやってた! 土佐市のバイクショップフジさん。店の前で呆然としてたら店主さんに「何?入る?」と促され、そのまま入店。 昨日からたまにラジエーター液が漏れる、朝イチで暖気してる時のみ、常には漏れていない、漏れを確認した後にファン回った、下方ではない、エンジンの上部から漏れているように見える。と、自分で分かる範囲のことを報告。エンジンからは出ないので、エンジン上部のパイプから漏れているのだろうとのこと。 シート外したら収納スペースにぎっちり詰まった河内晩柑w 入手の経緯を説明して笑われるw サイドカバー外してサブタンク見たら、クーラントはしっかり入ってる。さらにタンク外して漏れの箇所を確認。 恐らく、アルミのパーツが錆びてゴムチューブとの間に隙間ができた。寒いと余計に縮こまって隙間が増える。だから朝イチのエンジンが完全に冷たい状態で暖気すると多少漏れていたのだろうと。とりあえず増し締めしてもらい、この程度の減りなら東京まで帰るくらいなら問題ないだろうとの見立て!よかった、ほっとした! 昨日の朝に初めて症状を確認して、その前は一切気づいてないけど、ちょうど2日とも野村のキャンプ場でかなり寒い状態の時に起きてることを考えると、とても納得のいく説明だと伝えたら、野村にキャンプ場?どこ??となり。一軒は普通のキャンプ場だけど、昨夜泊まったとこは説明したらお父さん達からしても「何だそれ面白いww」ってなった。ですよね!四国やべえなって思いましたもん! お父さんは都会はルールだらけで堅苦しくて住めないという。私は頭が良くないから、普段生活するにはある程度ルールで決められていた方が楽なのです。でも、たまにそれでは限界が来るから、こうやって年に2回くらい、自由でサバイバルな数日間を過ごしにきてます! あと!こうやって私の経験してきた旅が次に出会った人との会話のネタになるのすげえ好き。地元に根ざした人と、一過性の私だけどそこそこディープに現地満喫してますよ!みたいに会話に飛び込めるのが嬉しい。 お父さんとケンドーコバヤシ似の息子さんの2人でやってるショップで、お父さんがまー話好きで! ひたすら四国に住むこと、政治のことなんかをご高説賜った! あとは高知のキャンプ場へ…と思ったけど、15時過ぎに着いてしまうので、もう少し足を伸ばして牧野植物園へ。去年も行こうとして時間なくて行けなかったんだ。 15時半くらいに着いて、まだ1時間半くらいあるわーと思ったけど、園内広くて見どころ多くて全然時間足りなかった! 明日に回せば良かった〜。またちゃんとゆっくり来よう! ショップに多肉植物(特にアストロフィツム)売ってるの見て、そういえば私の大切なカメと金魚とベランダの植物と多肉植物たちは元気にしてるのかなと久しぶりに家に思いを馳せた。多肉はまあいいけど、ベランダの植物が水切れ起こしていそうで怖い…。 後は種崎千松キャンプ場へ。ここは広大な公園が無料キャンプ場となってる場所。無料だし予約不要で綺麗なので結構利用する。難点は街中でうるさい、人気すぎてファミキャンが多い、買い出しや温泉が遠いというとこ。 テント張ったら温泉へ。ぽかぽか温泉。ここ、800円もするだけあっていろんな種類のお風呂があるから、ジェット水流のバスで足をマッサージし、交代浴して出てきた! で、近くのスーパーで買い出し。 1軒目はお刺身もお惣菜も売り切れだったから、もう一軒見に行って、そこで買う。昨日が豪勢だったので、今日は控えめ。 帰ってきてのんびり晩酌。すげえ南国キャンプだー!って思ってたけど、朝晩は普通に冷える…。 あと街近くて人も多いせいか治安悪…。すぐそこの道を暴走族が騒音たてて走り回るし、22時半とか24時で花火やるバカがおる。トイレはもう全部紙がない…。昨日と正反対キャンプ。  ブログランキング参加中〜

  18. 4日間の今年のゴールデンウィークは、3泊4日の家族旅行でフルに遊び倒してきました。『手帳と共に嵐の中へ。』連休2日前に急遽泊まりがけの旅行が決まり、嵐のように始まったわが家のゴールデンウィーク。1泊2日の日程だけは決まったものの、いつどこへ行くかまでは連休前夜の時…ameblo.jp嵐のような4日間の相棒として、初めて旅行に連れて行ったトラベラーズノート湯道。あちこち傷だらけで、長年連れ添った相棒のような風格に。あえてチャームをしない、このシンプルで無骨な感じがお気に入りです。さて。旅程らしい旅程のないわが家らしい家族旅行でしたが、自分のお買い物もしっかり楽しんできました旅行中に立ち寄った本屋さんで噂のTOKYO EDITIONを発見! ※撮影許可いただきました🙆‍♀️本体とステッカーはありませんでしたが、ブラスペンシルやリフィルは在庫がたっぷりありました。別の場所に陳列されていたTOKYO EDITIONの無地ノートリフィルも買おうか悩んで、ハガキのリフィルを購入してきました。…無地リフィルも買っておけば良かったかなそしてラス1だったブラスチャームも購入。こちらは娘用として購入したのですが、おそらくすぐに飽きて存在を忘れてくれると思うのでどのトラベラーズノートにつけようかイメージを膨らませています。←あちこち遊び歩いた家族旅行で、TOKYO EDITIONを見つけたときが一番心が踊った瞬間でした。笑ゴールデンウィーク前に購入したものがあれこれあるのですがなにせ無計画に突然決まった旅行ゆえ準備に追われて開封できておりませんで…落ち着きましたら改めてご紹介させてくださいね〜噂のTOKYO EDITION、皆さん購入されましたか?トラベラーズノート レギュラーサイズ 限定 TOKYO 黒 15351006Amazon(アマゾン)トラベラーズノート リフィル レギュラーサイズ 限定 TOKYO ポストカード 14480006Amazon(アマゾン)トラベラーズノート ブラスチャーム 限定 TOKYO 62339006Amazon(アマゾン)トラベラーズノート リフィル レギュラーサイズ 限定 TOKYO 無罫 14479006Amazon(アマゾン)トラベラーズノート ステッカーセット 限定 TOKYO 84807006Amazon(アマゾン)コンプリートセットをお探しの方はこちらからどうぞ〜⬇︎数量限定!コンプリートセット【送料無料! 追跡メール便】デザインフィル / トラベラーズ『TRAVELER’S notebook TOKYO EDITION 限定セット』(トラベラーズノート 黒、リフィル無罫、リフィル ポストカード、ブラスチャーム、ステッカーセット、ブラスペンシル)楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}数量限定!5ピースセット【送料無料! 追跡メール便】デザインフィル / トラベラーズ『TRAVELER’S notebook TOKYO EDITION 限定セット』(トラベラーズノート 黒、リフィル無罫、リフィル ポストカード、ブラスチャーム、ステッカーセット)楽天市場${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}※在庫切れの場合がございます。ご了承ください

  19. 東京在住30代、金融業界のゆるキャリOLです。ファッションとスイーツと旅行と投資が好き、ブログはマイペースにゆるく書いています。♥詳しい自己紹介はこちら→→→🎀♥♥ブランドショッピングまとめ→→→👜💍♥ヴァレクストラ🐯のイジィデ風バッグ✨✨『【Valextra】イジィデ風の激安バッグ見つけた!』東京在住30代、金融業界のゆるキャリOLです。ファッションとスイーツと旅行と投資が好き、ブログはマイペースにゆるく書いています。♥詳しい自己紹介はこちら→→→…ameblo.jpDELVAUXのブリヨンそっくりバッグ💛『本革でめちゃくちゃ高見えのバッグ!!』東京在住30代、金融業界のゆるキャリOLです。ファッションとスイーツと旅行と投資が好き、ブログはマイペースにゆるく書いています。♥詳しい自己紹介はこちら→→→…ameblo.jpヴァンクリのペルレとタサキに間違われるリング💍『VCAペルレとTASAKIのバランスに間違われた♡』東京在住30代、金融業界のゆるキャリOLです。ファッションとスイーツと旅行と投資が好き、ブログはマイペースにゆるく書いています。♥詳しい自己紹介はこちら→→→…ameblo.jpポメラートのヌードリングを買う前に見て『【大人気】ポメラートのリング買う前に見て♡』東京在住30代、金融業界のゆるキャリOLです。ファッションとスイーツと旅行と投資が好き、ブログはマイペースにゆるく書いています。♥詳しい自己紹介はこちら→→→…ameblo.jpロジェヴィヴィエ風ビジュースニーカー👟✨『【本音レビュー】ロジェヴィヴィエ風の大人気のあのスニーカー買ってみた♡』東京在住30代、金融業界のゆるキャリOLです。♡自己紹介はこちら→🎀♡大人気のヴァンクリ風🍀✨ティファニー風💍🎁ヴァレクストラ🐯、デルヴォー🇧🇪、エルメス風🍊…ameblo.jpご訪問ありがとうございます💕みなさん、GWいかがお過ごしでしょうか私は渋谷やお台場、豊洲など近場でお休みを満喫しています♥️さて本題!!先日ふらっと寄った渋谷スクランブルスクエアのアンテプリマにて、、、出会ってしまったのですよずーっと欲しかったあの子に🧡🧡🧡その日は即決できなかったのですが、お電話で取り置きをお願いして428(しぶや)の日、つまり4/28に購入してきましたーーな、ん、と!!!しぶやの日クーポンで1,000円OFF、さらにスクランブルスクエアアプリ会計で10%ポイント還元、さらにアンテプリマのポイントが10%貯まるとあって、、めちゃくちゃお得に買えてしまったーなんたる幸運✨️✨️そして待てない私、むしろこの日はお泊まりで大きめロンシャンバッグのみ持っていた私、なんなら買うことは決めていたからそのまま使ってしまおうとすら考えていたので、、そのままカフェ休憩ついでに開封&初おろし🧡購入品はこちら👇🏻💛👇🏻💛👇🏻✨️ペルラグリッター✨️✨️シルバーゴールド✨️完売続きのペルラグリッター、欲しいなと思っていたけれど何色がいいかなぁと決めかねていて、渋谷スクランブルスクエアのアンテプリマへ見に行ってみたらシルバーカーキと黒が展示されていたんですね。【ANTEPRIMA公式】 アンテプリマ ワイヤーバッグ ペルラ グリッター スクエア エナメルブラック PB24SAT0GD ミニバッグ バッグ 結婚式 パーティー レディース ななめ掛け 2WAY ブランド ギフト プレゼント楽天市場57,200円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}【ANTEPRIMA公式】 アンテプリマ ワイヤーバッグ ペルラ グリッター スクエア カーキシルバー PB24SAT0GD ミニバッグ バッグ 普段使い レディース ななめ掛け 2WAY ブランド ギフト プレゼント楽天市場57,200円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}シルバーカーキも大人っぽくステキでしたがせっかくの初アンテプリマなんだから私はもっとキラキラがいい!と思ってシルバーゴールドとシルバーで悩んでいると伝えたら裏からシルバーゴールドの在庫とシルバーは在庫なしでしたが、見本のシルバーのペルラグリッターを出して比較させてくれたんです✨️✨️もちろんシルバーも可愛かったのですがシルバーゴールドならジュエリーの地金を選ばないのとシルバーゴールドが華やかでいいかもと感じたのでこちらにペルラグリッターは内側に裏地があり中身が透けないのと、バッグが伸びたり変形しにくいのも購入の決め手でした✨️あともちろんこのパールやビジューの圧倒的キラキラと可愛さよーーー💕🥺なぜかこの日、道行く人にめちゃくちゃバッグ見られたスタバで休憩してる時なんてガン見された後にアンテプリマのECサイト見始めてた人もいましたよ(席近くてスマホチラ見えしてしまった)雨の日、暑くて汗が気になる日、革のバッグを持ちたくない日、シンプル服でバッグをポイントにしたい日、めちゃくちゃ使えると思いますただ、、、1点誤算アンテプリマのポイントは渋谷スクランブルスクエアと二子玉でしか使えないらしいんです。。つまりワイヤーバッグ専門店舗のみ利用可でキャンバストートなどのアンテプリマミストでは使用不可とのことでした💦これ👇🏻買おうとしてたのにな。。。【ANTEPRIMA公式】 アンテプリマ ミスト ロゴ*T ブルー MB22FR4081 トートバッグ バッグ ランチ トート サブバッグ レディース ブランド ギフト プレゼント楽天市場7,480円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}まぁ、そんな上手い話はないのね。。。ただ、スクランブルスクエアのポイントもアンテプリマで使うなら合計で約1万円分になるので、うまく使う方法考えたいと思いますもはやこのシルバー買うかな?笑結婚式 バッグ 小さめ【ANTEPRIMA公式】 アンテプリマ ワイヤーバッグ スタンダード ミニアトゥーラ シルバー PB21F12045ミニバッグ バッグ レディース 普段使い 旅行 パーティーバッグ マイクロバッグ ブランド ギフト プレゼント楽天市場36,300円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}なぜなら、アンテプリマのバッグインバッグなるものを見つけてしまったから!!!笑アンテプリマ【 ANTEPRIMA専用 バッグインバッグ】ミニアトゥ-ラ防水 バッグインバッグ バックインバック インバッグインナーバッグ ワイヤーバッグ ワイヤーバック スタンダード スクエア シルバーゴールド ギフト おしゃれ 軽量 整理整頓 プレセント楽天市場4,980円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}もしくはこれかなぁ👇🏻結構長時間だと肩痛いので。【ANTEPRIMA公式】 アンテプリマ ワイヤーバッグ トラコッラ ブラック PA24STA380 ストラップ 普段使い レディース ブランド ギフト プレゼント楽天市場17,600円${EVENT_LABEL_01_TEXT}アンテプリマのワイヤーバッグの購入予定ある方はGWの渋谷スクランブルスクエアお得です✨️ペルラグリッターはカラーによっては在庫無いようなのでご注意くださいね⚠️本日もお読みいただき、ありがとうございました💛​♥️楽天ROOM♥️にオススメまとめています。

  20. どうも〜ご訪問ありがとうございます♡ハイトーン突き抜けOL会社員のオオクボアミです自己紹介はこちら↓ー社畜から突き抜けOLになるまでー日々のチャレンジや気づきをシェア✨Instagramは随時更新中💖GW最終日ーー🥺!!!昨日は友人と会うために渋谷に繰り出しましたがやっぱり人が多かったーーー!!!私は普段ワンオペなのでカピ夫が休みになるGWは1人時間チャンス到来✨✨笑今日はマルっとほぼ1日1人で遊んでまーす😆❣️このお店もかなり混んでたけど写真撮るタイミングでたまたま後ろのお客さんがいなくなったにょ😆笑お金は稼ぎ方より使い方が難しいとずっと前から聞き続けてたけどようやっとようやっとそうなんだろうなって体感できてきた…!!(フツーは稼ぐ方が難しいって思うよね?!?)お金をどういう風に使うか?で浪費にも投資にもなる。私の身近な幸せなお金持ちはメンターの青木香緒里さんなんだけど数年、間近でみさせてもらってお金の使い所が「豊かだな〜」と思うことがたくさんあった。例えば、、、スイートルームに講座生を招待してくれたりリッツカールトン日光の宿泊をプレゼントしてくれたり、香緒里さんが初対面の私の会社の後輩ちゃんたちにさらっとご馳走してくれたりホテルの朝食をプレゼントしてくれたり。。こういうお金の使い方、何が違うか分かりますか??・・・・・それは自分以外の人が同時に幸せになっている!というところ。豊か…豊かや〜〜🥹✨✨✨目の前にお金があったら大抵はまず自分の欲しいモノを買いたくなると思うし私も最優先で自分の欲しいモノを買ってきた!✨もちろん、満足度は高いし私の気分も上がるからエネルギーも高くなって良いことしかないんだけど(そもそも欲しいモノを自分に与えてない人も多いからね!)最近このお金の使い方に頭打ち感を抱きまして。。。自分が欲しいモノだけを手に入れて自分だけハッピー\(^o^)/✨✨はもう満たされてるんだと思う!自分は満たされてるならば、、、次のステージのお金の使い方をしたくなりラグジュアリーマインド®︎アドバンスでこんな質問をした私。「誕生日プレゼントで夫が何か買ってくれるのですがいつもの私だったら洋服がピアスをリクエストするけど香緒里さんならどうしますか?」するとこんな返信が👇「例えば洋服だと自分1人の喜びになるよね。(着てお出かけしてその喜びを共有するのもありだけど、機会は少ないよね、多分)ってことで買ってもらったことで最大限喜べたり幸せを感じるもの、ありがとうをたくさん旦那さんにプレゼントできるようなモノを選んでみては?と降りてきた✨さて、何を選ぶかな?」このメッセージをもらい、スコーーン!!と頭が撃ち抜かれそれまで洋服しか考えてなかったけどぜんっぜん違う候補が目に入ってきた✨✨それは、、、、劇団四季♡そうだ、そうだ〜〜♡♡私、ホンモノのエンタメに触れたかったんだ〜と思い出して誕生日プレゼントとしてS席チケットを2人分🎟買ってもらいました😆もう1人は、夫の分。夫婦で行ってくることに✨夫は劇団四季が初体験!ドキドキワクワクしてて楽しみにしてた😆その日、ベビーは託児所に預けて久々の夫婦時間にもなりそうだしとにかく洋服を買ってもらう以上の満足を既に味わった♡これははじめての感覚。。こういう使い方を普段からしてたら自分も周りも幸せなんだから豊かなことが巡ってきて当たり前だよね〜って思えた💡一回の支払いで夫もハッピーだし私もハッピー♡私がハッピーってことはベビーもハッピー♡ってことで3度くらいおいしいお金の使い方をしました😆❣️自分以外の人も幸せにしちゃうお金の使い方✨✨✨ちょっと意識するだけでも色んな使い方がありそうなので豊かな一歩としてぜひやってみてください❤️ちなみに劇団四季のアラジン見に行くよ😆💖💖何かご質問やコメントあればLINEでご連絡くださいね↓\160名以上登録中✨/※登録ページへ飛ばない方は「@241ndpjg」で検索✨
